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Everything posted by Angelystor
Long-defunct St. Louis, Missouri-based progressive/melodic thrash metal band ANACRUSIS will have its classic 1987 demo, "Annihilation Complete", released this month via Stormspell Records. This limited-edition CD/DVD package features the full nine-song "Annihilation Complete" demo along with other rare recordings from the band's basement days. http://anacrusis.us/Annihilation_Complete_CD.html Pa kul...nesto se desava barem :] SS@ Gde si cuo taj Nardijev rad? Na Cruel April mislis? If yes, ae daj linka.
SKYCLAD, the seminal British band which is often referred to as "the originator of folk metal," has signed a deal with Scarlet Records. The group's twelfth album, "In The… All Together", is due in the spring. The CD, which was recorded and mixed by Dario Mollo (THE CAGE, VOODOO HILL) at Damage Inc Studio, in Ventimiglia, Italy during August 2008, "mixes the usual thrash/speed metal influences with the extraordinary folk melodies that made the band famous all around the world, maintaining a fresh and dynamic approach which gives a strong live dimension to the new songs," according to a press release. Pa, 'ajde i to da vidimo :]
Paljevinski power(/heavy) with balls, hailing from Brazil! Dva albuma, "Defying The Rules" i ovogodisnji "The Skull Collectors", oba in-your-face pounding metal attaci na vasa jadna chula. Brzo, puno riffova, zaraznih melodija i refrena toliko da bi sa Skalkolektora mogli pola da pozajme HammerFallu i DragonForceu, i opet bi bio jebachki album (though, na "Tiger Punch" me stvarno iritira sto me refren mnogo podseca na PFov "Angel In Black" ). Bila je pre tema chini mi se, ali ja je ne uspeh naci, te ova... Let the commenting commence!
YNWAT! Arteta asistirao Kejhilu, i eto meni 8 dodatnih poena na Fantasyu
Baal@ Jes' nalazih i ja taj normaliser, ali isto nisam uspeo da ga prebacim na last.fm stranicu
Najveca glupost kod Last.fm-a je sto pravi liste samo po broju pustanja. Solidan primer, pusticu album Anal Cunta, 40tak pesama, oko pola sata trajanja, pa zatim Rush 2112 pesmu dva puta, sto mu dodje 40tak minuta, dakle duze traje od celog ovog AC albuma, i ja cu da budem onda po last.fm-u, 20 puta veci fan ACa od Rusha, iako nije tako. To bih pre svega menjao, dakle da se gleda duzina pesme, ne konto pesama.
Ti ces mi zauvek ostati misterija kao chovek.
Imate vi vas Eurokup...eurochelendz, kako vec.
http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermo...wsitemID=112738 Ima klipi na Rebellion i Slavocracy od sinoc Dakle "Rebellion" ce se pika, to bre! Jedino sto...nisam imao pojma da live nemaju bubnjeve :/ Mislim, jebes onaj trip, malo sviram klavijature, malo bubnjeve, trenuci kad ide samo "drum machine" bas bednjikavo zazvuce...
Tako otpirlike. Ove sezone, a i prosle je uvke bilo, ako je tekma u sredu, u ponedeljak otprilike u 10h se otvara blagajna, a red se stvara vec oko 8h Inache, HVALA KURCU PA JEDNOM DA NE DOBIJEMO NAJTEZU GRUPU! U E grupi ocekujem Tau i Olymp lagano da prodju, mozda Armani malo pecne kod kuce, ali slabe su im shanse.. F je grupa smrti IMHO, Barsa, Real, Makabi, later 2 jes igraju malo slabije ove sezone, ali Top16, sad ako ne krenu da kolju nece nikad. Jadna Alba. H isto kao i E, CSKA i Sijena lupaju shamare Ciboni i Ulkeru. Nasha grupa je bas specificna, dve najslabije ekipe iz prvog i drugog sheshira, i dve najjace iz treceg i cetvrtog (cik da neko kaze da su Prokom, Cibona ili ,ne daj boze, Alba bolji od nas), pre svega treba da se jure pobede kuci, i na gostovanju Lotomatici. Nadao sam se da necemo sa PAOom da se padnemo prosto jer za njih igraju Pekmen i Kecmen, dojucerasnji drugari
Taj rad. Njihov logo bi trebao biti pored Tankarda da se ja pitam.
Za butleg je sasvim pristojno, though ispodprosecno. Svejedno, meni je kul, znam pesme napamet pa "cujem" sve
Carpathian Forest > Bathory Spalite mi ochi.
Ali ti to uvek kazes kad on da gol
http://rapidshare.com/files/158388059/Hell..._1985.part1.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/158554274/Hell..._1985.part2.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/158565713/Hell..._1985.part3.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/158706658/Hell..._1985.part4.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/158722880/Hell..._1985.part5.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/158737767/Hell..._1985.part6.rar Shifru ti dam ako uklonis taj FaceSpace iz potpisa
Chitao sam mu post-ove na Destruction forumu...On je popizdeo pre svega sto je Sodomov logo 5 puta veci od njihovog (sam je napisao 5) i da ga nervira "shitty politics"...kao najgori yumetalac je majke mi... Kapiram da je primio pare za svirku da ne bi ni pisnuo za logo. Aman, pa Witchhunter je svirao u Sodomu, ne u Tankardu, Destructionu, Protectoru...u Sodomu, normalno da ce njihov logo biti na vrhu i da bi bilo ljudski da oni sviraju na kraju.
Da li sam skoro cuo dosadniji refren ne secam se... I da, za malo da zajebu DragonForce kol'ko je tuzan spot...
They'll fall one by one! Budapest, Sofia... I ona majica da se pazari na nekom od gigova Danas gledah 'cert iz '85e iz Nirnberga, kvlt! Heeeeaaaaavyyyyyyy metal is the law...
Evo je i anniversary t-shirt, dobro je, najbolja iz izbora pobedila.
Dakle, ima samo jedno objasnjenje - Castle Festival '09
Kako god, mene oborise veceras, ne verujem da ih Alba nije dobila Pogled na tabele, vidi se da je nasa grupa bila najzajebanija. I jos jedan pogled...cenim da bi nam "najlaksa" grupa bila: Unikaha Montepaski Fenerbahce A najgora: Barselona Olimp Fener though ima i opcija Tau, Olymp, Pao, ali ne znam da li je dirigovan zreb pa ne smeju dve ekipe iz iste zemlje u grupi il' kako...
Swedish doom legends CANDLEMASS will release their new album, "Death Magic Doom", on March 27 via Nuclear Blast Records. Commented bassist/main songwriter Leif Edling: "I'm happy to announce that the new album is mixed, mastered…done! It contains eight killer tracks and the name of it is 'Death Magic Doom'! The songs are about immortality, depressions, demons, vampires, funerals and the almighty devil that we all know very well, hehe. I love the way we perform here. Rob's [Lowe] singing and Lasse's [Lars Johansson, guitar] soloing are nothing but amazing!! The production is also outstanding! The name 'Death Magic Doom' captures it perfectly! Great name! Love it! Of course, we have the moaning militia on the [official CANDLEMASS] forum, but besides that everybody seem to like the name. AND it is very suitable for an album of this magnitude AND it also describes what CANDLEMASS is about; Heavy, hard, epic, colossal metal!!! I would say that 'Death Magic Doom' is the best album we have done since 'Nightfall' [1987]!! In all, [the LP contains] nearly 50 minutes of bone-crushing and mind-blowing doom metal!!" Bogme, velike rechi Lajfa..ovako nije hvalio ni "Candlemass", ni "King"a.... Ne mogu da zamislim da izdaju nesto bolje od oba.
Austrian blackened death metal outfit BELPHEGOR are in the final stages of the writing process for their as-yet-untitled new album. The follow-up to 2008's "Bondage Goat Zombie" is tentatively scheduled for release in the fall via Nuclear Blast Records. Commented vocalist/guitarist Helmuth: "Yes brothers and sisters, currently we're working on nine new sound collages. We started writing in April 2008 after the 'Bondage Goat Zombie' release to create the new compositions for the eighth werk! The songs are basically completely finished and words can't really describe how enthusiastic and motivated we are to get into the studio and record this monster! It feels great to be creative again. Nefastus will be responsible for the drums on the new album. He is an old friend to the BELPHEGOR family and has also blasted on our previous opus 'Pestapokalypse VI'. We rehearse day and night since December to make it as tight and monumental as possible. Stay tuned demons, hell awaits!!!" Cheka se bolji rad od proslog, ali vecu himnu od BGZ tesko da mozemo ocekivati :]
Odakle ova patka Taman cu Denija da gurnem u reku, jedan od najgorih vokala ikada. Uvalio mi chika trifke GOTDT i neje lose, daleko od onoga sto sam ocekivao i bio spreman da obrisem (trigger-happy sam bio), ali bre osim oniog quasi-growl-a koji je podnoshljiv, muka mi je da ga slusham.