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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. Donekle je u pravu powerslave, moze i "Well" da legne, u top10 Cmass pesama meni, ali jeb'ga, imaju vrlo jak novi i vrlo jak i kultni stari materijal i treba nekako napraviti balans izmedju svega toga i sve zadovoljiti. Tako da ova lista ima (IMHO) najbolje sa EDMa i najbolje sa Nfalla(jeb'ga, draze su mi Samaricanin i Gallows, Veils za trece mesto se kolje sa Wellom)..i sa ostalih interesantan izbor :]
  2. Kol'ko meni nenormalno lega ovaj album..u top5 thrash izdanja godine bez problema. Favoriti: naslovna, Twitch Of The Thrash Nerve, Faster Than The Shark, Bedilia, Phantom Killer Attack... I ultra-mega-giga favourite: DEAD CORONER Sadistic mentor Morbid inventor The re-animator of life An artist with the knife
  3. Mogli ste neku mladju Blekijevu sliku da nadjete, tj. 'de ne izgleda kao baba sa fejsliftom. Ili barem slika benda cela...
  4. Poslednja da ima "Disposable Heroes" umesto Harvestera bila bi perfekcija.
  5. Tapkaros amater?
  6. Pre bih menjao "Man Of Shadows" sa "Embracing The Styx" :]
  7. Virginia's melodic/technical death metal band ARSIS will release its fourth studio album, "Starve For The Devil", on January 15, 2010 via Nuclear Blast Records. The CD was recorded at Planet Z Studios in Hadley, Massachusetts with producer Chris "Zeuss" Harris, who has previously worked with MUNICIPAL WASTE, AGNOSTIC FRONT and HATEBREED, among others. Artist Mark Riddick will provide his trademark meticulous and grotesque artwork for the upcoming release. "Starve For The Devil" track listing: 01. Forced to Rock 02. A March for the Sick 03. From Soulless to Shattered (Art in Dying) 04. Beyond Forlorn 05. The Ten of Swords 06. Closer to Cold 07. Sick Perfection 08. Half Past Corpse O'Clock 09. Escape Artist 10. Sable Rising Pojedini nazivi pesama su preterali kol'ko su glupi...Dobro, 8ica ...a ova prva zvuci k'o Saxonov sledeci singl :]
  8. Solidan novi album, ali malo mi razduzen...a i definitivno nije zabavano kada BAS svaka pesma na albumu ima "HM" u sebi :]
  9. Angelystor


    Nuclear Blast Records has set a January 15 release date for "Shovel Headed Tour Machine (Live At Wacken And Other Assorted Atrocities)" from San Francisco Bay Area metal veterans EXODUS. The package will contain the band's July 2008 performance at Germany's Wacken Open Airfestival, plus a documentary following the band through the last fiveyears of touring as well as bonus footage, with photo galleries and allof the group's promotional videos. The set will consist of two DVDsplus an audio CD of the Wacken performance. "Shovel Headed Tour Machine (Live At Wacken And Other Assorted Atrocities)" limited three-disc digipack: Disc 1: Concert DVD / Disc 2: Concert CD 01. Bonded By Blood 02. Iconoclasm 03. Funeral Hymn 04. A Lesson In Violence 05. Children Of A Worthless God 06. Piranha 07. Deathamphetamine 08. Blacklist 09. War Is My Shepherd 10. Strike Of The Beast 11. Shovel Headed Kill Machine Total running time: 68 minutes Disc 3: Documentary DVD Explore the history of EXODUS and get a behind the scenes look into life on the road in the documentary "Assorted Atrocities".Covering the last five years, this feature-length movie brings youcloser to the inner circle of the band. Hear stories from the road,including the craziest Paul Baloff moments. Go inside the recording process for "Shovel Headed Kill Machine". Tour the world as EXODUS lands in South America, Japan, Australia and Europe. Watch as the band supplies voices to the cartoon "Metalocalypse". Behind-the-scenes footage from the making of the "Riot Act" and "Now Thy Death Day Come"is also included, plus plenty of killer clips showing insane moments ofthe greatest fans in the world. Plus over an hour of deleted scenes,rare live performances, music videos, vintage interview from 1985,trailers and the most comprehensive photo gallery with over 350 photos. Total running time: 188 minutes Also available: * 2 DVD in amaray case (for content see Disc 1 & 3 of Ltd edition) * Limited-edition 2LP in gatefold Side A: 01. Bonded By Blood 02. Iconoclasm 03. Funeral Hymn Side B: 01. A Lesson In Violence 02. Children Of A Worthless God 03. Piranha 04. Deathamphetamine Side C: 01. Blacklist 02. War Is My Shepherd 03. Strike Of The Beast 04. Shovel Headed Kill Machine Side D:blank / with etching! OK lista, ali ovo mi se vise chini kao jos jedan nacin za odlaganje izdavanja novog materijala...blah Ruznog li kavera :]
  10. Metal Blade Recordshas set a November 9 European release date (except Germany, Austria andSwitzerland, where it will arrive three days earlier) for "Just Highs No Lows (12 Years Of Persistence)", a two-disc "best-of" collection from German melodic metallers BRAINSTORM.According to a press release, the set will contain all of the band's"memorable hits as well as rarities, covers, Japanese-edition songs andlive tracks." "Just Highs No Lows (12 Years Of Persistence)" track listing: Disc 1: "Downburst" (2008): 01. Falling Spiral Down 02. Fire Walk With Me 03. End In Sorrow 04. How Do You Feel "Liquid Monster" (2005): 05. Worlds Are Coming Through 06. All Those Words 07. Inside The Monster 08. Painside 09. Heavenly "Soul Temptation" (2003): 10. Highs Without Lows 11. The Leading 12. Doorway To Survive "Trinity of Lust" trilogy : 13. Shiva's Tears 14. Fornever 15. Soul Temptation Disc 2: "Metus Mortis" (2001): 01. Blind Suffering 02. Hollow Hideaway 03. Shadowland 04. Under Lights "Ambiguity" (2000): 05. Tear Down The Walls 06. Maharaja Palace 07. Beyond My Destiny 08. Demonsion Bonus Stuff: 09. Face Down (from "Metus" digipack) 10. Breathe ("Liquid Monster" Japanese bonus) 11. Drowning ("Downburst" Japanese bonus) 12. Crawling In Chains ("Downburst" Japanese limited edition) 13. Before The Dawn (JUDAS PRIEST cover / from "All Those Words" single) Live Stuff: From "Unholy" (1998): 14. Voices (Budapest DVD) From "Hungry" (1997): 15. Liar's Edge (Summer Breeze DVD)
  11. Pa mozda bi mogla da padne jedna brza tamo umesto "Queen Among Rats" (ta mi najslabija), ali i bez toga mene odlichan, skoro-pa-perfect, album.
  12. Swedish metallers WOLF will support W.A.S.P. in Finland at the end of this month... Uh, kad bi i WOLF navratio sa njima O_O Uzima se karta do kraja nedelje...
  13. Pa jeb'ga, meni i sam SOIS ima neke "zaboravnije" pesme, ali u okviru albuma, kada ga slusam celog, lepo mi legaju u vecinu. Isto vazi i za Powerplant..pa i sve posle njega, zaklucno sa Majestic. Daklem, jedino sa "LOTF II" imam problema sto se tice kvaliteta...
  14. Znaci nista od tog Klivsa...
  15. A Secrets Of The Moon oduvao Skandinaviju :] Tako nesto bi i meni popravilo utisak, ali ne za vise od pola ocene, opet ce to biti iste te pesme...
  16. Butcher prodavao na berzi.
  17. Duda moze i igraca sa Zelenoortskih Ostrva da dovede, ja ne bih sumnjao u njegove kvalitete. Elem, jos jedno vece bez basketa izgleda...ne verujem da chak ni na atdhe.net nema...
  18. Candlemass-Ancient Dreams (2CD Slipcase) Candlemass-Tales Of Creation (2CD Slipcase) Mastodon-Crack The Skye
  19. Cmass setlista iz Grcke od pre neki dan: 01. "Mirror Mirror" 02. "Samarithan" 03. "At The Gallow’s End" 04. "If I Ever Die" 05. "Hammer Of Doom" 06. "Dark Are The Veils Of Death" 07. "Demons Gate" 08. "Emperor Of The Void" 09. "Man Of Shadows" 10. "Bleeding Baroness" 11. "Tears" 12. "Sorcerer’s Pledge" Encore ----------- 13. Demon Of The Deep" 14. "Kill The King" Encore #2 ----------- 15. "Solitude" Lista da se useres. Bolesno.
  20. Ovaj album ima mnogo vise obrada nego sto je to gledajuci tracklist ochigledno Crazy ~ Wild Child Babylon's Burning ~ Burning Man Seas Of Fire ~ Hate To Love Me "Live2Die" i "Thunder Red" su OK, Dominator b-sides, ne znam zasto ljudi kukaju na taj album, meni je bio sasvim dobar, ali ovaj je jednostavno...neinventivan. Em isti zvuk kao prosli, em Bleki jos kenjkaviji, em slabo pamtljivo... Em mi onaj solo na "Into The Fire" neopisivo ide na k'. Ne mogu da opisem zasto, ali jednostavno mi zvuci glupo. Obrade... Ma, jednostavno ne znam koj ce k' Blekiju da sa skoro 30 godina aktivne karijere ima 2 obrade na albumu, i to ne kao bonuse, vec usred albuma (OK, jedna na kraju). WASP obrade su mi uvek bile OK, nijednu nisam nesto preterano gotivio, ukljucujuci tu i "Real Me" koju Bleki forsira, pa tako i sa ovim. Zvuci fino, nista vise. Ko 'oce dobru "Burn" obradu, neka se obrati prijatelju Jornu. I..tako ostajem sa jednom dobrom trakom albuma, "Godless Run". A opet, i ona je za WASP standrade nyah polu-balada. Though, enjoyable. Posle "Helldorado"a, najslabiji album W.A.S.P.-a.
  21. Imam samo taj i "Milano Calibro 9", baci mi linke za ostale ovde ili na PM ako imas. Hvala za preporuke, skinuce se, pa kad-tad preslusati Moje cizmaste preporuke: Biglietto per l'Inferno i Il Balletto di Bronzo.
  22. Pa nisu ni Anesthesia ni Metal Militia, chini mi se, no rekoh MALTENE sve
  23. Pa ceka se neki "Death Magnetic In The East", jasta :]
  24. Osanna kazes? Imam od nji' neka dva albuma iz '70tih (when else?), overit' ce se...
  25. Loading dictionary.... Word Not Found Loading Wikipedia... WORD FOUND! Engage in conversation with "AstralliS"... Ma veliki, nego da nemas ti bolje uho mozda? :]
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