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Swine Of Satan - bend u kome se javljaju sve domace zivotinje
Tako je SSovac
W.A.S.P. mainman Blackie Lawless has told Tom Lounges of the NWITimes.com that he will start recording the group's next, as-yet-untitled album in the beginning of April, with a target release date in September via his current label Sanctuary Records. While a lion's share of the set list on W.A.S.P.'s current tour is comprised of MTV hits and fan favorites spanning the band's vast musical canon, fans will be treated to at least one brand new, never before recorded song in each city the band visits. "To be honest, the whole reason that we are even out on the road doing this short three-week run of dates, is to try out some of the brand new material we've written for the next album in front of a live audience," noted Lawless. "We'll most likely play just one new song at every show, but over the course of three weeks, if we do a different song in each town, we'll get an idea on how the new stuff is going to work." When he first broke big during the "hair metal" days of the early 1980s declaring "I Wanna Be Somebody," Lawless had no idea that nearly a quarter-century later he still would be recording and touring under the W.A.S.P. "Never in my wildest dreams did I think back then, that I would be talking to the press in 2006 about a new W.A.S.P. album," reflected the rocker who's now in his early 50s. "The only thing a band tries to do when they start out is to keep one foot in front of the other, which in reality is what we're still doing. At that point in your career, you just want a record deal and to hit the road and play for people. You don't project that far ahead." ++ Inache sad sam ishao po WASP forumu i na ovoj mini turneji(koja se sutra zavrshava) nisu svirali nijednu NOVU pesmu..
"The Longest Night" je za korak iza od EdGuyovog novog albuma shto se tiche ovogodishnjih najpower albuma(barem za sada). Odlichna heavy/powerica i u stvari mozda ovaj albuma ima chak i vishe heavya nego proshli. Svi su ga otkinuli na 'bumu. Aymar je car. Jedan od najboljih pevacha na sceni trenutno. Matt ima dobre riffove i josh bolje leadove i josh jache solaze, ritam sekcija je takodje na mestu, bas se super chuje jedino ne bi bilo na odmet da je bubanje neeeshto glasniji. Iskrneo najslabiji deo albuma su mi prve 2-3 pesme. "Sunrise" nekako se mnogo rasteze i nekako mi ne lichi na pesmu kojom bi trebalo da se otvori album, a Ja Sam Chekic je malo neefikasna. Ali od "By The Night sky" krece ultimativna metal uzivancija - bez ijedne loshe sekunde. Naj pesme: By The Night Sky, The Longest Night i Up the Gates.
Naj je jachi film! Jarmush car
A u ovo sam se jutros i uverio Gledah bootleg iz milana '97e i ono..za vreme KYPF i Horrora, prvo drnda kaludjericu pa je jebe i onda izvadi matericu pa pije krv iz nje, a posle raspori neku(verovatno) svinja pa je sliceuje i tako...a i Horror su totalno sjebali a i skratili...
Poshto u Bugarsku idem 96% Delirious ce se gledati sigurno!
Ruzniji je od samog Dejva.
Ja Seance slushah josh proshle godine Ali mi nije bash bio ostavio neki valjan utisak..dodushe u nekim skorashnjim slushanjima album mi se neshto vishe dopao..ali najjachi ostaje "Tales"
A recent video clip of MOTÖRHEAD frontman Lemmy talking about the group's legendary 1997 tour with W.A.S.P. which resulted in MOTÖRHEAD quitting the trek after butting heads with W.A.S.P. mainman Blackie Lawless has been posted online at YouTube.com. Asked to offer his version of events that led to MOTÖRHEAD's departure from the tour, Lemmy said, "We went on the tour. It was supposed to be co-headlining, but he [blackie] was actually closing the show, 'cause he made such a fucking mess of the place, right?! 'Cause he killed a fake pig with a fake sword and he cut pillows open and threw feathers all over the stage, so by the time he finished with it, it wasn't fit to piss in and I wasn't gonna play [on] it. So he closed the show every night. And he was… I just don't know what it is with Blackie. I've known him 20 years, you know, and he was walking the first five years right past us and onto the stage — not 'Hello,' nothing, not acknowledging [us]. And he's still got his cellulite, old ass hanging out of his chaps, and he's got this mic stand with handlebars — 'the Blackie Lawless complete workout.' And at one gig we had to share a dressing room — well, there was only one dressing room — so we said, 'OK, we'll go on and then we'll pack up real quick and get out and then you can use it.' And we came back off stage soaking wet to find all our clothes thrown into the hallway. So at that point we said 'Fuck you' and we walked off that tour. There was always two hours before… First band and us, there would be an hour and a half before they would go on, because he had this cheap crew that didn't know what they were doing." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3NqcDZOiXs...lemmy%20blackie
Otprilike se slazem sa Djukom. Meni je IE oduvek bio vishe Thrash nego Power. Power crtu je uglavnom ubacivao Barlou jer lik jednostavno ima takav glas. Prvi album je dosta sirov pa mozda zbog toga vishe vuche na thrash nego na heavy, dok je "Stormrider" thrasherija, pa josh vrishti thrash samo tako. "Burnt Offerings" isto. A to za Goth atmosferu...shta bre?! E sad.."Dark Saga" ima thrash momenata, ali ovo je vishe power/heavy album. Za Something Wicked se slazem sa Djukom..dok je Horror Show tehnichki IMHO najbokji IE album i iskreno za njega i nije bitno gde ga turati..za thrash dodushe nije sigurno. GB je neshto u SW fazonu i dosta thrashy.
E ja sam to nashao na DC++ isto..al me mrzelo iskeno da skidam..
Pa D&W je odavno izdao album i to mnogo dobar. A Beyond Fear sam slushao online shto imala ona jedna pesma na sajtu njihovom i ono smara.
Pazario juche "Voodoo" Nesam znao da Dimebag gostovao na albumu... Al uprkos tome..mnogo mnogo mnogo jak album. I tako sam nabavio tri omiljena KD albuma na originalima..
Nazivati Anselma kraljom je glupo koliko i nazivati Khana kraljom.
Haha, sta bi ti tek rekao Watchtoweru.. Pa bre ne idu svi na blabbermouth, bravewords, metal-rules i sl sajtove, a verujem da bi ljudima bilo zanimljvo da saznaju takvu nekvu informaciju..a ja kad imam da prokomentarishem neku vest prokomentarishem je u istom postu. Tol'ko. Too Far Gone
Watchtower a tvoje mishljenje o 'bumu? BTW najgore kod ovog albuma su ime i cover. SODOM ima najbolje covere u Thrash Metalu prosechno gledano(blizu je jedino Megadeth mozda..)..i stvarno ne kapiram ovaj Back in Black trip...dodushe mozda bi ovaj cover imao nekog smisla kad bi se album zvao "Enemy Inside"(slagalo bi se nekako, heh).. BTW Enemy Inside najpesma...Vec mi je ushla u top10 sodom pesama.
This Is The War je jedan od najgorih spotova koje sam ikad gledao.
Ja dajem za BG 4000. Vredi jebesh mu mater...meni vredi sigurno! A ici cu sigurno i na King Diamond. Budala sam ako ne idem na KD.
Des Proto Ma dosadno de...a i sutra dolazim u tu vashu shugaru od grada, mora se opustim pre toga
Shto se tiche remastera..Keeper II zvuci skoro isto, jedino remix Keeper pesme zvuchi dosta bolje.. ali se zato na Keeper I bash vidi razlika i u pm je jache.. Walls sam bash sad uzeo da slusham... STAAAAARRLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! JEBOTE
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