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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. Angelystor


    E majke mi..uz RAGE najvredniji bend na planeti..sta ko radi ovi snimaju i prave turneje...non-jebeno stop..
  2. Znachi bice na netu kad se vrnem sa exkurzije..mighty
  3. Ja nisam ishao na GR forum 100 godina ali kada sam gledao set liste na pochetku turneje nisu bash svaki put bile iste koliko se secam..uglavnom su bis menjali i negde bi svirali vishe novih negde manje i ne uvek iste.. A ova lista je kul al nista vise..Gardens je dodushe malo pochela da smara..i zanimljvije bi bilo da su otvorili sa Lust For Life npr...One With The World ne znam koj ce mu..My Temple ne znam de mu je..al vazno da su tu dve najLOTF pesme..
  4. Ma cu skinem sa neta...no me sad mrzi nesto Nego Elle pa samo ti remasteri su i izasli do sada...a Chameleon i Deris era tek u aprilu..
  5. To onaj box setic a...pa lepe zelje Ja sam vidjao te digipackove po Bulgariji..ali ceo set joksi.. BTW German power metallers GAMMA RAY will be filming their May 6 show at Medley in Montreal, Quebec for an upcoming double DVD, to be released in September. In addition to the concert, which will be filmed with several cameras, the DVD will contain lots of bonus features, like a road movie, a documentary covering the group's history, behind-the-scenes footage, video clips etc. "Canada is a good place to film a show," says the band's frontman, Kai Hansen. "But we are also bringing a cameraman along for the entire tour to capture all of the back stage and pre-show aspects of the band. We are bringing it back to rock 'n' roll basics. This will be the first-ever GAMMA RAY video-documentary featuring the current lineup of the band. "The current lineup has been together for 8 years," Hansen states. "It's about time we get a filmed documentary of who the band is." Having just released their latest effort, "Majestic", on October 11, 2005, GAMMA RAY is preparing to tour North America. The lineup for "Majestic" includes Hansen (guitar, bass), Dirk Schlächter (bass), Henjo Richter (guitar, keyboards) and Daniel Zimmerman (drums), who have been together for the last several releases after a number of lineup changes in the early stages of the band?s career. "Majestic" is the band's first release since 2003's "Skeletons in the Closet". GAMMA RAY will be playing their first ever U.S. tour this spring. "We're excited because we have only played one U.S. show before," says Hansen. "Finally, after 16 years of GAMMA RAY, we are happy to be able to come to America and we're looking forward to kicking some ass!"
  6. Vaistinu odlichna vest A pridruzujem se preporukama za Angel Dust..album je zlato bre
  7. Kai jeste svirao bubnjeve kao mali..ali ne i na SW albumu..pevao je na "Heroic Death" svirao solazu na josh jednoj pesmi na novom a na proslim bumima je isto gostovao na par pesama, pre svega na onim 'ween obradama, a na Heavy Metal Is The Law zajedno sa Grosskopfom...if I'm not mistaking
  8. Six of HELLOWEEN's most interesting, transitional albums — "Walls Of Jericho", "Pink Bubbles Go Ape", "Chameleon", "Master Of The Rings", "The Time Of The Oath" and "Better Than Raw" — are being reissued as remastered, deluxe expanded edition CDs by Sanctuary Records on April 25, 2006. Bonus tracks include rare B-sides, remixes and live versions. "Walls Of Jericho", "Chameleon", "Master Of The Rings" and "The Time Of The Oath" are two-CD sets while "Pink Bubbles Go Ape" and "Better Than Raw" are each one fully packed CD. All six releases include informative liner notes with essays, new interviews with guitarist Michael Weikath, lyrics and photos. "Walls Of Jericho" was originally released in late 1985. It was HELLOWEEN's first full-length album following the appearance of the mini-album "Helloween" earlier that year. In addition to "Walls Of Jericho" itself, this two-CD reissue also includes the five songs from "Helloween" and a track from the picture-disc version, two songs from 1984's compilation album/sampler "Death Metal", 1986's "Judas" EP and two emixes from 2002's "Treasure Chest". "Pink Bubbles Go Ape" hit the streets in 1991 and it was HELLOWEEN's first album with guitarist Roland Grapow, who had replaced Kai Hansen. "Chameleon" followed in 1993 and this experimental effort was the final album with vocalist Michael Kiske. "Master Of The Rings" appeared in 1994 and it marked the debut of vocalist Andi Deris. "The Time Of The Oath" was issued in 1996 and it is generally regarded as containing the band's strongest, most cohesive set of songs since the mid-1980s classics "Keeper Of The Seven Keys, Pt. 1" and "Keeper Of The Seven Keys, Pt. 2". "Better Than Raw" came out in 1998 and it found HELLOWEEN adding progressive elements as well as touches of neo-classical and neo-black metal. The track listings are as follows: "Walls Of Jericho" Disc 1: 01. Starlight 02. Murderer 03. Warrior 04. Victim Of Fate 05. Cry For Freedom 06. Walls Of Jericho 07. Ride The Sky 08. Reptile 09. Guardians 10. Phantoms Of Death 11. Metal Invaders 12. Gorgar 13. Heavy Metal (Is The Law) 14. How Many Tears 15. Judas Disc 2: 01. Murderer (remix) 02. Ride The Sky (remix) 03. Intro/Ride The Sky (live) 04. Guardians (live) 05. Oernst Of Life 06. Metal Invaders 07. Surprise Track "Pink Bubbles Go Ape": 01. Pink Bubbles Go Ape 02. Kids Of The Century 03. Back On The Streets 04. Number One 05. Heavy Metal Hamsters 06. Goin' Home 07. Someone's Crying 08. Mankind 09. I'm Doin' Fine, Crazy Man 10. The Chance 11. Your Turn 12. Blue Suede Shoes ("Kids Of The Century" single B-side) 13. Shit And Lobster ("Kids Of The Century" single B-side) 14. Les Hambourgeois Walkways ("Number One" single B-side) 15. You Run With The Pack ("Number One" single B-side) "Chameleon": Disc 1: 01. First Time 02. When The Sinner 03. I Don't Wanna Cry No More 04. Crazy Cat 05. Giants 06. Windmill 07. Revolution Now 08. In The Night 09. Music 10. Step Out Of Hell 11. I Believe 12. Longing Disc 2: 01. I Don't Care You Don't Care ("When The Sinner" single B-side) 02. Oriental Journey ("When The Sinner" single B-side previously Japan only) 03. Cut In The Middle ("Windmill" single B-side) 04. Introduction ("Windmill" single B-side) 05. Get Me Out Of Here ("Windmill" single B-side) 06. Red Socks And The Smell Of The Trees ("I Don't Wanna Cry No More" single B-side) 07. Ain't Got Nothin' Better ("I Don't Wanna Cry No More" single B-side) 08. Windmill (previously unreleased demo version) "Master Of The Rings": Disc 1: 01. Irritation 02. Sole Survivor 03. Where The Rain Grows 04. Why? 05. Mr. Ego (Take Me Down) 06. Perfect Gentleman 07. The Game Is On 08. Secret Alibi 09. Take Me Home 10. In The Middle Of A Heartbeat 11. Still We Go Disc 2: 01. Can't Fight Your Desire (single B-side) 02. Star Invasion (single B-side) 03. Cold Sweat (single B-side) 04. Silicon Dreams (single B-side) 05. Grapowski's Malmsuite 101 (single B-side) 06. I Stole Your Love (KISS cover - single B-side previously Japan only) 07. Closer To Home (GRAND FUNK RAILROAD cover - single B-side previously Japan only) "The Time Of The Oath": Disc 1: 01. We Burn 02. Steel Tormentor 03. Wake Up The Mountain 04. Power 05. Forever And One (Neverland) 06. Before The War 07. A Million To One 08. Anything My Mama Don't Like 09. Kings Will Be Kings 10. Mission Motherland 11. If I Knew 12. The Time Of The Oath Disc 2: 01. Still I Don't Know (previously Japan only) 02. Take It To The Limit (previously Japan only) 03. Electric Eye (single B-side) 04. Magnetic Fields (single B-side) 05. Rain (single B-side) 06. Walk Your Way (single B-side) 07. Light In The Sky (single B-side) 08. Time Goes By (single B-side) "Better Than Raw": 01. Deliberately Limited Preliminary Prelude In Z 02. Push 03. Falling Higher 04. Hey Lord! 05. Don't Spit On My Mind 06. Revelation 07. Time 08. I Can 09. A Handful Of Pain 10. Lavdate Dominvm 11. Midnight Sun 12. Back On The Ground (previously Japan only) 13. A Game We Shouldn't Play (single B-side) 14. Perfect Gentleman (live bootleg version) 15. Moshi Moshi ~ Shiki No Uta (live B-side) ladno nemam back on the ground..
  9. E.U.L. inache ja ovih dana nabavljam Cyriisove projekte..onaj Stellar Seed je jebachki dobar iak' ima samo jedna pesma
  10. Angelystor


    sto se tiche bootlega i podzemnog thrasha..imam svasta Pa bre sastavi barem neku listu stvari koje imas pa moze se napravi neka razmenica very easily
  11. Ajd mrsh na Bruce D temu pa se tamo svadjajte
  12. Da Vinchijev kod je najprosechnija moguca knjiga. Drugim rechima: nyah.
  13. Sramota da niko ne pricha o "Astralism"..ccc... Meni je za ovo za sada heavy albumchina godine i najbolji AD album do sada! Besprekorni powerasti heavy. Lik ne da peva nego da rastura..i glas mu definitivno ne podseca na Dioa, ali po nachinu pevanja se defintivno vidi na koga ide..Fire In The House i In Rock We Trust takodje dosta Rainbowasta pesma i uz EVP i Tears From A Titan i Apocalypse Revealed najjache pesme.. iskreno se radujem sto cu ih gledati na jesen
  14. Angelystor


    Imam ja par bootlega
  15. A-ha. Enemy Inside Blood On Your Lips No Captures Totalno out.
  16. Pa na Pumpkin Video?
  17. Ja sam imao ovaj iz Kelna iz 92e pa ga obrisao...jer sam kapirao da nije ceo..a u stvari posle saznah da samo ta verzija i ima Skoro sam nabavio neke helloween snimke al josh ih nisam overio, pa kad uradim cu ti kazem dal je neki s ove liste...
  18. Kill yourself with style
  19. likchina Nego..kad se vec pricha o live snimcima, imam ja podobar iz Detve iz 2002e
  20. Slushah gi u Nishu na hitu..krsh je bilo veche i jedini bend koji me je barem malo pokrenuo bio Dargoron..dobar al prosecan power.
  21. Titanic is a pussy film Mene vishe pogadja Man On The Moon npr nego takvi soppy filmovi
  22. IMHO super je otpevao..a s obzirom da ima 60+ godina otpevao ga je maestralno! A poslednjih par godina ima svirke skoro non-stop..alal mu svaka..and izvodi klasike rainbowa&sabbatha koji se vishe nigde ne mogu chuti osim kod njega..
  23. Okej..moze 15 decembar 2023. ? To ti nije skorija buducnost Od Hey Lord? Pa bre imam..a mislim da taj spot ima i na onom divxu..moguc da se varam...al imam ga kao zaseban mpg ako nista drugo
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