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Heh, isto. Najvise me uvek plasi ko ce za Partizan sledece sezone igrati :] Ali, najbitnije za tonite, Zeljko, Peka i Kecman na tronu Evrope! Bas mi je drago, posebno zbog Kecmana, pa i sto nije ulazio u igru. Peka bese malo nervozan u drugom poluvremenu. Sve u svemu, potpuno zasluzeno PAO osvojio.
Znam, no pri pisanju se pogubih.
Jeste da sam navijao za ovo finale i da PAO pobedi u njemu, ali stvarno nisam ocekivao nit se nadao da ce biti ovakvo gazenje :] Mesinina faca na kraju je bila priceless, pre one poslednje trojke koja je isto bila ubava.
Njukasl je zreo za ispadanje. Definitivno mi nije jasno dovodjenje Shirera na klupu u kriticnom trenutku za klub. Mislim, chovek bez ikakvog trenerskog iskustva se stavlja u premijerligaski klub da bi obezbedio opstanak. Nista protiv Shirera nemam naravno, igracina, legenda, ali bez trenerskog iskustva, ocigledno da efekat "Shirer nas trenira" nije upalio na igrace Njukasla. Jedino logicno objasnjenje je da niko drugi nije 'teo da se lati posla. Za 'Kasl mi je zao, ali ce bar Championship sledece godine biti jos zanimljiviji (sas sve Ipsvichom koji je poludeo u finisu, led by Roy Keane ), ali mi je izuzetno drago sto ce Midlzbro ispasti, godinama navijam da se to desi, non-stop su neka sredina tabele ili blizu dna, e sada su konacno dotakli dno. Manchester do kraja sezone treba da izgubi dve utakmice da bi se L'pool radovao. Ali od koga? Od Arsenalovih klinaca? Chisto sumnjam (no videcemo sad u utorak pre svega kako ce biti), i ostaje jedino Siti u gostima, a sumnjam da ce Vejn dopustiti da se gradski derbi zavrsi kako ne treba, no jes' Siti izgleda popravio formu i poslednje vreme, tj. od ispadanja iz UEFA kupa. Dakle, titula
Citam izvestaje sa tekmi i jedem astal sto nemam ovde kablovsku, retki su trenuci da mi nedostaje, ali eto Tako da, ako neko slucajno nadje neki dobar link sa stream-om finala nek gu prosledi ovdi :] Ja cu isto uraditi ako nadjem, za slucaj da ima jadnika ki ja.
Marjanovic danas odlicno otvorio utakmicu za Hemofarm, potpuno dobio pogubljenog Vranesa, no ulaskmo Lazmea konsolidavali smo se polako i 'ajde napred...meni highlight igraci Vesely, Lasme i Bozic. Pera opet polude sa trojkama, i Vojvodini i FMPu je u po 5 zabio. I vredi istaci Tripkovu "solo" deonicu u finisu, kada ih sa'rani sa 8 poena. Bez poraza, do kraja :]
Veteran San Francisco Bay Area thrashers TESTAMENT are offering fans a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to choose what songs they would like to hear during the band's upcoming North American headlining tour. The poll is being conducted on the group's official MySpace page. There are three setlists fans can vote on: * Set A: "The Legacy" full album + "Best Of" * Set B: "The New Order" full album + "Best Of" * Set C: 01. The Persecuted Won't Forget 02. Practice What You Preach 03. Into the Pit 04. Dog Faced Gods 05. Raging Waters 06. More Than Meets The Eye 07. Demonic 08. True Believer 09. The Legacy 10. Over the Wall 11. The New Order 12. Souls of Black 13. First Strike Is Deadly 14. Disciples of the Watch 15. D.N.R. 16. Three Days in Darkness 17. The Formation of Damnation Each city's setlist will be open for voting. Znam, nema ovo mnogo veze sa nama, ali zanimljivo je videti sta ce drugi da dobiju Ja bi' glasao za opciju "1" :]
Ja sam ovih dana otkrio "Carved In Stigmata Wounds", kakav album bre! Cosmogenesis, Kaosthrone Cover za novi jes' "dosadan", ali ni prosli nisu bili sjajni, tak' da ne mora da znaci nista, jedva cekam.
Inace, Lajonsi i Vojvodina igraju doigravanje za 5. mesto koje nema ama bas nikakvog smisla, s obzirom da su Lajonsi vec ui NLB Ligi. A jos crnje je sto se igra na 3 pobede.
Diovih 10 omiljenih rock/metal pesama :] AC/DC, "She's Got Balls" "I love AC/DC. That was Bon Scott, and I love Bon; I knew Bon and I'm missing him a lot. I just happen to love the title of that song." Jimi Hendrix, "Purple Haze" "One of the greatest songs ever done by one of the greatest musicians who has ever lived, who taught so many people how to play and why they should play. I just think it's a great song. 'Purple Haze' I think was the first song that I heard Jimi do -- either that or 'Hey Joe.' I just liked 'Purple Haze'; it was unusual, and he did great on it. So, that one." Soundgarden, "Spoonman" "I think Chris Cornell is such a great singer, and those guys write so well and always write well -- I mean, I love what he's done with Audioslave and the things he's done since then. I just think it's a great song and it's such an unusual song from that album. They just write so differently, yet they retain the influences from the hard-rock guys and the heavy-metal people from before." The Beatles, "A Day in the Life" "I'm gonna choose 'A Day in the Life' from my favorite band on earth, the Beatles. I think it has so much emotion inside of it. The piano note at the end that goes on for about 10 minutes is so unusual. But it just goes to places that I never thought anyone was gonna go to before. They taught us all how we can go places and be accepted. To me it's just the best song I've ever heard. I can remember driving the first time I ever heard it, and I had to pull over to the side of the road. I was just stunned; I couldn't believe it -- I couldn't drive to that song. It will always be my favorite song and they're always my favorite band. They invented great songwriting again, you know? Nobody else did that before them; they just delved inside of it, and they really knew how to write, and it was so special and so unique. I mean even though John Lennon was not the greatest singer on earth, his style was brilliant and he was so recognizable. (I happen to think Paul McCartney is one of the greatest singers on earth. That man has a voice like a chameleon' he can scream and shout and sing beautifully and write songs like 'Michelle' and 'Yesterday' and still do 'Why Don't We Do It on the Road.') I guess I'm just explaining why I love the Beatles. I love them for those reasons and for others, too." Black Sabbath, "Heaven and Hell" "I think it's a great song, I've always loved the song, and just because I had something to do with it doesn't sway me; I still think it's a great song. It was a song for its generation. There was a generation of people who remember Sabbath for the Ozzy, Tony, Bill and Geez days. Then doing this one, it captured another generation of people who had forgotten about that early Sabbath, and suddenly Black Sabbath becomes their band again. I think it was an unusual time and just a great song." Judas Priest, "Nostradamus" "I'm just so glad that they came back. They hadn't done anything in a while that really knocked my socks off, but I think that they really made a great attempt with 'Nostradamus.' It's hard to do a concept album and keep everything working. I've seen it presented live -- we did a tour with them for four weeks, so we saw it all the time -- but I saw them do it on the Jimmy Kimmel show, and the production was just wonderful. The first time I had seen it from the front and not on the stage, and I just think it really worked. They're such good friends, and I am happy for them. It's just a cool song." Deep Purple, "Smoke on the Water" "One of the greatest songs of all time. Of course, I played with Ritchie Blackmore for a long time, and all the guys in Purple have been my good friends for 35 years now. That record was produced by the bass player, Roger Glover, and the drummer, Ian Paice. Ritchie wrote a riff that we can all play -- so simple, but it is a magnificent riff. I just think it's one of the ultimate classic songs of all time, and when I hear it, I hark back to that time in my life -- it's important to me." Metallica, "Enter Sandman" "I thought [Metallica] was a great album, and I thought that song was especially great. I heard them venturing into another space when I heard that song. I was very surprised. It's just a well-played, perfect song from them at the perfect time. Everyone expected something different -- or maybe they expected something the same -- and they gave them something very, very different, so that's a great song." Steppenwolf, "Born to be Wild" "Love the song, love it more because it was the first time that the words 'heavy metal' were ever said in a song. It's just a great song; it lives up to any song you can hear today. It's loud, hard and strong. He virtually created that B3 sound, before John Lord (Deep Purple) did it, before Ken Hensley (Uriah Heep) did it. That song was just an anthem for its time, and today it stands up very well. I could have said 'Magic Carpet Ride,' but that was a little bit bouncy for me; I thought 'Born to Be Wild' was more gutsy." Black Sabbath, "War Pigs" "It was another one of those songs where you didn't expect it to go where it went. I just thought it was so well written and so well performed -- so different, so unusual. It's one of the standard-bearing songs for the band; I think it will always be remembered within the same confines as 'Paranoid,' 'Iron Man' and "War Pigs"; they just seem to go together. That was Geezer's lyrics. They stand up because that was a protest about people who were creating war, and they've never heard that before. That's a strange title, isn't it? You just put that together and it's so clever. Musically, it was just written so well. That's my 10."
Vrućina, 'ladnoća i ostale vremenske (ne)prilike
Angelystor replied to Dead Man Walking's topic in Sve & Svašta
Karagiannidis Panagiotis of Metalpaths recently conducted an interview with André Olbrich, lead guitarist of the German power metal band BLIND GUARDIAN. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below. Metalpaths: So what are your activities in this period of time, what are your latest news? Olbrich: Well, the latest news is that we started the songwriting one year ago and we have almost seven songs ready so far. We have already recorded two songs last year and now, for since like two months, we are recording four more. The drums are ready already so we started the guitar work now and I think that we will be recording the whole summer. In between, though, we are going to play in some really big festivals in Europe so we are rehearsing again, focused on some songs we didn't play so far. After the summer activities, we want to do another break for songwriting and write some more songs for the album which is planned for 2010. Metalpaths: So the new album will be out in 2010 ? Olbrich: Yes, we hope so. It will be out on the end of 2010, that's for sure. But we hope we can manage to accomplish everything in the first half of 2010. Metalpaths: What can we expect from the music? On what music paths are you going to move on this album? Olbrich: We have already released one song that is called "Sacred" for a computer game that is called "Sacred II"… Metalpaths: Yes, Hansi [Kürsch, vocals] posted a message on your website which says that the last album will be a 100% BLIND GUARDIAN release and also that "Sacred" is the new song that will be the music definition of the new album. Do you think that this song will be the highlight of the album? Olbrich: No, it's not the highlight, for sure not. It's a good song that I like very much but so far we have already three or four songs which are maybe a little bit better. All songs have their own characteristics; you can't really compare them. It's a real BLIND GUARDIAN album, we have a mixture of songs and so far right now we just finished a song which is very fast, a speed metal song from the old qualities but with new techniques. It's my favorite song. For me, it's a masterpiece so far and we have another power metal song that it's really brilliant and reminds me the style of the "Nightfall" album very much; it's a little bit different but very good as well. We also have a very nice ballad but it's not finally a real ballad; it will be hard in the end! So we have a real good mixture so far. It's working very good between Hansi and me right now because we have a new system that we can exchange our ideas every day over the Internet, we don't need to meet each other. In the last songwriting process from the "A Twist In The Myth" we met like once a week and now we can exchange our ideas, like, every day, we have a much better and faster feedback, so we can react better our ideas and I think that this makes the songs really better. Metalpaths: Have you already decided who will be the producer of the new album? Olbrich: Yes, we are the producers; we have the last word, our own, and technical-wise, our advisor is Charlie Bauerfeind again. We are really satisfied with how he is trying to bring out what we want. He is not trying to bring in his own color, he just tries to engineer our ideas and that's what we like, because we don't need to be produced in a classical way, we really know what we want. So we go this way again and if you listen to the song "Sacred" you maybe get an idea from the sound of the album, because this is the sound we are driving so far. We really like the drum sound and the guitars as well so that's basically how the new album will sound. Zmaja im jebem, bas ga odugovlace.
2009.05.13. *Dom omladine, Beograd* Glenn Hughes
Angelystor replied to VoivodBG's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Definitivno ispunjavao zelje A danas se bas nesto preispitivah i rek'o Hjuza cu da propustim, ali bemmu mater, sad mi se bas bas ide :] -
Lep sut, bas tada sam se pitao kada ce nesto korisno da uradi. Inace, jebena steta sto ne zabismo jos barem jedan, ali Almunija je obavio svoj deo posla (ili Almunja, kako ga je krstio ovaj Karik komentator). Arsenal oslabljen i stvarno maltene nista nije prikazao. Losa stvar je sto je Ferdinandu izgleda naprslo rebro (moguca dijagnoza) te mozda nece igrati do kraja sezone.
A pa ne verujem da prokleti RTS ne prenosi basket! :[ Jebem ih u selekciju. A rezultat...52:25 4. chetvrtina, prokleta sramota.
SKYCLAD, the seminal British band which is often referred to as "the originator of folk metal," has issued the following update: "Just a note to say that we are awakening from our hibernation to start doing some gigs in support of the new album, 'In The... All Together'. First up, we have a 'warm-up' gig at Langley Park, Durham on Sunday, May 2. This is a charity gig, and for those who are making the trip I said I would post the post code for the old Sat Nav (it is Front Street, Langley Park, Durham, DH7 9SG as far as I can guess). I've posted this info on the events page and hopefully we'll meet up there and share a jar and a chat for the forthcoming year." Ali info i cover za album jedva da se nadje na netu. Sramota. 1.Words Upon The Street 2.Still Small Beer 3.The Well-travelled Man 4.Black Summer Rain 5.Babakoto 6.Hit List 7.Superculture 8.Which Is Why 9.Modern Minds 10.In The… All Together
It sucks!
Pa s obzirom da su bend koji se dosta ogranicavao sa turnejama, posebno u poslednjoj dekadi, to bas i ne moze za njih da se izjavi.
Koji ste poslednji original CD nabavili?
Angelystor replied to White Man's topic in Opšta metal diskusija
Coroner - Mental Vortex Skyclad - Jonah's Ark Skyclad - The Silent Whales Of Lunar Sea W.A.S.P. - The Crimson Idol (digipack anniversary edition) Ja sam srecan. -
Ti ili ne pratis rezultate ili se bas sprdas
Everton mi je sa Kardifom bio fiks vikenda. Kad kurac! Retardirani Kardif, bori se za ulazak u Premijer ligu, a gubili 2-6 pre dva kola, pa ne mogu retardirani Charlton da pobede (koji sigurno ispada), pa ih bije Ipsvic kojima nikako bodovi ne trebaju. Da l' je namestaljka, sta je, u pm... Inace, drugar mi je izgleda samo na Ajaks pao za 40k, blah.
Ne verujem da ce finale da bude sa Zvezdom