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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. Hm..a jel moze barem tad Endorama materijal Zamisli Willing Spirit kafanska verzija..arrgghh...
  2. Mene je prvi put album odushevio. I odushevljava me svaki sledeci put kada ga pustim. I jutros pred skolu sam pustio 3-4 pesme(nije bilo vremena za vishe)...nebrojano sam ga puta preslushao, i genijalan mi je. A to da su bonus pesme bolje...pa Bridges Of Fire je mozda tu i najslabija od svih..Outro je mnogo mnogo dobar, a Shadowed Realms je stvarno trebala da se nadje na albumu.
  3. Da sam great fan marduka nisam, ima blacka koji vishe volim, ali respektabilan bend, pa jos i veoma dobar zadnji album, i pre toga, meni najbolji mardukov album - "World Funeral", pa nije bilo razloga da ne pochujem i Rom 5:12. Sve u svemu, oko pola albuma dobrog materijala, chetvrtina solidnog, i chetvrtina zamora. Kod ovog zadnjeg ponajvise mislim na Imago Mortis i Accuser, Opposer, doduse ova druga mi se svidja na trenutke posebno zbog zanimljivog cleana. Ali sto se tiche duzih pesama sa albuma najjaca je "Womb Of Perishableness" sas sve "Computer God" riffingom medj dobre bih josh sracunao i Levelling Dust, Voices From Avignon, a najbolje - Through The Belly Of Damnation i Vanity Of Vanities, a posebno mi je catchy ova druga. Sve u svemu, pretty solid black.
  4. aaa konachno...bem mu mater spremaju album ki metalika..
  5. Pa..single se i zove "Another Stranger Me"...tak da to mozda objasnjava te neke njegove promene u izgledu al mi nesto i ne lici na detektiva
  6. Swedish/German extreme metallers ARCH ENEMY have announced that original guitarist Christopher Amott is rejoining the band with immediate effect. The group, having finished an intense 18-month touring cycle all over the world promoting the "Doomsday Machine" album and "Live Apocalypse" DVD, is currently busy working on songs for their new studio album. Christopher surprised many by departing ARCH ENEMY at the end of the "Doomsday Machine" recording sessions in 2005, having been in the band for 10 years (starting with ARCH ENEMY at age 18). Christopher followed his urge to see the outside world and find what else is out there apart from music. Having done that, the time is right for him to return to the fold with a newly injected bite and focus and to resume his career. Commenting on the re-grouping announcement he states: "This is very exciting for me, returning to ARCH ENEMY as a full-time member! Right now we are working on our forthcoming album and I'm very pleased about the way it's turning out. The new songs are fast and furious with lots of melody! To all the people who sent me kind messages while I was out of the band, thank you for your support, it helped me a lot. After this (much needed) two-year break, I'm looking forward to getting back on the road. I hope to see you all later this year!" ARCH ENEMY mastermind Michael Amott complements his younger brother Christopher perfectly in style and chemistry and together they have become one of the most infamous and ripping guitar teams in extreme metal. Comments Michael: "So, we are back with my brother Christopher on guitar — it's a huge rush to have him back playing in his signature style! He's jumped in at the end of the songwriting process for the new album and added some of his unique spice! I feel Christopher's playing has matured and is more precise and even faster than before! Guitar fans are going to freak on the stuff we are getting up to on the new album!" The last two years have been the busiest and most successful touring campaign of ARCH ENEMY's entire career, so the many fans both old and especially new can now look forward to witnessing Christopher's return to the stages of the world. In regards to Fredrik Åkesson, the Swedish guitar-wizard who has been touring with ARCH ENEMY for 18 months and who can be seen on the band's latest video clip for the song "My Apocalypse", Michael states: "I want to add that we are eternally grateful to Fredrik Åkesson, who did an outstanding job with ARCH ENEMY over the past 18 months while we dragged the 'Doomsday Machine' around the world a couple of times — YOU ARE FUCKING AWESOME!”
  7. Pa, ak cemo vec tako..ja se ne secam da je Guardian pre imao i krila
  8. a i steta sto studijska verzija nije sa vokalima heh...mislim da BN radi i nju..
  9. Ma nije to briga..samo se zbunih na trenutak kak je se ne secam...anyway...mnogo se bre govori o odeci nesto Te na kreator temi te ovde..
  10. rade uzivo povremeno i rainbow pesme...al ako hoces pravi Rainbow feel trebalo bi da se gleda Dio live eh... Danas bas gledah Holy Diver live..i ladno bre otvara koncert sas Tarot Woman..kak'a je ta! Long Live i Man su manje-vise i standardi...al zato Gates Of Babylon je suprise..i extra zvuci...
  11. Pa dobro ni ja ne prepoznah dobar deo iskreno...jos iskrenije..dobar deo ih skoro nikad i ne videh na nekoj slici..al ovako kad ih gledas pola izgledaju k'o neki direktori Al Hal tu malo kvari prosek
  12. Alisa? Who the fuck are they?
  13. Chekaj bre...ja imam ovu jednu koja ima ATITM sliku..i secam se da bila neka druga plavichasta..al nesto imah trip da to bio Bard's Song slika..anyway..ne secam se da je bila bas ovakva..al kao sto rekost vec..ne imalo pozadinu...
  14. Ja cu vishe da gledam Olimp-Huventud...al nadam se u svakom slucaju da pobedimo CSKA...bice lep oprostaj (ak nista drugo)
  15. "A rare meeting took place at Michael Denner's wedding on March 17th. Members from original MERCYFUL FATE, KING DIAMOND, FORCE OF EVIL and ZOSER MEZ were all present to support Michael in getting married. MERCYFUL FATE presented five members, KING DIAMOND presented three members, FORCE OF EVIL presented five members and ZOSER MEZ presented four members. Ole Bang, tour manager of all four bands since the beginning, was making sure all musicians were in place for the photo shoot." hehe..legende...nego neka mi neko odgonotetne ko je ovaj Kim desno? Steta sto nema i Diamonda na slici..
  16. Ja odatle samo volim naslovnu pesmu, odlichna rokachina, dobri soloi..al ostatak albuma je nyaaaaah... To je verovatno neki fest il nesto..pa WASP svira pre TONa...inache nema tog datuma na wasp sajtu..
  17. Ma iz Ozzy perioda, do Tehnichke ekstaze, svi albumi su perfekcija...stepping stone metala..al meni licno najdrazi je tu "Sabotage" Koji uzeh inace..bese to ekskurzija negde u Vojvodini, osnovna skola 6-7 razred...zajedno na disku sa shugavim "Seventh Star"om : )
  18. Sto cudan? Sto ne unikatan, hehe..meni je odlichan...veoma zarazan..
  19. E nashao sam ja odavno jedan...hm, bese skyclad fan site? tako nesto..gde ima 'interpretacija' skyclad te naslova albuma, pesama, pa i samih stihova..mnogo dobar,..al sam link zagubio negde medju mojih stotinu noutpadova na kompu, seljak... Al iskreno to za We haven't got a chance se ne secam heh... Dobar A kad vec spomenu Folkemona...lik na frontcoveru se zove FREAKACHU Hm...pa bre, ja mislim da sam par albuma preskocio sa "recenziranjem" jer me smorilo da monologiram na temi Anyway..taj EP me i nije nesto odusevio(Chance), ne rachunajuci ponovo snimane History Lessens, Penny.. najjace su mi Great Blow For A Day Job i POSTCARD FROM PLANET EARTH. Znachi kad chuh PFPE prvi put mislim da sam je to vece kasnije pustio jos nekih 15 puta minimum Jezivo dobra pesma.. a inaceh...preslusah sve od 'Clada...to je fakat..jedino sto cu da uzmem opet Answer MAchine uskoro..jer provalih skoro da se albuma skoro uopste ne secam..
  20. Pravi majka materijal i za C-mass i van njega hehe... Jedva chekam album really...i ocekujem da bude minimalno dobar kao "Candlemass"
  21. Cenim da ce da izdaju jedan album i da se raspadnu soon after...ne volim ovakve vampriske postave..
  22. ..bilo bi: Unfinished Allegro Carry On Nova Era Voice Commanding You Waiting Silence Wings Of Reality Z.I.T.O. Heroes Of Sand Ego Painted Grey Nothing To Say Angels And Demons Salvation: Suicide Rebirth Course Of Nature Spread Your Fire Smoke On The Water (Deep Purple) Come Together (The Beatles) (doduse purple i beatlese ne radise svuda kol'ko malo videh reviewe..)
  23. Pa..nije da je slabija...ali meni lichno..kada bih redjao pesme po kvalitetu..ta bi bila..pri dnu Strava je album stvarno..
  24. Da, al Maideni ga preteruju Inache..ja bre ne se uopste ne secam ovakve majce...al jebg...
  25. Red Wine je mlogo dobra powerica na shpanskom!!! I jedini bend takve vrste koji mi se zadrzao na kompu (mozda gresim..) ..a ostalih zilion sam poobrisao..
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