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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. Angelystor


    Al su ga uboli, svaka im chas'
  2. E 'A Night To Remember' je bash dobar koncert..
  3. Znachi..kraljevski..
  4. Blacksunray dobio sledbenika
  5. Ma svi ste troo blekeri
  6. Drummer Stet Howland has announced his departure from W.A.S.P.. I na posting on the band's official web site, Howland wrote, "I appreciate the kind words and I am sorry if some of you are sad about my departure. Out of respect to the band and the upcoming tour, I didn't send out a press release about this, as I didn't want to cause possible worry to you good people. I just got in from a long weekend and my ass is kicked, so I'll keep this short and to the point. "Without going into detail that would most likely get turned into something negative, let me give a Reader's Digest version of what's up. "In mid-January, Blackie [Lawless, W.A.S.P. mainman] and I had a phone conversation that resulted in our parting. It wasn't shitty, ugly, or disrespectful in any way. It was two old and dear friends being honest with each other. After 16 years as friends and bandmates, one thing you learn is how to be honest with each other. "So the bottom line is, I will not be part of the upcoming tour, and I'm not sure who the drummer will be as its really none of my business. If it's the guy that they were going to use before I came back, he is excellent. I don't know him but I have heard his work on Darrell's [Roberts, W.A.S.P. guitarist] solo stuff and I think he's great. Keep in mind Im just guessing from the other side of the country. [Laughs] "I will be posting more details about this and my upcoming plans on my site www.stethowland.com this week. "I really feel like I owe you all a big thank you! Special thanks for Doc for being honorable (he can explain if he wants). Thanks to the children of lawless for this awesome site, and thanks to Blackie, Mike, and Darrell for the good times we shared. "I will be out doing shows with my band TEMPLE OF BRUTALITY, if you have the chance come out and say hello. "You people are the most kick-ass fans in the world. I wish you all the very best." jebaaaga..ode Stet
  7. e upravo a inache..nije nesto zbog chega se treba lomiti, kao za First Years Of Piracy npr
  8. Angelystor


    polako pochinje da podseca na Meat Loaf
  9. Mother North jeste...dobra pesma..ima dushu..al spot je smeshan. Fuel For Hatred vec lichi na neshto.
  10. E leba mi, uopshte mi nije legao onaj Manowar refren na Agent Steel riff
  11. E ta fora sa Valhalom vec isfurana..ajmo bolje da se deremo FOOOLLLOWWW THE BLIIIIIND 5 minuta, meni bi bilo extra kad bi taj song odradili
  12. 25..? u jebte...Ma dobro...ionako nisam planirao skoro da svracam u prestonicu
  13. Bez vredjanja Gorgorotha i Morgotha molim
  14. ma jok, dupli best of
  15. E i mene je omiljen taj Nego gdi ga nabode na original i za kol'ko?
  16. Ma Izugbljen u Dvorani Sumraka
  17. Angelystor


    BTW shto me ova planina sa covera podseca na onu iz "Bliski susreti trece vrste"
  18. NAbavio i 20 Yrs In History..ima dve "nove" pesme..tj to mu dodju starije pesme ali freshly snimljene "Prowling Werewolf" i "Apocalyptic Horsemen", fine pesmice, u stilu ranijih radova, prowling dobra, horsemen onako..prosecna. Pesme su remasterovane, pojedine su totalno resnimljene, a na nekim mislim da su resnimljeni leadovi samo(npr Port Royal)..ali ako nesto ne valja to je Branded And Exiled i Mordor, tzv 2003 verzije, sa sve Drum mashinom..BaE i ajde zvuci okej, ali Mordor sa ritam mashinom..ajaoj... Inache izbor pesama je sasvim fin, ima ih sa bukvalno svakog albuma.
  19. Angelystor


    ili to ili je zadnja pesma neka polasatna a ostale 'normal'...
  20. Meni bi vishe bilo zanimljivo Harry Potter da odrade LOTR je preisfuran...
  21. Angelystor


    Odlicna vest and mnogo je jak cover! Znachi jedvade chekam! A i mogao bi album vec uskoro da se nadje online Izlazi za samo mesec dana jebot'..
  22. e kako je losh "Live Damage". Pre svega, mislim da je onaj prostor duplo manji od velike sale SKCa a i tu je doshlo nekih 150tak ljudi..a i tek njih 15 iz cele mase se neshto lozi tokom pesama inache nishta...sam bend je so-so... ..audio je josh gore..
  23. Ja nishta ne znam, but IMHO - Bull-shit
  24. Burbonska zver im je bio najbolji album u zadnjih 10-15 godina sigurno...videcemo kaki ce bit novi
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