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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. Ama bas nista, +1 za ovu petorku.
  2. 2k, za koncert, nije nista. 5k jeste nesto.
  3. Igralo se ranije jer je Makabi na USA turneji sledece nedelje. Jedvade chekam chetvrtak
  4. Dok ga ne vidim na parketa, ne ocenjujem nista :] Al' mi je uzasno drago da se pojacasmo, i da necemo zavisiti od Rasica propalog...
  5. E ovo je poslednji film koji sam odgledao, i sta znam, nyah, nisam nesto odusevljen, od svih Gilijamovih koje gledah ovaj mi je daleko najslabiji...od price do efekata...
  6. Ich bin so fuching there
  7. Razlike su za "The Real Me", "Hellion", i "Scream" od starijih.... A prosli put je bio "Widowmaker", "Sleeping", "Hate To Love Me". Daklem, sa strane starina, definitivno prosli put bolja lista :]
  8. Angelystor


    Pa navikao sam se i ja kada sam ga cuo milion puta, stoji da me je macije krestanje u pocetku bas nerviralo. A i sad po neki put... Onaj Protectorac ga je u "Nihilistic Overture" oduvao za sve pare. I da, se slaze neko da je Nadaliac muska verzija vokala one ribe iz Mosesa? :]
  9. Angelystor


    Kazem ja da bolesno lice A da je dobar...pa, ima svoje trenutke.
  10. Imadem pitanje u vezi ovog dela kod dokumenata za izdavaje vize: "Potvrde kojima se dokumentuje cilj putovanja:" Znaci da li ja moram pod obavezno da imam kartu za koncert na koji cu ici u Hungariju ili sta?
  11. Angelystor


    ^^Haha, imam taj 'cert na VHSu Niko kao Okkulto, steta sto nije nastavio karijeru negde nakon Desastera...
  12. Izasao na pola vezbi, i juro do Pionira da odgledam najjadniji basket uzivo ever xD Au kako nam fali plej, sunce ti jebem... Razumem da su Sinovec & Co. malo utronjaniji i zbunjeni, ali da konj Rasic onako decije prodaje lopte... Ne verujem. Otprilike su jedini "na visini" bili Vesely i Kecman, Rakocevic je imao par lepih solo poteza, ali ocigledno da ima svojih limita...od Marica sam ocekivao vise. Slab pocetak, bas.
  13. Svirali su deo pesme na reunion turneji 2003 sa Mesajom, ima je na "Doomed For Live" albumu, za ranije godine, ne znam.
  14. Angelystor


    15. Crusader 16. Power and the glory 17. Heavy metal thunder 18. Princess of the night Ovaj kombo pesama uzivo zaredom ni Cthulhu veliki ne bi izdrzao.
  15. Koje pesme su svirali?
  16. 3.17. Hours Passed in Exile (2002) (04:57) Mozda ne najbolja, ali moja omiljena DT pesma.
  17. Dosta slican proslom, a opet lecka bolji, "Walpurgis Rites" i "Crosses Made Of Bone" ubedljivo najboljshe, sa naglaskom na drugu, riffatality.
  18. Vader ce se gleda uvek Poslednji put kada sam ih gledao (Legacy) im je bila najjaca svirka od obe tri, doduse videcemo kak' ce sa novom psotavom biti... Cena karte mozda mogla biti lecka niza, no dobro...ja to malo jer me Marduk ich ne interesuje Al' cu ga ispostujem...
  19. Ja sam to uspeo da izvedem za Helloween&Gamma Ray gig, pre svega jer je bio drugi dan turneje, za sve preko toga, a dolazi bend ovde, izuzetno je tesko ne naterati se/ne chuti nekako listu ili barem iznenadjenja sta ce svirati...sta znam.... a i kod WASPa retko da ima iznenadjenja live, najvece je "Scream Until You Like It" no meni, a cenim i vecini, ce samo biti 'zanimljivo' da je cujem live, nije mi ni u top50 WASP pesama :] Inace: http://headbanger.ru/fmst/files/data/34954_preview.JPG 'ladno "Hold On..." na listi a preskocili je
  20. Krenula turneja! I evo liste od sinoc, bolje se spremite za ovo :] 1. Intro: Mephisto Waltz 2. On Your Knees 3. The Real Me (The Who cover) 4. L.O.V.E. Machine 5. Babylon's Burning 6. Wild Child 7. Arena Of Pleasure 8. Chainsaw Charlie (Murders In The New Morgue) 9. The Idol 10. The Hellion 11. I Don't Need No Doctor 12. Scream Until Your Like It 13. The Headless Children 14. Take Me Up 15. I Wanna Be Somebody Encore: 16. Heaven's Hung in Black 17. Blind In Texas Vrlo sam prijatno iznenadjen, poduza lista, neka pikanterije (Scream o_0), samo jedna sa Babylona...though neocekivano mnogo sa "Dominator"a, i to opet ove dve, da su barem promenili... No, bitno je samo da se ne skrati lista dok ne dodju kod nas, i da se zadrzi ovaj ubistveni Idol-trio iz sredine....mila majcice, Arena-Charlie-Idol. A-joj.
  21. Imam snimak 1. Intro (Doors-The End) 2. On Your Knees/Hate To Love Me 3. L.O.V.E. Machine 4. Wild Child 5. Widowmaker/Sleeping (In The Fire) 6. Arena Of Pleasure 7. The Headless Children 8. The Idol 9. I Wanna Be Somebody Bis: 10. Chainsaw Charlie (Murders In The New Morgue) 11. Blind In Texas Znam i bez gledanja koje pesme su svirane, jedino raspored ne bih ub'o... Take me down, I'm coming home
  22. Angelystor


    German metal veterans RAGE entered Twilight Hall Studios (where the band's "Unity"CD was previously tracked) in Grefrath, Germany on August 20 to beginrecording thier new album for a tentative February 2010 release via Nuclear Blast Records. Charlie Bauerfeind (HAMMERFALL, HELLOWEEN) once again produced the CD, which "contains progressive [elements] and an orchestrated song," according to a press release. Commented RAGE guitarist Victor Smolski: "After months of work in studio for the upcoming RAGE album, 'Strings To A Web',I slowly begin to enjoy our new work as finished product! It is such agreat feeling to see how few small ideas develop and become somethingreally big. "After so many albums, for me it is still somesort of miracle seeing short melodies inside my mind becoming arealistic great song. I have the feeling that we discovered againsomething new that brought a lot of fun to us in studio. "On the highway, there has never been a RAGEalbum that brought so much fun by listening — either you want to go atfull throttle or you start dreaming away. The mix of catchy riffs,sometimes down tunings on the guitars and very interesting harmonies,which connect with the voice melody to something that you immediatelywant to sing along causes that you want to listen right from thebeginning as soon as the record is finished playing. "On these14 tracks I have done the most interesting and incredible withdifferent tricks and sounds within my whole career I think and thismade me be able to express all my emotions. Thanks to the furtherdevelopment of ENGL amps, like, for example, the new Fireball model, which I used additional to my invader in studio, I tried to bring my guitar sound to another level. "'Strings To A Web'is definitely a CD, which I think, will last in my CD player for someyears longer. From bombastic orchestral parts with fat choir backingson 'Empty Hollow' to progressive parts during 'Strings To A Web' up to heavy moving riffs on 'Saviour Of The Dead', this RAGE album leaves no further requests up to the listeners! The only thing is that you have to be patient until the release in 2010. "This album is the greatest one I've ever produced!" Rage ne prestaje :] A nakon fantasticnog poslednjeg, jedva cekam da cujem sta l' su sada spremili...
  23. Veteran German metallers GRAVE DIGGER have issued the following update: "We have to make an announcement that most of you probably never expected. "A band like GRAVE DIGGERhas to develop constantly. The problem is that this is only possible ifthe musicians have the same goal and the same attitude. And they haveto feel good with what they are doing. "If you have somepermanent stress in the band, there is no more productive work possibleand in the long run the music suffers from this situation. "Unfortunately, there were so many disagreements recently building up between Manni [Schmidt, guitar] and Chris [Boltendahl, vocals] that this would affect the productivity and creativity in a bad way. Because of all this, Manni decided to leave GRAVE DIGGER. This happened by mutual consent. "We wish Manni all the best for the future and say thank you for many nice and eventful years. "But we also have some good news. There is no effect on the concerts that are already booked. "Thelast word about the replacement guitar player is not spoken yet. Wefirst want to wait for the results of the rehearsals. After this, wewill introduce you to the replacement guitarist. We already spoke to apossible candidate and we will start the rehearsals in the next days." Ovi su bese pre par meseci imali dvojicu gitarista? xD Steta, posle onako jakog albuma..
  24. Donekle je u pravu powerslave, moze i "Well" da legne, u top10 Cmass pesama meni, ali jeb'ga, imaju vrlo jak novi i vrlo jak i kultni stari materijal i treba nekako napraviti balans izmedju svega toga i sve zadovoljiti. Tako da ova lista ima (IMHO) najbolje sa EDMa i najbolje sa Nfalla(jeb'ga, draze su mi Samaricanin i Gallows, Veils za trece mesto se kolje sa Wellom)..i sa ostalih interesantan izbor :]
  25. Kol'ko meni nenormalno lega ovaj album..u top5 thrash izdanja godine bez problema. Favoriti: naslovna, Twitch Of The Thrash Nerve, Faster Than The Shark, Bedilia, Phantom Killer Attack... I ultra-mega-giga favourite: DEAD CORONER Sadistic mentor Morbid inventor The re-animator of life An artist with the knife
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