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Gledao "Rosemary's Baby" sinoc, i otkinuo sam kako je dobar film. U stilu Hichkokovih horora lovi na psiho a ne jednostavne krvave fazone...Najjacha scena je kad Rouzmeri stoji u govornici a ispred nje stoji neki lik..napeta scena i onda se ispostavi da nije nishta a atmosfera vas navede na ko zna shta A da i ona pesma je zakon
Ma Vazno da u septembru budu na prvom mestu
Sinoc sam bash u docne sate krstario i uzivao uz Cirkus..
The new BLIND GUARDIAN single, "Fly", has entered the national charts in the following countries: # 1 in Japan # 4 in Spain # 4 in Hungary # 29 in Sweden # 32 in Germany # 52 in Austria # 94 in Switzerland
ladno grim jebote
Chuo sam samo jednu pesmu i to sa splita sa Nunslaughterom iz 2001e. Dok mi je Nunsl. zvuchao okej, GBK pesma me je odushevila. "The Tricifixion Of Swine" naime. Odlichni riffovi, zvuk podobar..ima taj thrash feeling shto mi se dosta svidja..chak mi se svidja i onaj melodichni deo u sredini. Derfor..morace neki album ili demo/ep shta vec da se ujuri..
Novi nikak da nabavim..al navijam za Lordi na evroviziji
Timo Isoaho has filed the following report: There's a sign outside the old church in Berlin saying "Today: CELTIC FROST listening session." I would call that dark humor, no question about that. Inside the God's temple, there's whole bunch of European metal journalists waiting to hear the long-awaited new effort by CELTIC FROST. Most of the journalists look excited; it's clear that this isn't "typical" listening session at all. No, it's the new and long-awaited album by Switzerland's finest. I am excited, too, as CELTIC FROST has been one of my favorite groups since the mid-Eighties. Everybody knows that the band evolved from HELLHAMMER's grim black metal to CELTIC FROST's avantgardism ("Into the Pandemonium") and later even hard/glam rock ("Cold Lake"). So, after all these years, what should I expect from the new album "Monotheist"? Well, I have heard the demo track "Ground" but otherwise, I have no clue. Some minutes later, CELTIC FROST's Tom Gabriel Fischer and Martin Eric Ain enter this devoted place of God. With the dark make-up around his eyes, Tom looks calm and mysterious. He decides to stay in the shadows by the side when bearded Martin rises on the shrine and start talking. The next few minutes, he tells us about the process of making the new album and lyrical concept (there's a fascination with death, for sure!). Suddenly, the bass player is gone and the first track "Progeny" starts pounding from the PA after we have been given hymn-book (with CELTIC FROST's new lyrics on the pages of it). Over hour later, the album expires with "Winter (Requiem, Chapter Three: Finale)". Well, it's difficult to describe exhaustively, but some things... The sound of the album is absolutely massive but at the same time, very raw. Most black metal bands can only dream of getting a sound like this. Guitars and bass are extremely, and I truly mean extremely, sharp and heavy. Now and then during the album you are able to hear some fateful gothic influences and moody female vocalists and even legendary "UHH!" screams too. Most of the tracks are really slow, menacing doom metal. Or in this case, maybe term "doomed metal" describes the sound even better. However, there's some really fast parts too. And the riffs are just punishing, Tom's vocals vary from magnificent death metal grunts to something utterly beautiful, and the whole atmosphere just takes the listener into the pure darkness. And it's a haunting feeling! This is as close as you can get total death in musical terms... Some newer bands that could be mentioned in the same sentence as new CELTIC FROST might be TYPE O NEGATIVE (when they are at their heaviest and most atmospheric), MY DYING BRIDE and even NEUROSIS plus SUNNO))). And maybe a group like FIELDS OF THE NEPHILIM too. None of those are not like this, not even close, but there's slight similarities here and there. One thing is for certain: the album is not similar to anything this band has released earlier. As Martin tells me later, "We don't want to look back. When we were creating this album, we didn't listen to the old albums and think like, 'Hey, there's cool riff in 'Procreation (Of The Wicked)', let's use that" or 'Circle Of The Tyrants' is great, let's write another track like that.' No way. This is new CELTIC FROST." Later that afternoon, it's great to notice that Tom is really satisfied with the new album. Of course, bands are always satisfied with their latest release (or at least they pretend to be) but it's easy to sense that there's no bullshit going on this time. No, he is seriously proud of Monotheist". But he already has new plans. "It's my goal to make the next record even heavier and gloomier," he points out. "If that's possible..." is my reply. "Yes it is," he says assuredly. What about live shows? What tracks are we going to hear? "Of course, some new tracks and then older ones from 'Morbid Tales', 'To Mega Therion' and 'Into The Pandemonium'," Tom reveals. "We don't play anything from 'Cold Lake' or 'Vanity/Nemesis' as they are not 'real' CELTIC FROST albums. And maybe it's time to play 'Triumph Of Death' by HELLHAMMER. We will see." S obzirom s kojim bendovima se poredi novi Frost..ne ochekujem ama bash nishta.
"Ronnie and company are busy writing a new [DIO] studio record to be released later this year. Touring is expected to gear up in May with a South American jaunt, followed by a European tour commencing May 27 in Belgium. Dates will be announced as soon as they are confirmed, so keep watching the tour page for details." Master Of The Moon je majka album!
Naslovnica-Ultra zarazna pesma, sa ultra brzim drum workom nasheg dragog Frosta, jedino shto me malko iritira je onaj viu-viu-viu riff na predrefrenu i zamerka da je umesto onog doooom dela u sredini mogla da uleti neka solazica il shta vec...ali super K.I.N.G.-Opet pesma sa ultra zaraznim prostim riffovima i vokalima. pesma srednjeg tempa. E sad..ono shto pada na pamet posle ove dve pesme je da u stvari ovde i nema neshto black metala..tj. da je vulcano blackastiji od ovoga The Pentagram Burns-E ova je ultra dosadna. One melodije smaraju, gitara daje neki doom feeling, bubnjevi ubrzaju s vremena na vreme..ali blah A New Enemy-Pesma nestho "crnja" od prve dve ali u istom fazonu+Frost ga cepa i cepa a riffovi su dobri ko majka. The Rite Of War Cross-Evo je prva skoror-all-black-metal pesma na bumu. Krece skoro iznenadno, sas sve blast bitom(da ne kazem konachno) i black riffovima..i ti delovi su ok, ali ne znam shto forsiraju one doom delove mnogo jebote..refren smori.. That Darkness Shall Be Eternal-Besne li pesme...Srednjeg tempa ali heavy as fuck, opet zarazni riffovi(vokali manje, fali dobar refren kao na prve dve heh)...jedino shto onaj uvodni zvuchi kao neka sirena..mnogo wierd... Delirium-Refren mnogo repetativan, mjuza onako hevaja..neshto zanimljivija pesma od Pentagram Burns sve u svemu. To The Mountains-Run To The Hills! Ma kako glupo ime za pesmu bre...E ali ne bi me zachudilo da sledeci album Satyricona bude chist doom(doom/heavy) kad su krenuli ovako. Gitara je mozda doomasta na pochetku ali zato Frost terorishe onaj drum kit jebote! Kroz celu pesmu..Zanimljiva pesma sa dosta prelaza+orkestar neki se javlja pri kraju..kulaja..dobar finish. Sve u svemu, mnogo chudno. Nit black, nit heavy, nit doom..slichno Vulcanou ali meni je lichno mnogo bolji Vulcano..falila mi je neka pesma tipa "Bastard Nation"... Cause they want Cause they need Cause they are Meant to be NOW! DIABOLICAL!
Meni je od svih thrasherica na novom, najbolja pesma postala - "My Friends"!!! Mnogo, znachi mnogo dobar balada, kao Testamentove najbolje..(Legacy, Ballad)...
jebo exit...MOR na moru bre!
E Invictuse care stigli DVDi!!! Sa'ce se uziva u legendama...odma posle Golog Pishtolja 3
- a mix of: 30% new BG style, 25% ANATO, 20% NIME, 20% IFTOS, 5% older stuff E ovo mi se svidja...A josh vishe mi se svidja: these songs should be redone in his oppinion: Hall of the king, Follow the blind, Fast to madness Shta bih dao da mi sviraju Fast to Madness bre
Evo odslushah 3 pesme nove(ostatak kad se vrnem iz grad vecheras), i ovo jebe keve kako je zarazno, ali...ALI..kome se nije svideo "Vulcano" da bezi sto dalje od albuma ...Crooked horns...KING!
Pa rade ih sa vremena na vreme..
E jes majku mu preshaltovali smo se na UDOa..al dobro..sve su to heavy legende. A novi album je bre bash dobar.
Dap..ima sad novi bend Bloodbound beshe se zovu..imaju jedan album Nosferatu ali je tezak prosek..heavy/power
Jebaga :/ ..ti me nalozi onomad ko Frubi za Testament..al jebga..vazno je da ce biti u Bugarskoj..I dace bog da odem na taj fest i da bude.. We're living it...24/7....24 hours-seeeeveeeen days a weeeek!
Mislim da mi je kuglas..maaaaalo out of reach Nekih 200 km ako ima negde okachene vashe stvari..dajde link voleo bi chuti
E imam vashe neke ancient snimke..Remember The Fallen i Tormentor i valjda josh jedan...ali nikad chuo vashe radove nazalost. Respecti
OK. Ja sam i zvanichno sick..nakon shto sam sinoc u ponoc provalio da ima novog deliriusa na netu chim sam ustao jutros(7) pustio sam album...bice chudo ako budem bio odlichan na kraju leba mi Do prekjuche mi je zvuchnike thrashirao witchburner..e smena bato.. Najthrasherskiji album Deliriousa(dodushe nisam ih slushao sve..ali..)..pesme krace, ima samo jedna laganica, produkcija kida na mesto, a betty chovek je car. Znachi kada slushate album pomislite da ovde gostuju i Chuck Billy i Peavy al kurac..sve jedan chovek. Chovek bre peva i growl i vishe vokale za desetku! car!!! A i svidja mi se shto su stavili In A Cadda da vida obradu..koja je definitivno bolja od Guardianove!! Album neam loshe pesme, nema ni fillera...a samo da kazem za intro da me onaj glas jebeno podseca na glas sa introa za "Black Hand Inn"..intriga.. Za sada - naj thrash abum. YOU CAN CALL ME GOD! p.s. Vrshljao sam takodje malo na sajtu i na live pics->Darkness Shall Rise-> 4 i 5 strana ima slike sa svirke iz bga
Sweden's TAD MOROSE have announced the addition of singer Joe Comeau (ex-ANNIHILATOR, LIEGE LORD, OVERKILL) to the group's ranks. "A new era has begun for us and the next release will be by far the most powerful we have ever done," the band write on their web site. Commented Comeau: "What can I say? Obviously, I am very honored to be the new vocalist for the great TAD MOROSE! I would first like to thank all the TAD guys for bringing me on board. Work has already begun on awesome new TAD MOROSE material and I am psyched as hell to move ahead on creating a killer new CD with these guys. I am also looking forward to our upcoming shows so I can meet all the TAD faithful and friends alike! Make sure you come and have a drink with us. See ya soon!" oh yes!!!!
Nisam proveravao sajt skoro uopshte.a...ono peva riba? Svakak joj se dala