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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. (?) Nego..nadjoh ovaj HD Live na netu..i ostalo mi josh 3-4 pesme da skinem..al ovog lika nemda se vrati pa nema :zid:
  2. e kulaja shto ovi dolaze Velika ljubav
  3. Angelystor


    ANTHRAX's concert in Gothenburg, Sweden Wednesday night (April 19) lasted only a few minutes, according to a BLABBERMOUTH.NET source that was present at the gig. Halfway through the opening song, "Among the Living", the band's amplifiers, vocalist Joey Belladonna's microphone and the monitors all went dead and the band was forced to leave the stage. The crowd was told that there was a power problem, but was asked to stay put while it was being fixed. The house PA and speakers worked as per usual, seeing as music was played while an attempt was made to fix what appeared to be "a poweramp to the backline or something like that," according to another attendee. More than an hour later, an announcement was made that the show had to be cancelled due to "severe electrical problems." The crowd remained very civil (possibly due to the bar being open) and was surprisingly patient, despite the almost 90-minute delay before the show got called off. No one threw beers or anything at the stage, but when the announcement was finally made by one of the hosts, it was done from behind curtains (obviously to avoid being pelted with beer bottles and other similar items). Several electricians were reportedly called to the venue Trädgårn, but were unable to locate the source of the problem. The opening band, BEYOND FEAR (featuring ex-JUDAS PRIEST and current ICED EARTH frontman Tim "Ripper" Owens), performed their set without a glitch. ANTHRAX played Sweden at last summer's Sweden Rock festival. Tonight's concert was the only stop in Sweden on the band’s current European tour and lots of people had travelled far to see the legendary thrash metal act. The audience was told to keep their tickets to get a refund. [Note: One ANTHRAX fan reportedly demonstrated his disappointment by undressing and exposing his penis.] UPDATE: The following message has been posted at ANTHRAX's official web site: "We regret to inform that tonight's gig at Trädgårn in Gothenburg, Sweden has been cancelled due to insufficient power at the venue. [Guitarist] Scott [ian] adds, 'We are gutted. This has never happened to us ever. We tried everything to make it work but the power problem was impossible to fix. We haven't played here since 1990 and we were so looking forward to raging with our Goteborg friends. I promise we will be back!!!'"
  4. IMHO to im je jedna od najdosadnijih pesama josh od okupljanja a smot je presmeshan..
  5. Shto ga vishe Slayerovci uzdizu..mislim ovaj novi album..sve se vishe plashim Slayerovog "St.Anger"
  6. btw Padden, a ne Pattern @soad brate vec ima informacija na prethodnim stranama..
  7. to ga ti chekash...meni Enemy josh nije dosadio..
  8. Crkni sa pivom u ruci...crnim po mogucstvu..
  9. e pa drugovi thrasheri..od Srbije nema vajde..bice Ausgebombta u Bugarskoj I AM THE WAR!!!!!!!!!!
  10. rezem ti obavezno..hm..meni se aeon svidja...a ovo onako..tebi ce verovatno vishe neg meni
  11. Ja da sam Frubi uzeo bih magichni shtapic u udovoljio svim metalcima.
  12. ne znam dal je neko post-ovao ovaj 'vju.. http://www.metalasylum.net/interviews/int0609.html np: Blind Guardian - Prowler
  13. jest ima na netu..al imam nekih prioriteta pre njega..pa skidam onda toj..
  14. Sto kaze Daemonium imate finske teme pa tamo serite..zaobilazite ovu temu ako nemate ama bash nishta apmetno da kazete...
  15. bice fudbalska metal-navijachka pesma bre..to ne moze biti loshe
  16. Slushao sam heed skoro i ono je golo govno u poredjenju sa LH..
  17. Live josh uvek peva..i pevace
  18. jes nem druga posla
  19. Da dodam za ovaj Walls remaster da sam malo razocharan..skapirah da se ova pricha o istoriji benda nastavlja u bukletima ostalih remastera(otprilike tako ide time-line) i intervju/diskusija sa Weikathom o tom periodu se takodje nastavlja..sto je dosta dobra ideja i i fantastichna ideja za mamljenje para...jer ovako dobijate samo kratak tekstic o stvarima koje uglavnom svi znaju..a sam intervju me dooosta iznervirao jer sam se setio koliko je budala i skot ovaj chovek..Druga zamerka i to velika su stamparske greshke u delu sa lyricsima..blah.. Ali zato zvuk..prejeben
  20. E tek sad vidim ovo..onda cu prichekam ipak..a omot je ok...paljevinski
  21. S obzirom na Solijevu recenzijicu kapiram da je prosechan album..al nakon onakve ubice kakav je bio zadnji moze im se oprostiti sada jedan "slabiji"...
  22. U Madjarskoj..imali i Keeper remasteri, to moj drug uzeo oba.. Booklet je sasvim dobar ima mini-history i intervju dodushe iskreno nisam josh prochitao..ali koliko sam zapazio kod druga njemu ima bukvalno isti tekst..
  23. Kako ste osetljivi k'o kevu da sam vam prozvao More guest musicians have been confirmed to take part in the recording of the song "Glorious", which was written for the upcoming soccer world championship by former HELLOWEEN and current MASTERPLAN drummer Uli Kusch along with Ronny Milianowicz (DIONYSUS) and Joacim Cans (HAMMERFALL). The track will feature Swedish singer Mikeyla as the main vocalist, with special guest appearances by Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR), Tobias Sammet (EDGUY), Roland Grapow (MASTERPLAN), Oscar Dronjak (HAMMERFALL), Timo Kotipelto (STRATOVARIUS), Nils Kvale (PAGAN'S MIND), Victor Broden (LEANN RIMES), "Metal" Mike Chlasciak (HALFORD, PAINMUSEUM), and Hempo Hilden (JOHN NORUM, GLENN HUGHES). The production is taking place in Sweden April 24-25.
  24. Veteran German power metallers HELLOWEEN have posted the following message on their official web site: "The band has just finished their successful Latin American tour and is now going to prepare the stuff for the DVD. They recorded three complete shows from Sofia [January 29], Tokyo [March 1] and Sao Paolo [March 25] plus tons of off-stage footage. So the next months will be dedicated to sifting and cutting... a release date is not yet scheduled."
  25. A i bolje..
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