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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. Pa najbolja..ali ja 99% razmena plastike vrshim sa ljudima van Krushevca
  2. Angelystor


    Ja imam Staying A Life..majka. A i treba od Invictusa uskoro da mi stigne dvd nek..
  3. Nesha car
  4. Ma znam da ti nije problem..al opet nije u redu u pizdu materinu da poshta zajebava ljude..jer kao shto kazem..u poslednje vreme to bash chesto chini.. A inace shta bi sa onom tvojom veshcu da ce UDO svirati u Bgu u martu ?
  5. Tako je kolega!
  6. Zashto maltetirati choveka?
  7. Znachi i ti imash japansku verziju Jes fino zvuche live
  8. Ma ne jurim ga ni ja, ali sam mislio na snimke Koji su izgleda bashh retki... Paket nije stigao mamu mu. Inache, u poslednje vreme 3 od 4 poshiljke iz Beograda mi nisu stizale, tako da su ljudi u dva sluchaja morali opet da mi shalju...ne znam koji je fazon. a za bulgariu shteta..dodushe,..to je istina da RW nikada nije ni trebao da svira na tom festu
  9. Izvrstan album! Uzivancija za slushanje. Ovaj bend je bolji od albuma do albuma imho naj pesme.. Periscope, Going Under, Cage Of Me, Blink Of An Eye
  10. Angelystor


    Ma joks..on samo za turneju im pomagao
  11. Ja Live 2002 imam i audio i divx i dvd A chak i nije tol'ko dobar A bootlege jurim ko Ratka Mladica
  12. Pa jesu gi zapostavili na Puppet Master turneji..al samo kralj zna zashto.. Sa'cu ja pocheti polako da smaram sa "dream set listom"..samo da uspem da je skratim na dva sata
  13. Da zainteresujemo stoku.. http://www.slaughtercult.de/neu/index.html http://www.slaughtercult.de/neu/sound/sound.html
  14. Uh..jebemga onda..ipak ovi seljaci znaju neshto onda
  15. Pa nije josh krenula turneja..'de se zna.. Al mora da padne neshto sa Voodoo!
  16. Angelystor


    Heh..pa i jeste ga dobro skinuo..i u Gutteru..a tek u Hall Of The Mountain king..bre
  17. Kap'ram da je "hajpokrisi"..dodushe ovde u lokalnom govoru kad se bend spominje govorimo "hipokrisi"
  18. Angelystor


    Mene ovih dana Smak drzi u shkoli a ponajvishe "Zashto ne volim sneg"
  19. Odslushah i napalih se! Meni se iskreno retko svide ovakvi bendovi..ali ovi imaju neku Gorgoroth crtu sa prva tri albuma tako da je ovo dosta brzo dospelo do mog mozga i centar za prepoznavanje dobro blacka(ma koliko bio primitivan) se upalio. Dakle ovi rawblackmetalashi su iz nemachke, izdali jedan EP, dva splita i dva fulll albuma. Ja imam dva rada, EP "The Pest Called Humanity" i album "Spectral Runlets Of Tulwod". EP je neshto siroviji i ima chvrshce i vishe thrashy riffove, dok je album ima neshto melodichnije pesme ali i tehnichki mozda jache. Komenti ako ste slushali, a ako ne - dobavljaj.
  20. Ma kod nas ce dodju u septembru shta vam je
  21. Tu foru je vec provalio Deicide pre njega a i josh 5-6 bendova se javilo sa istom idejom il da krenu na tour ili album da izdaju. Jebem ti genija ako je on o tome razmishljao zadnjih 5 godina umesto da uzeo da stvara neku dobru mjuzu.
  22. ZA taj Live in Uk bila je neka pricha da ce sada da izdaju potpunu verziju svirke..ali od toga izgleda opet nishta...a inache ne mog se setim tachnog razlog zashto je izdata ova skracena verzija..valjda se neshto sa kucom njihovom jebavali. Ali slazem se.. Live In Uk>High Live
  23. Jest dobar omot
  24. If you think 6.6.06 is an intimidating calendar date, just wait. The killer reunion of all time — complete with live tour dates — is about to commence. The four original members of SLAYER — Tom Araya/bass, vocals, Kerry King/guitars, Jeff Hanneman/guitars, and Dave Lombardo/drums — the pioneers and undisputed kings of extreme speed/thrash metal, have entered a Los Angeles-area studio to record what will be their first new studio album since 1990's "Seasons In The Abyss". And if that's not enough, uber-producer Rick Rubin, who helped solidify the much-emulated SLAYER sound beginning with their genre-defining 1986 classic "Reign In Blood", has taken the helm as executive producer of the project. The original team is back in place. Working closely with Rubin will be Josh Abraham (KORN, VELVET REVOLVER, ATREYU) who will produce the album. "We're real happy to have Josh on the team," said SLAYER's Jeff Hanneman. "He's a very creative and intuitive guy, he knows music, and he really gets who SLAYER is and what we're doing." The as-yet-untitled album will be released on SLAYER's longtime label, Rubin's American Recordings/Warner Bros. Records, and is expected out this fall. "Dave's been back with us, playing live, for a couple of years now, and we're all looking forward to recording together again," said the band's Tom Araya. Kerry King added, "There really is no one like Dave — he doesn't have to work at what he does, he just walks in, picks up his sticks and goes." Said Lombardo, "It feels really good being back with the same guys I started out with. The chemistry is definitely there, that's the exciting part of it, to capture that chemistry again. And that's what is happening." Jeff, Tom and Kerry have been writing songs for this new album since they wrapped their last North American tour in September 2004. "This is probably the most prepared we've been to record an album since the '80s," King added. "We've been writing and cutting demos for months." While these may change, working titles for some of the songs that will be recorded include "Catalyst", "Cult", "Supremist", and "Consfearacy". "I like to write songs that have different meanings for different people," said King, "where everyone can say, 'I know what he means,' but still get their own sense of what the song is about." But wait, this just gets better. On 6.6.06 in San Diego, CA, SLAYER will kick off a seven-week summer trek, "The Unholy Alliance Tour ­ Preaching to the Perverted", that boasts what has got to be the genre's coolest line-up of the summer — LAMB OF GOD, MASTODON and CHILDREN OF BODOM (who will rotate the second and third slots), and THINE EYES BLEED who will open the shows. Not only is the line-up terrific, but ticket prices will not exceed $39.00, giving fans a great value for their dollar. Tour dates and all other details will be announced shortly. Confirmed dates are below. According to SLAYER's longtime manager Rick Sales, "We want to make 'The Unholy Alliance' tour an annual global event, so we decided to be smart about the design from the beginning. We chose to book most of the tour¹s shows at indoor venues, as that allows the bands and the fans amenities like air conditioning and indoor bathrooms, as well as the very best stage lighting, production, and sound and less expensive concession prices. The few shows that will be played outside will be played at night in permanent facilities with our lighting, production, and so on. Everyone wins." With more dates to be added, the confirmed dates for "The Unholy Alliance Tour ­ Preaching to the Perverted" are as follows: Jun. 06 - Sports Arena - San Diego, CA Jun. 07 - The Orleans - Las Vegas, NV Jun. 12 - Pop's Outside - St. Louis, MO Jun. 13 - Aragon Ballroom - Chicago, IL Jun. 15 - Tweeter Center - Camden, NJ Jun. 16 - Continental Airlines Arena - E. Rutherford, NJ Jun. 17 - Tsongas Arena - Lowell, MA Jun. 23 - Freeman Coliseum - San Antonio, TX Jun. 25 - Reliant Arena - Houston, TX Jun. 29 - Tower City Amphitheatre - Cleveland, OH Jul. 06 - Cobo Arena - Detroit, MI Jul. 07 - Eagles Auditorium - Milwaukee, WI Jul. 14 - Qwest Field Event Center - Seattle, WA Jul. 16 - Salem Armory - Salem, OR Jul. 19 - HP Pavilion - San Jose, CA Jul. 21 - Mesa Amphitheatre - Mesa, AZ Jul. 22 - Long Beach Arena - Long Beach, CA
  25. Iron Ma..lo sutra hm..mozda ce se zove Chapter 6.66
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