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Everything posted by Angelystor
Batalio sta sam vec slusao, i pustio "Merciful Angel"...prokleti nek' je onaj intro, najezio me je jos gore... R.I.P. Bosko.
Javljeno mi pre nekih 20ak minuta i jos se tresem i ne mogu da verujem... Jedan od ljudi za koje mogu reci da mi je cast sto sam poznavao, i da mi je jedino zao sto nisam upoznao bolje. Moje najdublje saucesce porodici, najblizima, drugarima iz benda... Pocivajte u miru.
Toplo preporucujem za gledanj "Tobsucht" Tj. ja odgledah svirke sa Wackena i Party San-a, i bend je takva prokleta azdaha uzivo! Fuchs je jedan od najboljih frontmena trenutno u metalu. Kakva energija...ma ceo bend je onako, ziv, jednostavno ZIV. "Bands to see before I die" lista je na vrhu pretrpela nove promene :] Pravi slag ovde je u stvari svirka sa PSa, posto su svirali samo stare pesme, prva tri albuma, a snimano je 2007e, dakle zanimljiva und pametna odluka, a odradili su ga sveCki Inace, imate linkove na prvoj strani
Europe Tour 2009 Re-Cap :]
Prvi novembar, e to je vec malo poznije nego sto sam ocekivao, though jeste nedelja. Ostajem na "vrlo zainteresovan" svakako :]
Former IRON MAIDEN singer Paul Di'Anno took part in a press conference last month during his solo tour of Argentina. When asked about the rumors that his drug use had something to do with his split with IRON MAIDEN, Di'Anno responded, "Where the fuck do you people get this from? I left IRON MAIDEN because they were going too heavy metal, and IRON MAIDEN is a money-making machine, and I don't give a fuck about it. It was not about drugs; it was nothing like that. Me and Steve [Harris]... I [wrote] the song 'Killers', Steve had [what he thought] were better songs. I thought his songs were shit. Nothing to do with drugs; nothing whatsoever. Check your facts or otherwise this interview is over... I hate that! I fucking hate that! Because people... You say something but you don't know. Well, I'm telling you. IRON MAIDEN is Steve Harris' band. It doesn't matter about anybody else — whether it's Dave Murray, Clive [burr], me... it's Steve Harris' band and all it is is money, money, money, money — nobody else counts. And I wrote fuckin' 20-times better songs than his, but I only got one song on the 'Killers' album because it's Steve's — he must have this. Fuckin' Adolf Hitler. I'm not interested. So there you go. But you need to take drugs when you're with IRON MAIDEN because they're so fucking boring. And the only drugs were aspirin, because Steve [making hand gesture as if someone is speaking into his ear]... Fuckin' headache." Zanimljiv lik. Pljuje Harisa, ali nije mu problem da svira njegove pesme uzivo. E sta ti je muzika.
Evo ja sam vrlo zainteresovan A s obzirom da je to na jesen ako se ne varam, onda su sanse da idem duplo vece.
Jak konkurent za najgori album godine.
Dobar album, povratak posle uzasa zvannog "Draculea", Gonela se bas razmahao odlicnih momenata ima album, "Propitiation Of The Gods" mi se onako bas izdvojila, no da naglasim da je ovaj lik koji je ripovao album koristio verovatno najgluplji program za ripovanje, s obzirom da svaka pesma koja je duza od 5 minuta na disku, ovde je skracena na okruglo 5:00 Dakle ceka se neka normalna verzija...
Onda i ja dolazim na koncert
Znam za linka, ali u Krusevcu sam, ovde mi bangavi i net i komp, mislio sam da gledam na TVu k'o covek. No probah sad jedan lik, shljaka, jej. Real ga ispusi :]
Poznati moguci rivali Partizana u Ligi Sampiona
Kewl, taman cu da se jedno vece odmorim uz basket posle vikendshkih pijanki Inace, izgleda da ce Rol Marsal da se vrne u Hemofarm. Jos Bojana Bakica da vrate, pola lige ima da bude povredjeno. edit: Kurac cu da gledam kada izgleda niko ne prenosi...
Ne znam da l' ste gledali 4 tekmu Olymp-Pao, dobio Olymp., ali sunce ti kakvu je trojku zuznuo Jasikevicius na nekih 12 sekundi pre kraja Gubi PAO sa 5, imaju loptu sa strane, posle tajm-auta, lopta ovom, par koraka napred i sa nekih 8.5-9m, odma' - fljjuuuus. Svaka mu se dala. Veceras 5a Nego, videh i Novica ce izgleda u PAO? o_0 Pa najbolje da okupe celu prvu petorku Partizana iz prosle sezone.
Ali kako je prejak prelaz u toj pesmi Juce bas obrnuh Idola, sas sve bonus cd-om, perfektan album.
Evo za sve Arakain manijake na forumu novog albuma http://rapidshare.com/files/213028417/A-R0....part1.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/213030829/A-R0....part2.rar.html Though ima ga vec mesec-dva-tri... Vrlo fin album, produkcija dalek' bolja nego na prosla dva, melodicniji thrash/heavy, dve bas dobre pesme "Paganini" i "Skryta Kamera", i puno solidnih, no ipak, sve je ovo blaga senka pravog rifftasticnog Arakaina koji je mene privukao :] Plus sto nema potrebe da album ovoliko traje...
A "The Devil's Hall Of Fame"? :]
Fin je ovo live, nista preterano, a definitivno mi se ne isplati da idem na Exit zbog jednog albuma :] Jebe mi se i za "Frolic" i za "Act III".
http://rapidshare.com/files/237731697/Necr...kHaem_.rar.html Novi album, okacih prvi link na koji sam naisao, 60 MB, ako nadjem bolji bachim gi ovde. Nalozi me onaj lik na arhivama sto ga recenzira, opasuljili su se nakon proslog uzasa.
Ozzy Osbourne has filed a lawsuit against his BLACK SABBATH bandmate Tony Iommi, claiming that Iommi illegally took sole ownership of the band's name in a filing with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Osbourne is suing Iommi for a 50 percent interest in the "Black Sabbath" trademark, along with a portion of Iommi's profits from use of the name. The Manhattan federal court suit also charges that Osbourne's "signature lead vocals" are largely responsible for the band's "extraordinary success," noting that its popularity plummeted during his absence from 1980 through 1996. In a statement released this afternoon (Friday, May 29), Ozzy says about his decision to sue Iommi, "It is with great regret that I had to resort to legal action against my long-term partner Tony Iommi, but after three years of trying to resolve this issue amicably, I feel I have no other recourse. "As of the mid-1990s, after constant and numerous changes in band members, the brand of 'BLACK SABBATH' was literally in the toilet and Tony Iommi (touring under the name BLACK SABBATH) was reduced to performing in clubs. Since 1997, when Geezer [butler, bass], Bill [Ward, drums] and myself rejoined the band, BLACK SABBATH has returned to its former glory as we headlined sold-out arenas and amphitheatres playing to upwards of 50,000 people at each show around the world. We worked collectively to restore credibility and bring dignity back to the name 'BLACK SABBATH,' which led to the band being inducted into the U.K. and U.S. Rock And Roll Hall of Fames in 2005 and 2006, respectively. "Throughout the last 12 years, it was my management representatives who oversaw the marketing and quality control of the 'BLACK SABBATH' brand through Ozzfest, touring, merchandising and album reissues. The name 'BLACK SABBATH' now has a worldwide prestige and merchandising value that it would not have had by continuing on the road it was on prior to the 1997 reunion tour. "Tony, I am so sorry it's had to get to this point by me having to take this action against you. I don't have the right to speak for Geezer and Bill, but I feel that morally and ethically the trademark should be owned by the four of us equally. I hope that by me taking this first step that it will ultimately end up that way. We've all worked too hard and long in our careers to allow you to sell merchandise that features all our faces, old BLACK SABBATH album covers and band logos, and then you tell us that you own the copyright. "We're all in our 60s now. The BLACK SABBATH legacy should live on long after we have all gone. "Please do the right thing." Sada ja ne razumem, trenutno je 50% Ajomi - %50 ostali ili sta? U svakom slucaju, Ajomi je tu svih 40 godina, Ozzy ni upola toliko, aktivno i da ne pricamo.
Finnish folk metal band FINNTROLL is currently working on material for the follow-up to 2007's "Ur Jordens Djup". Keyboardist Henri "Trollhorn" Sorvali states, "It seems we are going to have nine songs on the album, and it will last about 39 minutes. But notice the punctuation on the word 'seems.' Everything can change, as this is FINNTROLL we're talking about." He continues, "I personally think this will be our best album ever. Overall I can sense there's a lot 'punk' on it, lots of weirdness, a load of *riffs* instead of chord progressions, quite a bit of folkish parts and a lurking, evil atmosphere. In the terms of 'heaviness,' it's propably the heaviest album we've done, at least judging from the song material. "I could pretty much safely say this sounds like a meaner and more wicked version of 'Ur Jordens Djup' with an occasional hint of the first album. For the dissappoitment for those who were waiting for songs sounding like 'Trollhammaren' or 'Jaktens Tid', I have to say that you propably should pick up the new KORPIKLAANI instead."
San Francisco Bay Area metallers DEATH ANGEL have issued the following statement: "As some of you may have already heard, DEATH ANGEL's longtime drummer and original member Andrew Galeon [pictured below] has decided that it is time for him to move on from the band. While we are sad to see him go, we wish him nothing but success. Not only has he been an integral part of DEATH ANGEL from day one, but he's also family and a friend and we will miss him. All the best to you, brother. "As for the future of DEATH ANGEL, THE SHOW GOES ON. Old friend and longtime fixture of the Bay Area metal scene, Will Carroll (SCARECROW, OLD GRANDAD, VICIOUS RUMORS, etc.), will be handling the drum duties for the upcoming local shows in June and the Summer Madness Tour in Europe with KATAKLYSM and KEEP OF KALESSIN. Will's been jamming with us for over a month now and is tearing it up! We look forward to hitting the stage with him very soon… We'll be performing songs from 'Frolic' and 'Act III' that we haven’t played live since back in the day so prepare for a dose of some serious old-school thrash! "Thank you all for your continued support over the years… See you on the road this summer!" another one bites the dust.
E odgledah konacno i ovaj film (A Bridge Too Far). Fine piece of work it is Definitivno vredelo. Kompleksna prica, dosta dobrih likova, scena za pamcenje, scena sa padobranima prva pada na pamet, ako nista drugo film ima fantasticnu glumacku postavu, mislim Entoni Hopkins, Dzin Hekman i Son Koneri na jednom mestu! Meni samom je to dovoljno plus Dzejms Kan, R. Redford, Lorens Olivije...it Maksimilijan Shnel ciju zlikovacku njusku sam zapamtim iz "Cross Of Iron", definitivno memorable lik I da, scena susreta njega i Hopkinsa mi je u stvari bila najupecatljivija. Irony, it is a bitch. Apsolutna preporuka.
Jeste, svi slusamo Black Sabbath zbog tvog glasa. Narkomanska reality-show naduvena budalo.