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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. Od reci do reci, potpisujem. Kao i za Kecmana, kak' je bio lep onaj ulaz u prvom poluvremenu, ju... Isto iz prvog dela Sinovec i Strale su imali sasvim lepe uloge, steta sto Strale posle nije vise igrao u drugom. Ne mog' da ne primetim da Vesely opet pravi faulove ki lud, ne znam sta mu je ove sezone :| Gledao neko Real-PAO? PS. Sad vidim rezultate...Unikaha 'ladno kod nas ima 3-0 :/ Pa ko bre da ispadne ovde pored Orleana? Efes?
  2. Ne igra Bozic? Pa za sta i to sad? A u majcinu... 'Ae barem jedna crno-bela pobeda da bude veceras.
  3. Mene prejebao oba :] Dobro, "Deda Pras" je super, al' mene ta Predskazanja bese razocarala...
  4. Swedish hard rockers MUSTASCH have inked a deal with Nuclear Blast Records.The band's self-titled album, which has already been released inScandinavia, will be made available in the rest of Europe on January 8,2010. "We are thrilled about signing with Nuclear Blast; they are indeed the right record company for MUSTASCH," the group says in a statement. "Weare one of the biggest metal bands in Sweden and now when we haveproduced the strongest record in our career, we did want to find apartner to understand its potential to launch internationally, sowithin the wide networks of the biggest independent metal label inEurope, we definately feel comfort and stability. "We are excited to the opportunity of being a part of the Nuclear Blast family. "We knew that we were producing a MUSTASCHmasterpiece when entering the studio. When we had recorded the firstfew tracks we did know that this was the strongest record we've everdone: It, of course, sounded heavy metal hard rock, but this time wewere experiencing a heavy machine we'd never experienced before. It'sthe hardest record we've done but we've never been this proud. "Ourmain plans after releasing the album successfully in the Nordiccountries is to focus on Europe in 2010, we are focusing on extensivetouring all over by February until summer to present the machine of MUSTASCH." Tek cete vi picke da cujete za ovaj bend. I'm living my dream The audinece is listening
  5. A sta je wrong sa "Watershed"om?
  6. Angelystor


    U, pa 'ladno ni ja nem' ovo, ziv bio Grobe.
  7. Najgore sto je meni ovo do sada bilo najbolje kolo, 66 poena, al' sam se maler protiv tebe pao u duelu :haha:Al' bitno da sam se porazom popeo na 4. mesto, uzas.
  8. Nadam se da ce veceras biti barem 3/4 pun Pionir, idiotski sto to i fudbal u isto vreme...
  9. Je l' zao jos nekome sto otpustimo Zarka? :/ Jeste zasrao debelo protiv Unikahe, al' nekako ipak imam vise vere u njega nego Robertsa... Ne mi jasno zasto ga oterasmo.
  10. Kol'ko mi se nije svidjao novi PES na startu, tol'ko mi je sada super, bukvalno kao na novu igricu treba da se gleda, a ne kao obican upgrade proslog (ili downgrade u nekim slucajevima). Ne znam sta Kuruz podrazumeva pod "nema driblanja", driblanje lepse nego ikad, ali da nema prolazenja KROZ igrace, nema ga. Kasper je konacno obavio svoj nedovrseni posao i otisao u raj. No, kuka mi se na golmane i na menije. Ponasanje golmana je jednostavno glupo. Neki put mu se cefne da izleti, neki put ne. Izleti na kontru, pa se predomisli i okrene LEDJA napadacu i tako se vraca na gol. Ok da treba ja da drzim trougao kada 'ocu da izleti, al' tuzno dana lopte u petercu u 50% slucajeva ne krene. I da, formacije su usrali, 'ocu moj lepi petougao nazad.
  11. Obrtao neko "Jingo"? :] Ja zavrsio jutros, fes mi je knjiga, medj' top10 Pracheta koje chitah Iritirajuce je sto prevode samo jednu knjigu godisnje, kap'ram da cu na zimu da kupim "Last continent" na engleskom, pa nek se teraju...
  12. JON OLIVA'S PAIN, the band led by SAVATAGE mastermind Jon Oliva, has set "Festival" as the title of its fourth album, due on February 19, 2010 via AFM Records.A March/April European tour will be confirmed soon, culminating withthe filming of a live DVD consisting of music from the four JON OLIVA'S PAIN CDs and a healthy dose of SAVATAGE classics. Ne ocekujem ama bas nista od albuma, samo se nadam da ce u okviru te turneje...ili da se bolje ne nadam.
  13. Ovo prvo (za sliku) obozavam Time sam u srednjoj skoli obozavao da smaram do zla boga kad mi dosadno... A ima i ono, sta je rekao Isus kada su ga prikucavali: "Majstore, kucaj jos jedan, klizim"
  14. "Majestic"u obavezno da das sansu.
  15. Long-running German power metallers HELLOWEEN have teamed up with Sony Music in co-operation with SPV Records, to release the band's upcoming albums. The group's long awaited "Unarmed - Best Of 25th Anniversary" album will be made available on the following dates: Dec. 16 – Japan, Southeast Asia (JVC/Victor) Jan. 29 - Europe (Sony/SPV) A U.S. release date has yet to be announced. The artwork, which can be viewed below, was once again created by Martin Haeusler, who had previously worked with HELLOWEEN on the "The Legacy" and the "Gambling With The Devil" releases. Tek sad vidim da u Dzapanu izlazi za mesec dana, dakle pre nove godine se uziva u ovome I da, cover mi je ruzan do bola. S obzirom da je ovo izdanje proslava 25ogodisnjice i to, ocekivao sam sve...pa malo pompeznije, najavljivanije...ako nista drugo, lepsi cover.
  16. Jos 5 prokletih dana, uFatila me euphoria samo tako. I stand at the promised land With fire in my eyes, pa przziiiiiiii
  17. AXIS@ Nije nista pobrkano, no ni ovo nije lista sa koncerta vec sa warm-up show-a, kap'ram za novinare i tak' to... Tako da mozda ovo nije konacna lista, ali ce vrlo slicna biti ovome.
  18. E Kastralise, fina ti ovaj Osanna, "MC 9" OK za soundtrack, a "Palepoli" je psihodelicniji i ludji od Syd Barrettovih kosmara, "Animale Senza Respiro" FTW. OK, now back to Van der Graaf Generator
  19. Teri Prachet - Dusmani (jebem ti prevod naslova)
  20. Trebao je da mi donese neke Skajkledove, pa nije, pa sam imao viska kinte na licu mesta, i tako..
  21. Kad i neko spomene metal i klavijature uvek se prvo setim Nocturnusa. Nikad bolje uklopljene u nikad extremnijoj varijanti.
  22. Former IRON MAIDEN/WOLFSBANE frontman Blaze Bayley has set "Promise and Terror" as the title of his new album, tentatively due on February 1, 2010. The CD will be available to pre-order from Bayley's official web site starting on December 1, with every pre-order signed by the whole band.
  24. evo malo normalnih vesti Legendary heavy metal vocalist Ronnie James Dio (HEAVEN & HELL, BLACK SABBATH, RAINBOW, DIO) has revealed to Classic Rock magazine that DIO will play a new song on the band's upcoming European tour, which kicks off next month. "It's called 'Electra', which will be released as a limited-edition single, although I'm not sure as yet just how we intend to put it out," he said. "However, it was important to me that DIO didn't just come over on the back of the old material, but that we had something fresh to offer.: The band — also featuring guitarist Doug Aldrich, bassist Rudy Sarzo, drummer Simon Wright and keyboard player Scott Warren — will perform mostly material from its own catalog this time around, with nothing at all included from Dio's time with BLACK SABBATH. "We'll probably do a coupe of things from RAINBOW, but there's no point in doing anything by SABBATH. I've been doing that with HEAVEN & HELL. There are a lot of people out there who are fans of DIO the band, rather than of me as the former singer with RAINBOW and BLACK SABBATH, and for them we'll do some material we've not done for a long time from the DIO era." Mog'o bi novi Dio album uvek, a i da ga neko dovede malo...
  25. Pored svih Cmass, Devina, Mastodona...na kraju ce mi ovo biti album godine Evo malo klipova, spot za "Fat Girl", must see: Jeste mi medj' slabijima na albumu, al'chak i nju privoleh. I malo live acoustic, "Asian Hooker" nenadjebivo zvuci
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