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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. Angelystor


    Odlichan je novi album!! Sta vise..mislim da je trenutno Rage u najgodinama..znachi..ne znam koji im je ovo vec majka-dobar album za redom..al ljudi ga cepaju bez prestanka i nikako da zaseru! Kad sam video prvo kol'ko ima instrumentala smorih se u pochetku, al ono stvarno zvuchi super i genijalno je iskomponovano. Favoriti...pa glavni definitivno "Innocent". Ova mi je vec posle 2 slushanja ushla u top10 RAGE pesama. Ostali killeri: Be With Me Or Be Gone, No Fear, Kill Your Gods a i ova Speak Of The Dead polako ali sigurno me sve vishe vata.. UBICA.
  2. e ta mi najsmor pesma sa albuma Jebote...WASP opet u Bugarskoj..uh...a sto jednostavno ne dodju na taj fest mamu im?
  3. Angelystor


    Carevi Can't wait!
  4. i ja ga trazim....cini mi se godinama
  5. Angelystor


    E i ja sam pocheo sa Terror Squadom... heheh...
  6. Izashao..vec?
  7. According to a posting on DESTRUCTION's official web site, the German thrashers' April 15 concert in Quito, Ecuador ended in total chaos after the local promoter lost control of the 2,000 fans that wanted to attend the gig in a venue that could only accommodate half of them and that didn't have a working lighting system. "The band wanted to postpone the concert to the next day, but the local promoter had absolutely NO control of the show and audience," the posting reads. "The band is really sorry and mad as hell about this disorder! As a [security precaution], the show was delayed, which led to a destruction of the venue by pissed off fans!"
  8. Jedva chekam!!!!
  9. Angelystor


    huhu coolaja..
  10. nadjoh na dc++ al sad mi se nesto i ne skida nakon ovih komenata
  11. Vala bash.. a novi album kida
  12. Pazario sam "Walls Of Jericho" remaster ovogodishnji.. Lepotica
  13. BTW link za sample nove pesme(2 minuta!): http://www.gorgoroth.org/wound-upon-wound-sample.mp3 Ovaj album ce da kida
  14. Jedvade chekam novi Gorgoroth
  15. Mozda ce da uleti Alexi da spasi stvar?
  16. Hm..2000 je cena fantazija.iskreno nisam ochekivao tako nesto!! Kartu cu kupim kad dodjem na Kinga..pa da i obezbedi se tako ja lepo..
  17. naj knjiga ever i najbolja lektira koju sam ikad radio...
  18. Zato sto bi mi onda popizdeli
  19. Angelystor


    XEPER !!!!!
  20. video si mu kolekciju?
  21. ja cu probati da se ogranichim na po jedno.. Album - Heaven And Hell Pesma - Die Young Pevac - Dio Clan - Ajomi jebo ga patak genijalnog
  22. Mislim da se iz napisanog moze lako zakljuciti da to JESTE Machine Head
  23. Reformed classic British thrash outfit ONSLAUGHT will enter the studio the first week of July to begin recording their new album, "Killing Peace", tentatively due in September via an as-yet-undetermined label. The band's current lineup includes Sy Keeler (vocals), Nige Rockett (guitars), Steve Grice (drums), James Hinder (bass) and the group's latest addition, guitarist Alan Jordan (ex-MIRROR MIRROR, FRANKENSTEIN).
  24. ediT@ Maybe...ali chinjenica je da je Slayeru ono bila samo fest-tezga..
  25. meni prosecina..al ok za slusanje..
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