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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. H.P. Lovecraft - The Loved Dead & Other Stories
  2. Running Wild - Branded And Exiled Brainstorm - Ambiguity Annihilator - Double Live Annihilation (Digi)
  3. Silllvaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
  4. Swedish metallers ASTRAL DOORS have issued the following update: "It's about time that we give you all a real update of what's happening in the Astral Kingdom at the moment. "We've received many mails from worried fans asking us where we are and why it's so quiet from us right now. Well, the answer is: we're working harder than ever before, but not public. "We have actually moved into the studio; writing and recording songs for the upcoming album. We have written 20 songs or something at the moment and more will come. The creativity has never been at this level before, so we will continue the work a few more months before we go to mixing. "What more to say? Well, our new management Flying Dolphin, with Mr.Chris Boltendahl [GRAVE DIGGER] in the lead, does a great job for us and we feel that the future looks very, very promising. In August we'll come up with a big surprise for you and then a new album and a great tour all across Europe." pa, bitno da su zivi :]
  5. Angelystor


    Mjuza je vrh artiljerijska, znaci riffovi su nenormalni! Pa chak ni vokali uopste nisu losi, no malo mi se ne uklapaju ovi poweraski vokali na "10,000 devils" u artiljeri fazon, nedostaju mi weird Flemingovi vokali.
  6. http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermo...wsitemID=118428 dobar intervju sa Devinom. Definitivno me je uplasio sa ovim "Addicted"om. Nickelback jebote
  7. The LWSF :] Nikad SF
  8. Angelystor


    Sledeci put bez "Wind Of Horus" ne da izlazim iz sale!
  9. Sto reche jedan na blabberu, "Why aren't these guys huge?", mislim ima milion razloga zasto nisu, ali opet, u ovako jebenoj godini sas sve Mastodonom, Devinom, H&Hellom, Cmassom..ovo mi je za sada ozbiljan predent za tron koji pripada kreatoru albuma godine...A da, i Kreatorov album :] Od laganih zvuka Slou dooma do rocky Heroja, Mike je opet uspeo da napravi jedan potpuno lud, zabavan a u isto vreme heavy i prokleto catchy album. I cini mi se da ga je dao po solazama najzesce do sada, na "Ape Outro" je pravo ludilo. On the other hand, "Ape Uprising" mi se zestoko bije za najbolju TLWSF pesmu sa "Warriors Dawn", kak'o ludilo od pesme. Ali "Never coming down from the trees, necer bending down on my knees" pevam danima, isto hajlajt pesma albuma Pa jos "Shakedown", ta sredina albuma je stvarno jebeno zlatna. I takav je otprilike album, ide od "slabije" ka jacoj pa opet jaca, pa udaracka sredina, pa opet pri kraju nesto "slabije" pesme. I da, zlatna duzina, 35-40 minuta, to su ti kiperkecovski intervali u kojima nastaju legendarni albumi. The Lord Weird Slough Feg, bre.
  10. Angelystor


    Jedva chekam! Brisem ih sa harda i iz mozga ako zajebu album, kada su vec Lyncha, genija, spomenuli, morace kako treba i da stoje iza svojih reci!
  11. My 2 cents... Turisas - Jos bolji live nego sto sam mislio, bas dobro su zvucali i frontmen imao odlican kontakt sa publikom. Jeidno mi Jarisleif zvucala slabije (nekako "izbezumljeno" na nekim delovima) nego studijski, ostale su bile iznad nivoa. I da, dodatni plus je ona slatka harmonikasica :] Mspell - Nakon sinocnog repertoara mogu samo izesti muda sebi sto ih nisam gledao kada su dolazili solo, ali jebes ga kada ih tada nisam slusao. Kao i za Turisas, bas dobar zvuk, ne odlican, ali dobar, na onim heavier pesmama su mogle gitare biti lecka jace. Inace, vrh mi je bio komentar jedne devojke iza mene nakon prve 4 pesme, tj. posle "Southern Deathstyle"a, "'Ajde bre nesto sporije" Kao i za Turisas stvarno jebena steta sto je bilo kratko. Vrh bend live. Cradle - Muzika, 'ajde, djene-djene. Ali onaj lik ima najgori vokal koji sam ikada slusao. Moj ukus, odjebite. Stvarno ne mogu da ga smislim. Video bim je takodjer gej stvar, ni na Munspelu mi se nije svideo (u tom segmentu je najbolji bio Turisas, koristeci ga maltene kao standardni backdrop), ali bre onaj betmen-varioc u pozadini je tako besmisleni i idiotski dodatak da ja nemam reci. Jos jedan minus je sramotno kratak nastup, k'o da su stvarno na festivalu svirali, a ne na solo turneji. No, fino vece, dobar koncert sve u svemu, Moonspell i Turisas objasnili
  12. Haha, a meni karta broj 002. Jeste da ima jos mesec dana do 'certa, al' bre samo dve karte za sada...
  13. 49 poena, defense to the max! Tekmu sa zvezdom nisam gledao, a ovo juce je bio u 1/2 tezak rofl od finala, posle malo neozbiljno, ali ovi em crkli od pressinga em samo "crnac" igra, te nista vise nisu ni mogli da ocekuju... Sada lagano i po domacu titulu... Veliko je pitanje sa kojom cemo mi ekipom ici tamo. Bice jebeno cudo ako nam ostanu Tepic, Velickovic i Lasme. Bilo ko od njih trojice.
  14. How could we fuckin' lose? Blah. I zar takav bio sastav da Rio i Nemanja sutali penale? Mislim, ne razumem...dobro sto nisam gledao
  15. German power metallers RUNNING WILD will play their farewell show at this year's Wacken Open Air festival, set to take place July 30 - August 1, 2009 in Wacken, Germany. The band's July 30 "best-of" performance will be filmed and recorded for an upcoming DVD and CD. Commented RUNNING WILD mainman Rolf "Rock'n'Rolf" Kasparek: "I can now look back on the last 30 years and say that I'm proud of all the achievements. At the same time, none of this would have been possible without the support of the fans. Therefore, many thanks for all the wonderful memories and all the best for the future." Dakle, this is it? Mislim...vec vidim reunion show na Wackenu 2012, ali...sta se desilo sa spremanjem novog albuma? blah...
  16. Angelystor


    Ne valja "B.A.C.K." mozda? Meni je omot do jaja, i imena pesama bas obecavaju, samo jos ovaj saban na vokalu da ga ne usere...
  17. Angelystor


    Polish death metallers VADER have set the tentative track listing for their new album, "Necropolis", tentatively due in late August via Nuclear Blast Records. The CD is being recorded at Hertz studios in Bialystok, Poland with the Wieslawski Bros.. Tue Madsen, who previously worked with such bands as MOONSPELL, CATARACT, HEAVEN SHALL BURN and many more, will mix the CD at his Antfarm Studios in Denmark. Commented guitarist/vocalist Piotr "Peter" Wiwczarek: "The next step in creating of new album is behind us... 'Necropolis' has its shape now. Today we finish recordings of main guitars and after a week break we coming back to the studio to make all leads, bass and vocal parts." "Necropolis" track listing: 01. Devilized 02. Rise Of The Undead 03. Never Say My Name 04. Dark Heart 05. Blast 06. Impure 07. We Are Horde 08. Anger 09. When The Sun Drowns In Dark 10. The Sigil 11. Dei Nostri 12. Summoning The Futura The band also recorded two cover songs during the sessions. Daklem, imena pesama mostly suck donkey balls. U stvarim tej id 9e se stvar popravlja Daklem...ove godine veliki poljski derbi, Behemoth Vs. Vader.
  18. Finnish bassist Jari Kainulainen (who is currently a member of Sweden's EVERGREY) will join Timo Tolkki (REVOLUTION RENAISANCE, STRATOVARIUS) and fellow ex-STRATOVARIUS members Tuomo Lassila (drums) and Anti Ikonen (keyboards) to record a new album, titled "Return to Dreamspace", for a fall 2009 release. This means that the project's lineup is exactly the same as the one that recorded STRATOVARIUS' "Dreamspace" LP that was released in 1994. Regarding the musical direction of the CD, Tolkki previously said, "It has been 15 years from [sTRATOVARIUS' 'Dreamspace'] album, so it will be interesting, for sure... It's not a 'remake,' but a brand new album. A closure for [what] I consider to be the end of STRATOVARIUS. It completes the cycle and returns to the beginning." Dva Strato-diska, coming up XD Samo ne znam kako ce gmaz to da izvede, ali dobro, radujem se ovome vise nego Stratokotipeltiusu i RRu (koga ne smem da pustim).
  19. Nije sto je Feg, ali stvarno je maestralan album. Doom na startu, lepo iznenadjenje, i onda klasik Feg dalje...naslovna je pravi monstrum. Mozda najbolja Feg pesma.
  20. http://www.cruzdelsurmusic.com/newsite/download.asp Novi album available for streaming :] Nisam mogao da izdrzim da cekam download link...krenuh sa slusanjem...
  21. Angelystor


    Tako ispade... Pa frontmen Shininga, koji je iz Evrope i daje intervju rumunskim novinarima, pricha takodje Chehoslovacka. Ja ne znam je l' to neka svetska zavera ili sta.
  22. Jeb'o te fejs. A ti sranje ne koriste samo Srbi, tako da... Sta da ti odgovorim, nervira me tvoje sezonsko navijanje.
  23. Odgovori ti na pitanje, ako mozes uopste.
  24. Ovaj Metallica rip-off na "Nightmare Anatomy" je kriminalan.
  25. Angelystor


    To mu dodje neki bootleg iz '88e, imam svirku iz Toronta, taj period, maltene takva lista + jos par pesama..
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