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Everything posted by Angelystor
Imam 3 Pentagrama Od ovog najpoznatjeg valjda sve, josh malo da odslusam neke stvari i da josh malo utvrdim fantasticni Witchcraft i obavezno se na Pentagrame bacam
Tvrdo ki na noshu.
Pa ne znam da l' gledate 'Talikine liste skorasnje, ali uglavnom tako i rade, prva 4 chine gro liste, sa blacka par hitova, sa loada i reloada mozda nesto upadne. Dobro, ovo je vazilo za pre-Death Magnetic 'certe iz '08e, sada vec DMa, kol'ko, 5-6 pesama sviraju, ako ne i vise. Maideni bi mogli jednom da se ugledaju na Metaliku, pa malo i oni da mixaju listu, barem na godisnjem nivou, i da ne nazivaju turneju jednim imenom, a da opet pikaju iste proklete pesme. What I want to say is...GTFO with IM.
Pa dobro kod novijih thrash bendova, ali od Dija, Batlera i Ajomija, ne. Dodushe, kad pogledam sa strane, da vidim imena pesama sad na novom "Computer God" i "TV Crimes" i za njih bih rekao da su mi glupa, a obe pesme su tako prokleto dobre.
After a "long and intense conversation" with his "old buddy" Thomas "Angelripper" Such (bassist/vocalist of veteran German thrashers SODOM), DESTRUCTION vocalist/bassist Marcel "Schmier" Schirmer has announced that his band is back on the bill for the "Chris Witchhunter Tribute Concert", which is scheduled to take place on Saturday, April 11, 2009 at Turbinenhalle in Oberhausen, Germany. The event will honor late SODOM drummer Chris Dudek (a.k.a. Witchhunter) and will feature additional performances by SODOM, TANKARD and ASSASSIN, among many others. Commented Schmier: "If this phone call would have happened earlier, all this painful confusion would have never taken place. SODOM and DESTRUCTION have both been on tour lately. I guess that did lead to a couple of misunderstandings that are all solved now! "There was never any intention to argue about this event in any case! Tom and myself have a friendship since 25 years. The lack of communication via third parties did lead to some turbulent misinterpreting. "I would like to point out, that we have moved our North American anniversary tour to play at this event. It was always very important to us. We have confirmed our participation already in late 2008. As some may remember, Chris toured with us before on the 'Eternal Devastation' tour in 1986 when our drummer Tommy left the band. Since that day we were real mates! "I hope that now, in behalf of this important event, all rumors and speculations will stop and we can pay tribute to a great lost friend. "Sorry about the confusion. I guess we have all learned once again how important good, educated communication is. "I need to thank Tom from SODOM and Rob from ASSASSIN for their encouragement. "See you at the show, folks!" Kao jebena deca... A Artillery? Nestali sa plakata.
HEAVEN AND HELL — the band featuring BLACK SABBATH members Tony Iommi (guitar), Ronnie James Dio (vocals), Geezer Butler (bass) and Vinny Appice (drums) — has set "The Devil You Know" as the title of its debut album, due on April 28 via Rhino. Songtitles set to appear on the CD include "Bible Black", "Rock & Roll Angel", "Breaking Into Heaven", "Atom & Evil" and "Eating the Cannibals". The LP was recorded at Rockfield Studios in Wales, U.K. where the 1992 SABBATH album "Dehumanizer" was also tracked. "Everyone had so much fun playing together that we didn't want it to end," says the group. "We started writing together and the songs started flowing like we never stopped. We wound up writing and recording an album that stands up to anything we've ever done. We're really proud of the music and excited for people to hear it." "Each of us submitted a CD of our ideas, and we narrowed it down from there," Iommi told Classic Rock. "In some ways it was like picking up where we'd left off with 'Dehumanizer'." + + + Ispasce da kenjam, ali meni se imena pesama, a tek albuma, stvarno ne svidjaju.
Pa zar vec? o_0 Je l' valja snimak? Explodirace mi jDldr od linkova....
1. A Tale 2. Heartbeat 3. Don't Stop Being Crazy my choice of ween ballads
Ja se nadam da ce sto vise ljudi tako da razmishlja, heh.
Heh, chini mi se da je to jedan lik sa FONa
:] Odo da prilegnem.
Evo josh malo da potpomognem temu, jer mi je bend stvarno izvrstan Chylde Of Fire (spot) I par dobrih live snimaka, dakle live isto zvuche maximalno dobro, ak' ne i lechka heavier
Koji ste poslednji original CD nabavili?
Angelystor replied to White Man's topic in Opšta metal diskusija
Produkcija verovatno nece da te odushevi, ali muzika kida! Pure metal beauty! -
Koji ste poslednji original CD nabavili?
Angelystor replied to White Man's topic in Opšta metal diskusija
Nenormalna Dobar ti potpis -
To je taj vrsni mladic.
Koji ste poslednji original CD nabavili?
Angelystor replied to White Man's topic in Opšta metal diskusija
Haha, ma jok, nisam bio na Berzi u SKCu sigurno 2 meseca i jache. Kathedrale sam nabavio od Gojka kad bili oni Earache "popusti", a Cmass i Delte sa one teme sto si mi ti dojavio na Samaelu -
Ovo zadnje je vrlo bitno za svaki live nastup. A muzicki nemaju ama veze sa Running Wild-om.
Koji ste poslednji original CD nabavili?
Angelystor replied to White Man's topic in Opšta metal diskusija
Ma jok, no neka black kompilacija koju mi on dade -
Molim? Elem, za Cigane dosta jedna chetvrtina :] Ali Novica je chovek lud! Srce na terenu! Zarko je imao znachajnu rolu u prvom poluvremenu, ali osim kol'ko-tol'ko Tepica bekovi podbacishe. Rasic jeste bocnuo bitnu trojku, ali je gresio, pre svega u prvom poluvremenu. Bio sam na D tribini, i moram reci da je navijanje sve skupa bilo jadno. Mislim, Grobari navijashe kol'ko ih bilo (pola izaslo zbog nekih neslaganja sa upravom), ali Zvezdini "navijachi" su bili smejurija, "navijanje" se sastoji od ponavljanja "Kad sam bio dete malo" i "Svinjo debela" po N puta, dva puta mozda su krenuli neku Zvezdinu pesmu a i to je na +10, chim zagusti, odma' se svi zacute. Evropska Zvezda... I da, u zivotu vise ne ulazim na D tribitnu, smucise mi zivot neka Air Max klincurija sa svojim "inteligentnim" povremenim navijanjem..mislim i za navijachke standarde je jadno. I da, vrh su igrachice sa pajalicama i stolicama. Aman.
Jedan od lepshih trenutaka tekme je kada se igrala akcija "chekajuci Tripka", a Novica bocnuo na kraju trojku Svaki dan druga pesma a?
Koji ste poslednji original CD nabavili?
Angelystor replied to White Man's topic in Opšta metal diskusija
Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus (2 CD Rerelease) Candlemass - Nightfall (2 CD Rerelease) Mekong Delta - Dances Of Death (Other Walking Shadows) Mekong Delta - The Music Of Erich Zann Cathedral - Forest Of Equilibrium Cathedral - Endtyme Gojko - The Dark Psyche -
Mislim Da Je Krajnje Vreme... Top 10 Albuma 2008.
Angelystor replied to Totamealand's topic in Deep Vault
Mislim da ste se krchkali dovoljno dugo... Napravih nesto slicno kao prosle godine, by the levels of awesomeness... Elem, The Awesome Tensome: Metallica - Death Magnetic Paradox - Electrify Chrome Division - Booze, Broads And Beelzebub Opeth - Watershed Cynic - Traced In Air Grand Magus - Iron Will Firewind - The Premonition Hammers Of Misfortune - Fields / Church Of Broken Glass Falconer - Among Beggars And Thieves Dominici - O3 A Trilogy - Part III (bez nekog redosleda) A Bit Less Awesome Tensome, ali vrlo jebitachni albumi: Enslaved - Vertebrae Hibria - The Skull Collectors Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - Licht Moonspell - Night Eternal Andromeda - The Immunity Zone Tankard - Thirst Alestorm - Captain Morgan's Revenge Bloodbath - The Fathomless Mastery Dark Fortress - Eidolon Into Eternity - The Incurable Tragedy Vredno spomena, dobri albumi, koji nisu razocarali, ali ne ni da upadnu u gornje grupe: Motorhead - Motorizer Pitiful Reign - Visual Violence Communic - Payment Of Existence Soulfly - Conquer Unleashed - Hammer Battalion H.O.D. - Beer, Bitches, Blood Leif Edling - Songs Of Torment-Songs Of Joy Metal Church - This Present Wasteland Belphegor - BGZ KVLT!!!! Children Of Bodom - Blooddrunk Darkthrone - Dark Thrones And Black Flags Helstar - King Of Hell Headhunter - Parasite Of Society Norther - N I dva nemetal albuma da spomenem (vidim da i drugi trpaju): Michael Kiske - Past In Different Ways Steven Wilson - Insurgentes -
Ali shok kada si mi rekao da nisi chuo "Satanica"u, aaaaa.
Meni bi to bilo dosta
OSI prog kult! Prvi album mi se bash svidja, though njega sam svojevremeno i bash vishe slushao...No, nisam imao pojma da se sprema novi album, lepo, lepo.