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Everything posted by Angelystor
Sad lepo razumeh tekst, koji power metal
Ja jos ne verujem da doziveh onu poslednju cetvrtinu protiv Ritasa Na +27 sam bio happy k'o mrmot u cokoladi, al' kad Kecman ubaci ono, padoh na dupe (bukvalno) i nisam znao ni gde sam ni sta sam, i samo zagrlih cimera Kakav finis, bre! Ljubim Rasica u ruke, iskupio se za sve izgubljene lopte sa starta sezone! Vranesu takodje skidam kapu, ocigledno da tekma protiv FMPa nije bila jedna lasta, usao covek u formu kanda, i to bas kad treba, bez Marica 2-3 nedelje, bice jebeno. Nadam se samo da to znaci da ce se oporaviti pre drugog kruga? Bilo bi lepo da se dobijem Olimpijakos, 2. mesto u grupi donosi beneficiju izbegavanja Sijene i Reala ili PAOa, sto nije mala stvar, no ako bude k'o prosli put sas sve izbijanjem lopte iz kosa od strane Sofoklisa, tesko cemu da se nadamo...
Niko ne prica o znacaju za zanr, koji je neosporan, vec o trenutnoj aktivnosti.
Jebote, dvogodisnja tisina na temi, sta vi slusate koj kurac? GRAND MAGUS, the three-piece Swedish heavy rock band featuring "JB" Christofferson (guitar, lead vocals), Fox Skinner (bass, backing vocals) and Sebastian "Seb" Sippola (drums), entered 301 studios outside of Stockholm in December to begin recording its fifth album, "Hammer Of The North", for a spring/early summer release via Roadrunner Records.The group says, "The big room we use for the drums have unique andfantastic acoustics; we are talking some of the most punishing naturaldrum sounds since [KISS'] 'Creatures Of The Night' or [BLACK SABBATH's] 'Mob Rules'. "It'llbe extremely exciting to present some real stuff in this world oftriggered and doctored drums and what else. We are confident that thereal deal will taste better!"
earMUSIC/Edel Records has set a March 2 European release date for "Still The Orchestra Plays: Greatest Hits Vol. 1 & 2", the official anthology from the legendary U.S. metal act SAVATAGE.The collection contains remastered classics plus three new, previouslyunreleased acoustic recordings. The limited edition of the anthologycomes with the complete "Japan Live" show from 1994, which appears here for the first time on DVD. "Still The Orchestra Plays" will be followed by the re-release of SAVATAGE's complete catalog — remastered and featuring bonus tracks as well as newly recorded audio commentary. "Still The Orchestra Plays: Greatest Hits Vol. 1 & 2" track listing: CD1: Greatest Hits Vol.1: 01. Power Of The Night 02. Hall Of The Mountain King 03. 24 Hours Ago 04. Legions 05. Gutter Ballet 06. Summers Rain 07. When The Crowds Are Gone 08. Ghost In The Ruins 09. If I Go Away 10. NYC Don't Mean Nothing 11. Edge Of Thorns 12. All That I Bleed CD2: Greatest Hits Vol.2: 01. Handful Of Rain 02. Chance 03. One Child 04. I Am 05. Anymore 06. Hourglass 07. The Wake Of Magellan 08. Morphine Child Bonus tracks (recorded by Jon Oliva in 2009): 09. Anymore (acoustic) 10. Not What You See (acoustic) 11. Out On The Streets (acoustic) DVD - "Japan Live 94": 01. Taunting Cobras 02. Edge Of Thorns 03. Chance 04. Conversation Piece 05. Nothing Going On 06. He Carves His Stone 07. Jesus Saves 08. Watching You Fall 09. Castles Burning 10. All That I Bleed 11. Stare Into The Sun 12. Damien 13. Handful Of Rain 14. Sirens 15. Gutter Ballet 16. Hall Of The Mountain King
German power metallers ANGEL DUST have been rejoined by vocalist Dirk Thurisch, who left the band in 2005. The group is currently working on material for its seventh album, "Tales From Ashes And Dust", due out later this year. ANGEL DUST 2010 is: Dirk Assmuth - Drums Bernd Aufermann - Guitar Steven Banx - Keyboards Christian Pohlmann - Bass Dirk Thurisch - Vocals Lepa vest! Now, how about a fucking album?
Posedujem gi takodjer Favourite bio i ostao "Operation Clean-Sweep" :rockdevil:
:| Sta su ti ukusi, meni te dve, uz "Dying Season" i "Silent Fucking Nothingness" nosioci albuma, sto ga cini thrash lepoticom, pravi bre opijati za thrash mase! Jedina pesma na albumu koja mi se ich ne dojmi je "A Hero's Welcome", zbog nje bih dao albumu 9.5 rec'mo, but apart from that... awesome. Nije sto sad citiram lemija, al' kome je npr. novi Slayer bolji od ovoga, ne znam koj' moj' slusa thrash uopste...ili neka se samo zadrzi na Slayeru.
Meni pesma prava tuga. 'Ajde sto ce da bude na eurosongu, nego sto ce biti i na narednom albumu :/ Ocekujem nesto gore od kolossusa...
Cekamo da se neko sa koncerta loguje na yumetal I guess... Inace ona gore lista sto je Woislaw okacio je opaka, LEGIONS!!!
Yup, pogubih se jadan... Moze jedan minus slobodno za glupost.
Ovo tako dobro zvuci. Ne bese dobrog technical thrasha, ili ne mogu da se setim, jos od Paradoxovog "Electrified". Vredelo cekanja. Silent fucking nothingness
Mislio sam da ce taj negde malo bolje da zavrsi...
Na Gardijane, kako to? Ne znam, mene album bas fail, par dobrih trenutaka... blah. Cekam Martina nesto novo da uradi.
erman metallers STORMWARRIOR have issued the following update: "Over the last weeks we have received a lot of questions about the final release date of the long-awaited live DVD package 'If It's Not In Your Bloode - You Will Never Understand'. "Due to the fact that STORMWARRIOR has parted company with the Dockyard 1 label, and since Dockyard 1was also designated to handle the promotional work for the live DVDpackage, we had to get to terms with a further delay of the release. "We hope that you will understand that we were unable to update you on this, before we had the full overview of the situation. "The DVD release will now be handled by Remedy Recordsin its entirety, as a one-off collaboration. We have not been given afinal date yet, but the release of the package that we are all eagerlywaiting for will definitely happen in the beginning of 2010. "Atthe present, we are very excited about working on new material for thenext studio album. We are aiming for a spring/early summer 2010 releaseof the follow-up to 'Heading Northe'. Furthermore, we are looking at possible STORMWARRIOR festival appearances and suitable tours for the New Year, so rest assured: We will see you guys out on the road in 2010." "If It's Not In Your Bloode... You Will Never Understande! Live At W:O:A 2007" track listing: 01. And The Northewinde Bloweth 02. Signe Of The Warlorde 03. Heavy Metal Fire 04. Heading Northe 05. Odinn's Warriors 06. Thunderer 07. Iron Prayers 08. Ride The Sky ++ 09. Murderer ++ 10. Phantoms Of Death ++ 11. Victim Of Fate ++ 12. Judas ++ 13. Heavy Metal (Is The Law) ++ 14. I Want Out ++ Bonus section: * "Impressions From The First 10 Years" * "Iron Prayers" promo clip * "Heading Northe" promo clip ++ featuring Kai Hansen (GAMMA RAY, ex-HELLOWEEN)
Bese zbilja fenomenalno sinoc Vredelo i cekanje i prezivljavanje predgrupe i sve... ovo mi do sada mozda i najbolji Pero 'cert do sada, zvuk podobar, atmosfera na nivou, setlista dobro "uoblicena", i onaj kombo na kraju fes legao :] Nova pesma mi je podobra, jedino bih zamerku uperio na refren koji je lecka repetitivan i kap'ram da bi mi dosadio vec na 2-3 slusanja, sa jos neka dva stiha bio bas bolji ;]
E pa da dodam i ja mojih 50 para, gledao sam da odslusam sto je vise moguce ovogodisnjih ostvarenja, pa onda da se bacam na kreaciju top listi... al' mogao sam ovo i da odradim i pre 3 meseca kako se ispostavilo Anyhow, za mene vrh tri albuma koja su (meni) obelezila ovu godinu i slusajuci mjetal u njoj: 1. Mastodon - Crack The Skye 2. Candlemass - Death Magic Doom 3. The Lord Weird Slough Feg - Ape Uprising To je taj holy trinity, jos samo treci mi ostao da pribavim na originalu. Dakle, to su top savrsenstva. Blizu njih, dakle malo manje odlicni, sledeci (sad bez ikakvog redosleda): 4. The Devin Townsend Band - Ki 5. Kreator - Hordes Of Chaos 6. Steel Panther - Feel The Steel 7. Porcupine Tree - The Incident 8. Necrophobic - Death To All 9. Hypocrisy - A Taste Of Extreme Divinity 10. Secrets Of The Moon - Privilegium 11. Grave Digger - Ballads Of A Hangman 12. Nile - Those Whom The Gods Detest Vredni pomena albumi: 13. Stratovarius - Polaris 14. Megadeth - Endgame 15. Mustasch - Mustasch 16. Immortal - All Shall Fall 17. Brainstorm - Memorial Roots 18. Paradise Lost - Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us 19. God Dethroned - Passiondale 20. Drudkh - Microcosmos Dakle, top 20. (Potencijalni dobitnici ulaznica: Cobalt i Baroness, ali nesam gi jos dovoljno slusao :] ali svidza mi se) Live album godine, bez premca: Dark Tranquillity - Where Death Is Most Alive Najveca razocarenja, uzasni, nyahovi za mene: Gorgoroth, 1349, Behemoth, Belphegor,Paradox,Pestilence,Skyclad... Neki od ovih i nisu losi, samo sam ja hteo/ocekivao vise
Nemam si to, no potrazice se.
Svirka sas jos Holy Moses i Fatal Embrace (valjda), pity I wasn't there... Al' zato ne propustah naredne dolaske bendova
Nemam nijedan Sabbat tribute, a ova obrada je sa nekog Tyrants/Souls Of Infernity sessiona, Gezol&Okkulto vokalni duel. A kuj to Watain obradio od Sabbata? o_0 edit... A evo izdanja gde ce ovo sto ja pominjah biti izbaceno: http://www.metal-archives.com/release.php?id=250554 al' nadam se da nije ponovo snimljeno sa Sataniacom
Verovatno je vec spominjan na ovoj temi (barem se nadam da jeste), al' rekao malo da dignem awareness o istom. Easily jedan od najboljih ratnih filmova koje sam ikada gledao. Masterpiece.
Kakvi su bre ovo bendovi? Gde je Desaster sa svojom odlicnom obradom? ccc...