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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. Ti ces za jogurt morati da se sagnesh.
  2. e tako, ja zavrsih Meni Sony onako, Xerox je pobedio
  3. Alkohol da ublazi bol a
  4. ..ne da mi zlotvor odjednom da okacim sve
  5. Firme posle ekonomske krize:
  6. Angelystor


    Pa cale album, sta da ti kazem :] Ali ne idem na koncert, tachka,
  7. Pero Defformero - Undergrand Judas Priest - Defenders Of The Faith
  8. O_O S obzirom na ime albuma, ochekivao sam neki 90's Cathedral psycho-trip, ali jok, nastavljaju sa minimalistima, i opet pobeda!
  9. I'm a mean, madafakin' man!
  10. Fun fact: Ni Grapow ni Gertsner, pre pristupanja Helloweenu, nikada nisu slushali bend
  11. Pade danas prva slobodna prilika za posetu livingrumu i pazarih diska, evo sad ga vrtim, mighty fino zvuchi
  12. Ballad Of A Hangman Valhalla Hell Of Disillusion Wedding Day Witch Hunter Lionheart Silent Revolution Stormrider The Last Supper Headbanging Man The House Knights Of The Cross My Blood Will Live Forever The Dark Of The Sun Excalibur Rebellion (The Clans Are Marching) --- --- --- --- --- --- The Reaper Pray Heavy Metal Breakdown Don't mind me, samo kukam nad odlicnim nemachkim setlistama
  13. Angelystor


    http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermo...wsitemID=113196 Spot za Voodoo. Nije losha stvar. Ali cover mi se ich ne svidja.
  14. Sta to vredi kad ne mozemo da ih gledamo live?
  15. Ja sam ih gledao jednom, chuo vecinu 'hitova', novi album mi je konkurent za album godine, te sam odushevljen listom Osim izostanka Terror Zone.
  16. Omot je pobedio. I na prvi chuh, dobro zvuchi.
  17. Za sve Teofile: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHXWLjaDa5k
  18. A back to the principle, levo-desno?
  19. Je l' ce da da Blackie neki razlog za dizanje skoro?
  20. Setlista je mama! Naravno, za one kojima je dobar novi album, 7 komada sa istog. Jedina, ali jedina zamerka je izostanak "Terror Zone", opet! Dakle ama bas nista sa "Coma" ne cepaju, a menjao bih jebeni tormentor/flag of hate kombo za Zonu ili "When the sun.." any time of the day... Demon Prince live... *sigh*
  21. Plasim se da pitam, ali zasto? Dream Healer, Last Before the Storm, ovo-ono?
  22. KRUX — the Swedish band featuring CANDLEMASS bassist Leif Edling, ex-YNGWIE MALMSTEEN singer Mats Levén, ex-ENTOMBED drummer Peter Stjärnvind, guitarist Jörgen Sandstrom (also in THE PROJECT HATE, ex-ENTOMBED/GRAVE) and OPETH/ex-ARCH ENEMY guitarist Fredrik Åkesson — has issued the following update: "Yes, it is true, folks. KRUX will play their last two gigs in Sweden before they enter the studio to record a new album. This will probably not happen until the winter of '09/'10, but with Fredrik Åkesson's duties in OPETH and Leif Edling being busy with CANDLEMASS new album in 2009, it is not very likely that the band will be seen on a stage again that soon. So… don't miss next week shows in Stockholm — at Harry B James (Thursday, January 29) and in Gävle — at O'Leary's (Friday, January 30). KRUX promise to play a couple of odd songs from the catalogue to make things more interesting, and you will also see Pär Wiberg from OPETH do his KRUX premiere. He replaces Carl Westholm on keys, since the doctor is in Africa saving the world." Leif je nezaustavljiv
  23. http://www.myspace.com/singlebullettheory Ima da se chuje jebachka obrada "Badlands"a! Mislim, puca mi K za bend, ali do jaja da su setili klasika
  24. Trudih se oko ovog benda, ali od starta mishljenje mi se nije menjalo sa "nista specijalno". Mjuza je kul, produkcija zanimljiva, kao za neki demo iz '80tih i svidja mi se sto se bas bash fino chuje. Dve pesme koje mi odskacu su "A Ghastly Silence" i "Consecreation". The former je u stvari pesma koja bi nekako daleko bolje zvucala IMHO (ovo se odnosi na refren pre svega) da nema ovog obavezno King D kopiranja, koje mi se vokalno ich ne svidja kako ga ovaj lik izvodi. Usiljeno. Ako neko zeli chuti dobro otpevanog Kinga, a na svoj nachin - Mats Leven.
  25. JON OLIVA'S PAIN, the band led by the SAVATAGE mastermind Jon Oliva, has issued the following update: "JON OLIVA'S PAIN is deep into pre-production for our fourth release, due out later this year. 13 songs are on the table, with another six still in their infancy. Expect us to deliver another 60-plus minutes. We are determined to make this record heavier and more diverse than the previous three CDs. We have done quite a bit of experimenting over the past two albums, but there is a real desire to push our performances and Oliva's voice harder than ever. Recording will begin at Morrisound Studios in Tampa [Florida] in late March. "Touring news: JON OLIVA'S PAIN is so far confirmed for five European festivals (more to follow) as well as dates in South America. Festival appearances, South American dates and Euro acoustic shows will be announced in the coming weeks. We will hit the U.S./Europe again in the fall of 2009 in support of our next release and we are in negotiations to film a live DVD for an early 2010 release. The DVD will feature not only JON OLIVA'S PAIN material, but also a healthy onslaught of SAVATAGE classics." Ae i to da se vidi...'ocemo neki napredak Jone!
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