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Last assault for victory, shattered by machine gun fire! So far, the DM release of the year.
Svaka ti je zlatna, no ne bih izbacivao "Falling..." pa Gamma Ray da mi nude Jebes mi mater, ta pesma ima najbolji prelazni riff u metalu. A ako nista drugo, najneprijatnije iznenadjenje je izostanak "SoTSC"a.
Nikome vise nije zanimljivo Ovo vec postaje tragicno. Meni je bas drago zbog Sevojna inace, igrace Evropu sledece sezone Iako je izgleda tekma sa Napretkom bila namestaljka, chuh da su penali bili ochaj.
Penal chist k'o suza, stvarno ne znam sta je degen hteo da uradi. No, kao fan Mancesta, i ja bih mu dao samo zuti Ronaldo je sinoc objasnio igrom, ali me opet njegovo ponasanje nakon datog gola, izvedenog dobrog slobodnog i sl. i dalje tera da poludim.
Pa tako je uvek bilo, i svuda :] Bolje ligasko mesto odlucuje, naravno. Nego, koji sam ja jebeni maler, od kada je pocela KSL nijednom nisam otisao, i prvi put da odlucim da izbegnem faks i da odem, i oni odigraju nikada ocajnije Neozbiljan pristup, plus Hemofarma je isao sut do jaja, k'o PAOa pre par dana, Borisov nas gazio, a Bozovic ugazio, plus Pavkovic, Macvan i Marjanovic podobro odigrali, realno ovo bese Hemofarm u punoj snazi i Partizan koji je mislio da je vec prosao dalje. Neozbiljno, bre. Prelaznu ocenu bih dao samo Veselom, mali je ginuo na parketu, a i Novica je dobro odigrao, no Macvan bese bolji. Minusi Vranesu i Rasicu. Rasic covek ne moze da se opici, iskreno se nadam da nam nece biti prvi plej i sledece sezone. Vranes, jeste on ove sezone napredovao, ali u dva meca koja gledah sa Hemofarmom, nije mogao da se sastavi (a i opici ), Bobi ga u mali dzep stavlja. 'Ajde Bobi, ali nijedan "skok duel" bre da dobije! Mnogo zbunjen... Vrhunac je bio promaseno zakucavanje u poslednjoj cetvrtini, tada sam vec bio na ivici da kukam i psujem. Kak' god, shamar otreznjenja, bolje sad nego u finalu
Swedish melodic metallers NOCTURNAL RITES have issued the following update: "Songwriting is proceeding as planned and going very well indeed. We are quite sure some of the new stuff will turn some heads. Up and down, in a good way! A quick explanation would be, a little back to the darker 'Afterlife' [2000] days mixed with some trademark NOCTURNAL RITES catchy melodies — those that can never go wrong! On the guitarist front — the search has not ended, but we have a few very interesting candidates now that sound out of this world. So just some logistics and then we'll jam and see where that leads us. We'll let you all know once WE know." Haha, 'ajde i to da vidimo...
Krenuse na turneji, Kolumbija: 01. E5150 02. Mob Rules 03. Children of the Sea 04. I 05. Bible Black 06. Time Machine 07. Drum Solo 08. Fear 09. Falling off the Edge of the World 10. Follow the Tears 11. Die Young 12. Heaven & Hell Encore: 13. Country Girl (not whole song) / Neon Knights + + + Dakle, bas bas kratko. I izbor sa novog albuma je mogao biti bolji. "FTT" je bas dosadna pesma. I da, "CG" u fullu bre! Svirano je tipa tridesetak sekundi procitah negdi.
Meni se bas svidja pesma. Odlican refren. Actually, bolja mi je od svih pesama sa "Chaos"-a
SETlista, je otprilike imala sledece sastojke: Bonded By Blood, Exodus, A Lesson In Violence, Strike Of The Beast, Raze, Deathamphetamine, Blacklist, I Am Abomination, .44 Magnum Opus, Shovel Headed Kill Machine, Fabulous Desaster, The Last Act, War Is My Sheppard, Scar Spangled Banner.... Valjda tako? 'Ajde ko je jos bio na 'certu neka me dopuni. Inace, meni medj' najboljim thrash koncertima na kojima sam bio, na kraju mi je Rob dao papir sa "Exodus" tekstom sa kog se ispomagao I turi mi mic u facu na "Fabulous Desaster". Sweet front row memories.
Pa kako da nema teme? Ahjaoj. U stvari, siguran sam da ju je pre bilo, ali garant nestala pri velikom chishecu, blah. Kultni australijski thrash bend, prvi je a-must-hear, drugi ima upliva deatha, pa i nesto je sporiji (ako me memorija dobro sluzi, nisam pustao odavno), ali takodjer dobro shtivo. No, prvi je ono sto pre svega treba da se nabavi, Bubonic Plague, Satan's Crusade, Jack The Ripper (Poslednju obradio M. Creation inace). Svirali su i na Wackenu chak pre par godina, tada sam se zestoko nalozio da idem u Nemacku No pusti snovi. http://rapidshare.com/files/223944069/HOBB...el_of_death.rar - Skidajte, nemo' vas sramota.
Fakjea, heljea, koncert godine u najavi!
METALLICA resumed their European tour earlier tonight (Monday, May 4) when they returned to Stockholm, Sweden to make up for the concert on March 8 which was cancelled after guitarist/vocalist James Hetfield was hospitalized with a stomach bug and dehydration (reportedly caused by eating "a bad oyster"). The Swedish fans were given a unique gift by METALLICA. Thousands of attendees (before supplies ran out) received a free, speciallly designed METALLICA t-shirt (see image below) where the band made fun of Hetfield's food poisoning. The title of the song "Seek And Destroy" was changed to "Sick And Destroy" on the t-shirt, which also featured some new lyrics: "Stockholm on our way, oysters he will pay. Dying, one thousand deaths. Stockholm, spoilt your day. Puking, he did pay! Dying, one thousand deaths. Wretching, sick and destroy." Every attendee also got a special code enabling him/her to download the gig for free from METALLICA's official download site, LiveMetallica.com. METALLICA's setlist was as follows: 01. That Was Just Your Life 02. The End Of The Line 03. For Whom The Bell Tolls 04. Holier Than Thou 05. One 06. Broken, Beat And Scarred 07. My Apocalypse 08. Sad But True 09. Welcome Home (Sanitarium) 10. The Judas Kiss 11. The Day That Never Comes 12. Master Of Puppets 13. Blackened 14. Nothing Else Matters 15. Enter Sandman - - - - - - - - 16. Am I Evil? 17. Motorbreath 18. Seek and Destroy + + + St. Anger or no St. Anger, beat this! :] Kraljevi.
Cross Of Iron je odlican film Inace, bas sam imao WTF momenat kad na startu filma videh Slavka Stimca XD Posle gledanja filma, informisah se, i ceo film je izgleda sniman u Srbiji... AB2F vec neko vreme imam, ali zbog duzine nikako da izdvojim vreme da ga odgledam...
Ako to znaci da dobijemo The Kaspareks reality show, uzivo sa Kariba, tacno cu sve RW diskove da pobacam.
2009.05.13. *Dom omladine, Beograd* Glenn Hughes
Angelystor replied to VoivodBG's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Haha, 'oce to, on je na turneji sa Over The Rainbow-om. Ti gosti su garant Najda i Gale -
"ReUnation - A Tribute To Running Wild" — the upcoming tribute to German metal legends RUNNING WILD which will contain cover versions of songs exclusively from the albums "The Rivalry" (1998), "Victory" (2000), "The Brotherhood" (2002) and "Rogues En Vogue" (2005) — will be released in fall 2009 by the Hamburg-based label Remedy Records as a limited two-CD set for the price of a normal album — an exclusive collector's item and a definite must-have for all heavy rock and metal fans. Commented Jens Pohl, RUNNING WILD's webmaster: "This album will not be just an ordinary tribute to anyone, this is going to be a farewell gift to one of the most influential bands in heavy metal, paying homage to [RUNNING WILD mainman] Rock'n'Rolf as a musician and — due to the current situation — to many of his latest songs but not solely. I am really happy, proud and grateful at the same time that this tribute album features some legends as well as some of the most promising and uprising heavy rock and metal acts you should not miss! My deepest appreciation to everyone being involved. Thanks." The complete track listing is as follows (in alphabetical order): * 5TH SONIC BRIGADE, Sweden - "Angel Of Mercy" * CHINCHILLA, Germany - "Conquistadores" * CRYSTAL VIPER, Poland - "Libertalia" * CUSTARD, Germany - "Under Jolly Roger" * DEADLOCK, Germany - "When Time Runs Out" * ESENIA, Spain - "Resurrection" * EVERTALE, Germany - "Blazon Stone" * FATE, Denmark - "Soul Vampires" * HALOR, Hungary - "Little Big Horn" * HEAVENLY, France - "Masquerade" * HELLISH WAR, Brazil - "Return Of The Gods" * JOSÉ JUAN GALLEGO, Spain - "Draw The Line" * MAGICA, Romania - "Victory" * MOTORJESUS, Germany - "The Rivalry" * ORDEN OGAN, Germany - "The Battle Of Waterloo" * OVERTURES, Italy - "Pirate Song" * POWERWOLF, Romania / Germany - "Riding The Storm" * RAVAGE, USA - "Fight The Fire Of Hate" * SATANOCHIO, Romania - "Siberian Winter" * SEVEN SEAS, Germany - "Detonator" * SKILTRON, Argentina - "Ballad Of William Kidd" * SOLEMNITY, Germany - "Dr. Horror" * SUIDAKRA, Germany - "Marooned" * THUNDERBLAST, Colombia - "Timeriders" * THUNDERSTORM feat. Preacher, Romania - "Welcome To Hell" * WARHEAD, Germany - "Faceless" * WILD KNIGHT feat. Frank Knight & Majk Moti, United Kingdom / Germany - "Tsar" * WINTERS DAWN, Greece - "Into The Fire" * WITCHTRAP, Colombia - "Victim Of States Power" * WITHERING SOUL, USA - "Firebreather" + + + Za boldove ocekujem da budu do jaja, za ostatak stvarno ne znam sta da mislim Kol'ko Rumuna jebote, je l' RNA pa sto bre vi ne uleteste sa nekim "Pile Of Skulls feat. Morgan" cover-om?