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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. Swedish death metallers VOMITORY have completed work on their seventh album, "Carnage Euphoria", for a May 11 European release via Metal Blade Records (May 8 in Germany). Commented drummer Tobias Gustafsson: "'Carnage Euphoria' was a bit harder album to record than our predecessor, but damn, it was worth it! We are ridiculously happy with how the album turned out in the end! Engineer/producer Rikard Löfgren of Leon Music Studios did once again a killer job to get what we wanted for this album, and then some. Compared to our previous albums, 'Carnage Euphoria' is a lot wider, warmer and more natural sounding-wise. But still, 'Carnage Euphoria' runs you over like a steamroller, just as expected. The true VOMITORY elements are all in there, but there are also some more mid-paced groovy stuff that adds diversity to this album like never before. Even some ore melodic hooks that won't go unnoticed. Songs like 'The Ravenous Dead' and 'Great Deceiver' add fresh slices of flesh to the VOMITORY slab, while 'Rage Of Honour' and 'Possessed' are rotting chunks of the relentless death metal VOMITORY is known for." To celebrate VOMITORY's 20th anniversary, a limited first edition of "Carnage Euphoria" will be available with a 90-minute bonus DVD. Titled "Dead & Drunk For 20 Years", the disc will contain footage spanning the band's entire career — from the very first VOMITORY show in 1990 to shows in 2008. Also featured will be one previously unreleased song, "Putrefaction", performed live in 1990, live clips from different shows during the '90s with different lineups and drunk moments on the road and in the studio. "It's all material from our own private archives, so this exclusive DVD has a certain 'Cliff 'Em All' vibe to it — for good and for bad," says Tobias. "I hope you will enjoy it. We certainly do!" "Carnage Euphoria" track listing: 01. The Carnage Rages On 02. Serpents 03. A Lesson In Virulence 04. Ripe Cadavers 05. Rage Of Honour 06. The Ravenous Dead 07. Deadlock 08. Rebirth Of The Grotesque 09. Possessed 10. Great Deceiver To se bre chekalo Cover opet blaaah, al' sta sad :]
  2. ozivljavanje... Norwegian death metal tyrants BLOOD RED THRONE have finished recording their fifth album, "Souls Of Damnation", for a June 1 release in Europe and June 30 in the U.S. via Earache Records. The limited-edition first pressing of the CD, which will coincide with the band's 10th anniversary, will include two bonus tracks, plus a special DVD featuring an exclusive new interview with the band, along with an in-depth studio diary documenting the album's recording process. "Souls Of Damnation" track listing: 01. The Light, The Hate 02. Harme 03. Your Cold Flesh 04. Human Fraud 05. Demand 06. Throne Of Damnation 07. Prove Yourself Dead 08. Not Turgenjev, But Close 09. Ten Steps Of Purgatory 10. Manifest Of Lies * 11. Affiliated With The Suffering * * Limited edition bonus tracks BLOOD RED THRONE guitarist Død comments: "11 years since BLOOD RED THRONE was started and our fifth full-length album is ready to be released along with a DVD. It feels really great. The songs we've made this time kick even more ass than ever and the album has a top-notch production. Can't wait to take this out on the road!" Vocalist Vald adds: "This album contains some of the best BRT material ever made. Get ready to bang your heads!"
  3. Jej Ona baladica sto krece na 3:15 me je vec kupila :]
  4. http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermo...wsitemID=117049 SOULFLY mainman Max Cavalera (guitar, vocals) was forced to miss the final show of the band's European tour last night (Friday, March 27) at Posten in Odense, Denmark after being taken ill. The rest of SOULFLY went ahead and played the gig without him, with bassist Bobby Burns assuming bass and vocal duties (and fellow axeman Marc Rizzo joining in) while Luis Marrufo from support band INCITE filled in on rhythm guitar. Jeb'o Maxa, zvuce bolje bez njega.
  5. Angelystor


    "Silent Empire", "Sothis", "Blood Of Kingu", "Black To The Blind", "Carnal", "Xeper", "Cold Demons"...i to 'ajde samo bolje, da ne kazem poznatije, navedem. Pa i "Wings" je meni extra ime, obicno je "Wings Of Destiny" ili sl. kurac-palac...
  6. Pa s obzirom da je GD posle dva promashaja od albuma izdao jedan dobar krljacki heavy rad, 'normalno' je da ce ovo da se cini kao losh potez...barem ljudima kojima se poslednji album svideo naravno.
  7. Da ne podseca malo, a?
  8. Svidja mi se, svidja, svidja Nije samo "naplepljen" studijski snimak preko video live snimaka, vec live prashenje pesme. I jos jedna "bitna" vest, cini mi se da nije spominjana, "My Apocalypse" pre par dana otprashena live po prvi put http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermo...wsitemID=116958 Snimak na linku. As previously reported, METALLICA also included a cover of the BLACK SABBATH classic "Hole In The Sky" in its set, and dedicated the track to the "godfather of riffs" Tony Iommi, who was in attendance watching the show from the pit. Brian Tatler from DIAMOND HEAD was also in the house, and "Prince" was dedicated to him.
  9. Angelystor


    Iskreno se nadam da si neozbiljan Sunce ti zarko, kako su gi spojili, svaka im se dala
  10. Angelystor


    Slushah svojevremeno "Kill Divison", dobar neizivljeni thrash, ali nikada ne nadjoh vremena da se fino posvetim holandjeriji, skinuh i novi album ovih dana, ali to kod mene nista ne znaci :]
  11. Angelystor


    Realno, uzasni nazivi pesama Vrlo neispirativni, k'o neki noviji thrash bend..
  12. Inace, bas profi snimljen spot, ok pesma, mog'o i bolji izbor sa novog da padne.
  13. Ja cu bogme da se iscimam
  14. Ako misli da ce da me utesi citirajuci Aksela, grdno se vara Ali snimci...aaaaaaa! Bre! Ovo ce da pokida kada bude izaslo!
  15. Inace, do jaja to koncert bese, meni jedan od prvih
  16. Tamo sam, prokleto sam tamo!
  17. A moglo bi ovo i da se zatvori, cenim. Mislim, je l' ce te i 40 dana da drzite otkazivanju ili sta?
  18. I'm dazed and confused. Kak'a taslacina od svirke sunce ti spalim! I to evo od coveka koji ne vole inflejmzov muzicki reroute, tj. ovodecenijske radove (Clayman ae da racunamo u proslu haha), korektnije tek par pesama sa svakog su mi slusljive/ok...no cak i tih par pesama me je uzivo pokrenulo i each one zvuci i cvrsce i bolje live. Odma' iz neba "Pinball Map" hit nad hitovima bre. Pa "Epizoda", "Hive", "Cloud Connected", "Drifter" (ova pesma izuva cipelice uzivo )....."Only For The Weak"!!! Atmosfera je bila bas super, uprkos tome sto je SKC bio prazniji nego ocekivano (moguce da gresim, ali ne bih rekao da je bilo vise od 700inak coveka), Anders je odlican frontmen, pricao je svakak'e gluposti medj' pesama (kada su bile pauze jel'te), te mi je ikakav osecaj "tezge" potpuno izbijen iz glave :] Mislim, dao liku majcu jbt Kewl momenat... Ona izjava za novi album mu bas i nije trebala, ali kada je uzeo da dissuje Tumorg kupio me je za sva vremena :) Make me feel unbreakable, lie and set me free... Fantasticno vece. Tol'ko se pogubih, da cu da im i oprostim izostanak "Behind Space"a na racun pesama sa "ASOP", ali gre'ota sto nije bio bis i ta pesma pa nek sve ode u majcinu! Ali da ne kukam... IN FLAMES
  19. http://www.b92.net/sport/fudbal/vesti.php?...p;nav_id=351518 E steram kurac... No, heads up, verujem u pobede u narednim mechevima
  20. Angelystor


    Aham, pa znao sam da je neki Live EP koj-moj-cash-grab trebao da izadje (Wacken bese? mrzi me da tragam unazad), pa me zato zbuni sto ima samo dve pesme..
  21. http://www.b92.net/sport/kosarka/nlb_liga....p;nav_id=351579 Slovenci tonu, na kraju ce samo Olimpija ostati, hoho.
  22. Angelystor


    Ti si naravno svestan da takav EP ne postoji?
  23. Pa desava se, tj. on nam je "pozeleo" da izgubimo 2:3. Sto, sa CSKA, nije neuspeh, ali kapiram da cu posle tih 5 tekmi verovatno morati neki tretman u Banji da uplatim...
  24. Dobro, realno nije recenzija kol'ko je svrshavanje al' 'fala let it go! let it go! let it gooooooooooo....
  25. Pa ne zagledam spejsove ja, a i ako udjem samo overim audio sekciju, dakle, auuuuu Frubi? XD
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