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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. Hehe pa uzmi Evil Or Divine i uveri se da li mu se uopste primecuju godine..barem u glasu
  2. Oliva kralj! Zlatne mu ruke
  3. Angelystor

    Celtic Frost

    http://www.anus.com/metal/samples/celtic_frost8-10.mp3 ovde ima semplovi sa novog albuma..(dno strane) po 20tak sek
  4. http://www.anus.com/metal/samples/celtic_frost8-10.mp3 ovde ima semplovi sa novog albuma..(dno strane) po 20tak sek
  5. Irish folk metal band CRUACHAN have finished mastering their fifth album, "The Morrigan's Call", tentatively due in June via Greece's Black Lotus Records. The follow-up to 2004's "Pagan" was recorded at Sun Studios in Dublin and will be preceded by the release of a single, "The Very Wild Rover". In addition to the title cut, the single will contain the bonus songs "Bloody Sunday Unplugged", "Timmy" and "Brian Boru". Commented CRUACHAN's Keith Fay (vocals, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, keyboards): "We have had a disaster with the cover of the new album. The cover took my brother John over four months of painstaking work and looked amazing. He had an argument with his girlfriend on Sunday night (26th March) and she unbelievably destroyed all his artwork, including the cover. This might delay the release date although he is planning to take some time off work and complete a brand new cover in under two weeks! Here's hoping he can pull it off and keep it away from his girlfriend!!!"
  6. Frontman Johnny Hedlund of the legendary Swedish death metallers UNLEASHED has issued the following update via the group's official web site: "UNLEASHED are currently in the studio, completing the pre-production of our eighth full-length album. We have more qualified songs to choose from than ever before, and I am very confident that this will be the best UNLEASHED album ever. Our mission is to create one of the most memorable records in the history of death metal!!! "This one will be slightly faster than 'Sworn Allegiance'. The songs will be anthems in the true traditional UNLEASHED way and will have you screaming along with the choruses. The guitar sound will be taking a step towards brutality and grind. The drums are the closest we have ever come to recording a 'live' kind of intensity. The vocals? Well, not far away from 'Sworn Allegiance'... just add a little harshness and a slightly deep aggression to that sound and you'll get the picture right there. "Expect nothing but one of the most memorable records in the history of death metal."
  7. e sachek malo za "Far Away" nadam se da nije frka Godra mi shto si pleased..nije uopste losha obrada..dodushe zbog onog zvuka se pesma malo chini prazna..al je ovaj ok otpevao... Ali Andiju je Kreshtivity 15, dok je UDOu 20
  8. Hey Lord je live spot
  9. SLushao sam TIWOC i.. Sta je bre ovo?!? G-O-V-N-O Ovo mi vishe ne ulazi ni u winamp..nema veze sa prva dva albuma..onaj me nervira kako pederski peva...uzas na uzasima.. ++++ Sa druge strane LT'S Dreamquest album je odlichan! Tu ima elektronike tu i tamo..onaj zenski je super glas..ima isto dosta klavijatura ali za razliku od TIWOCa chujem i gitare! Fala kurcu.. Inache "Virus" je mnogo mnogo opasna pesma
  10. Schmier reche da je to teshko zbog kinte koju Sodom trazi
  11. hem...upravo sam provalio da nemam jebote...a mislio sam da imam sve te bonus trackove..Far Away imam...a Fast cu skinem sutra npr pa ti sednem
  12. Tako je Zoki
  13. Angelystor


    Mekshe od Ghosta? To mora da je neshto ultrasoft then ma chekam da izadje normalna verzija 'buma...bez onog voice overa
  14. Angelystor


    mozda si trebao sastavljeno RAGE ma nebitno..na ovom forumu se svaki bend jebeno trpa na power bez obzira shta svira..bolje ovde da stoji tema... anyway..favoritni albumi su mi Black In Mind, Trapped i Unity..dodushe ne znam..slushao sam sve albume i nemaju nijedan losh
  15. e u pravu si..ovo je za heavy solaze..dodushe sami ste pocheli sa DragonForce itd... ma BLAZE
  16. e odlichna je pesma Ali ona Mr.Killjoy sa EPa je chak i bolja..najbolja nova pesma
  17. Ko voli Sign Of the Southern Cross pesmu ovdi?
  18. Od dva albuma slushao sam "Just A Face.." i mislim da osim sa "Bend je sasvim prosjecan u odnosu na gomilu ostalih iz tog vremena " nema vishe shta drugo da se kaze..meni je najzanimljivji vokal benda..Exodusasto-Anthraxashki ..al dobar sve u svemu..
  19. Angelystor


    ima bre http://www.yumetal.net/forum/index.php?sho...37&st=0&hl=rage s tim shto nije greshka ni ovde da stoji jedna tema pa i na thrashu
  20. Shta vam bre nije jasno?
  21. Angelystor


    Ima "Electric Crown" ima "So Many Lies" i jednu od naj Testament pesama - "Return To Serenity"..ali osim toga ostale pesme su mi upravo dosta mlake(& mekane) i dosadnije na vishe slushanja..ali gorespomenute 3 pesme su mi odlichne
  22. Shto? Ja sam slushao kile bootlega iz Kanade(Montreala tj.) iz 2004e i 2005e i mogu reci da je publika neverovatna, a i na Rhapsody snimku skorashnjem isto..tako da bolje da snimaju tamo nego negde u USA
  23. Amen to that!
  24. Um..zvuchi dobro posle prvog slushanja..al nekako previshe izmeshano..i ne znam..na trenutke podseca na Empeprometheus fazon..
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