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Everything posted by Angelystor
Jebite se svi, meni se spot svidja All Nightmare Long - prvo live izvodjenje Hm, nekak' mi se ne svidja izvedba, da l' je nisu ljudski navezbali ili sta, plus Dzejms lechka loshije zvuchi.
Swedish death metal "supergroup" BLOODBATH has issued the following update: "We have just learned that our latest shirt design [see images below] has run into some controversy. Actually, it's been a bit of a rocky road from the start with this one. Back at the sketch board, some of our art direction ideas were met by hesitation and according to the designer would feel 'uncomfortable to do.' However, the design went through and obviously with such a fantastic piece of artwork and beautiful symbolism the t-shirt has hit home with BLOODBATH's audience all over the world, but apparently a demon vomiting on Jesus on a cross, surrounded by snakes, vultures and skulls was over the line for some confused 'death metal' fans. Perhaps they should ask themselves if it was really death metal they were searching for in the first place. "Here are examples of some Dr. Phil-approved quotes we recieved: "'Recently saw your t-shirt 'Mock The Cross.' It seems rather childish and immature not to mention very dangerous, to ridicule Christ. Why such disdainment for the incarnate God who died to save all mankind, even your sorry asses! If you have a problem with organized religion, that's one thing. It has little to do with Christ and His life and teachings. Of course if you curse Him in apparent ignorance, then you wouldn't know the difference. Hell won't be a cool place to be. The power of the cross is foolishness to those perishing.' "'I don't care about all the Satan worshippers that are gonna flame me. But, BLOODBATH, YOU JUST LOST A FAN. On that degrading shirt. I believe what I believe. I rather not have bands mock it. This band is done. Never again. See you on judgment day.' "To top it off, we also just recieved the following message from Raw Talent, the printer of the merchandise: "'I have just been informed by the owner of the company that unfortunately we will not be able to print the 'Mock the Cross' design again for you guys. It is against the owner's moral and ethical standard for himself and also for the company. He wanted me to let you know and to send his apologies.' "With that said, let's get the weak aside and the BLOODBATH choir ready to mock the fucking cross again as we moved on to a new printer for our latest over the top 'Iesous' shirt design. Original artwork by Alex Norman features a detailed drawing of a dead Jesus with a crown of thorns and blind eyes, bleeding crosses in the background on both sides, and his hair engulfing skulls and the BLOODBATH logo. The back features a cross dripping in blood with the lyrics: 'Eeso Yeshua Iesous Die by Our Rage.' The design was also printed using a technique which results in the ink becoming one with the fabric, creating a soft vintage look and feel. Not a shirt to miss, grab one now!" Kak'a majca
Svidja mi se cover, smaraju zagrade u imenima pesama, ali svakako sam se ogradio od ikakvog ocekivanja nekog mighty albuma..
Pa da, mis mo kirivi sto nismo bili u tur-busu sa njima i Watainom, jesmo glupi. Ne znam sta mu je trebala tak'a attention-whore izjava.
Do jaja, ochekujem"The Rite of Infernal Invocation" re-recorded, bez 3minuta vetra
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
Angelystor replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
Darkthrone > King Diamond? -
Fini live album, ali ni blizu nekih koji su skoro izasli (*coughosomcoughforsomcough*). S obzirom da je snimano u Atini ocekivah da ce se publika jache chuti, posebno na "Between" klasiku, taman da pomognu Apolu koga volem samo na "Premonition" materijalu i to je to. Setlista je mogla da bude malo izparcijalisana, hoc' reci da odvoje "Premonition" pesme umesto sto ih svirase (skoro) sve jednu za drugom. A i sto stoka "Maniac"a ne opali? :]\ Ajm bitvin heeeeven eeend heeeeeel I da, fali "Forged In Fire"!
Odgledah, konachno, juche "The Awesome Foursome" oba tri DVDa. A majestic power afternoon it was HELLYEAH! AWESOME! HELLYEAH! AWESOME KAI!
Heh, i meni vise dojmi starija verzija, ali daleko od toga da ovoj nesto ima da se zameri, spot je odlichan, jedva chekam albuma!
Legendary Swedish doom metallers CANDLEMASS have completed work on their new album for an early 2009 release. Commented bassist/songwriter Leif Edling: "We've worked on [the CD] all autumn and it feels really good that it is completed. The sound is superfat, heavy as hell, and very organic/dynamic at the same time. Our friend Chris [Laney; RANDY PIPER, ZAN CLAN] has done a great job mixing it!! I personally think this album is the best one of the three we have released in the new millennium, easy!! It is bigger, better, louder and a bit more mature, I must say!! It is our 'Heaven And Hell', hehe. And if you guys behave and eat your vegetables, we just might be able to add a couple of sound bits on the C-MASS site. Maybe the wait for the release in May next year will be easier. Check this page sometime before X-mas. The only thing that pisses me off is the fact that we can't call it 'Hammer Of Doom', after one of the songs on it. A brand new stupid festival in Germany calls themselves that! Who spilled the beans??? Well, well… the album absolutely KILLS and we will surely come up with a suitable name for it." Iiiiideeeemo! Bice to doomy prolece! Heaven And Hell izdaje album u aprilu/maju, evo tada i Cmass rada :] Jedva chekam! Nego, ne znam da li se zeza za ovo za festival? A i anyway, glupo ime za album Cmassa bi bilo "HOD"..
Tako da crva nije ni bilo! BTW najbolji moze biti samo EDM.
Jes' pa da se ubijem od dosade Kidding..anyway, taj "Elegy", "Feel The Blade", kako vec zele da ga vikamo, im i jeste najjachi rad. Vr' pesme, brutalni thrash with taste..ali i jedini rad koji me je naterao da gu malo vishe slusham, dva albuma pre njega su mi nyah, a novi chekam da se pojavi voiceoverless pa da gu obrnem k'o chovek (Chekamo Grobodanov post dakle ). I da, sama promena imena mi se ne svidja. Mogli su samo da promene onaj venomasti logo u neshto lechka originalnije, a ne da promene ime i stave jedan uzasno glupi i dosadni, plus sto je Occult bolje ime, ranga Satan, Death, Demon, Venom...ali sam bend, daleko, daleko od toga.
E kita, dok dodjoshe na red linkovi u jd listi, ovi ih sklonishe :/
Pa uze' si ga od mene jeb'o zeca josh tamo u septembra, kad vec..
+1 Pala Altars/Tour majica prosli put, sada ne znam...zavisi ako bude nesto isto tako uredno
Definitivno je bolje da cutim.
Genki & The Art Of Eel Porn Evo vam, gledajte sva 4 dela, vr' je sa ribom i mlekom ..ili ipak frog-porn
Shta reci, fantazija! "Crystal Ball", jej!
Cynic: Nunc Fluens The Space For This Evolutionary Sleeper Veil of Maya Adam's Murmur King of Those Who Know Integral Birth Opeth: Heir Apparent The Grand Conjuration Godhead's Lament The Lotus Eater Hope Leaves Deliverance Demon Of The Fall ------- The Drapery Falls Kme. I da ko ovo gleda live sada, bem vam sestru.
HEAVEN AND HELL — the band featuring BLACK SABBATH members Ronnie James Dio (vocals), Tony Iommi (guitar), Geezer Butler (bass) and Vinny Appice (drums) — has entered Rockfield studios in Wales, England to begin recording its new album, the group's first since SABBATH's "Dehumanizer" (which was also recorded at Rockfield) in 1992. An early 2009 release via Rhino Records is expected. O 'fala kurcu... Me needz new materijal with DIO!
Zvuci solidno, druga stvar pre svega. Bice bolji novi materijal od "Cluba" definitivno.
Vrlo hrabra izjava za prepoznatljivost Helloween-a