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Sweden's OPETH staged the first of their special performances, dubbed "Chronology MCMXCIV-MMV - A Live Observation By Opeth", on Thursday (Feb. 23) at New York City's Town Hall. The concert consisted of a chronologically played setlist, starting with music from the very first record, "Orchid", and ending with vibes from the latest opus, "Ghost Reveries". OPETH and crew also brought in extra production and screens in order to try and make this the ultimate OPETH live experience. The setlist boasted no less than four songs that haven't been performed on American soil and several others that haven't been played for years. OPETH live New York City's Town Hall on Feb. 23, 2006 setlist: 01. Under The Weeping Moon 02. The Night And The Silent Water 03. The Amen Corner 04. White Cluster 05. The Leper Affinity 06. A Fair Judgement 07. Deliverance 08. Windowpane 09. Closure 10. Ghost Of Perdition 11. The Baying Of The Hounds 12. The Grand Conjuration Encore: 13. Demon Of The Fall OPETH will play two more "Chronology" shows ar Chicago's House of Blues (March 2) and Los Angeles' Wiltern Theatre (March 14). These extended sets are exclusive to the three dates and there won't be any support bands on these nights
A number of DEICIDE fans became unruly outside the Teatro Novedades in Santiago, Chile on Wednesday (Feb. 22) after the group's headlining performance at the venue started a half hour earlier than scheduled, according to Las Últimas Noticias. The band played for just an hour and left the stage after performing two brief encores. "We wanted to play for you guys yesterday. We'll make it up to you next time," vocalist/bassist Glen Benton said from the stage, refering to the cancelled show in Valparaiso on Tuesday. According to Las Últimas Noticias, most of the DEICIDE fans arrived late at the venue since they believed that the show would begin at 9:00 p.m., as the promotional posters indicated. Instead, the concert kicked off at 8:30 p.m., resulting in several fights/incidents when fans tried to force their way inside the venue. Members of the Chilean Special Forces cleared the place and no one was arrested. Jebem ih u logiku
Ja sam ga prvi put prochitao..hm..ima 3 godine vec sigurno i tada sam otkinuo, znachi stvarno mi se svidela knjiga i tada sam zutokljunac u nju gledao kao na bibliju i rekao sam sebi da ovo moram barem josh jednom da prochitam..i jos uvek nikako da nadjem vremena ..iako se iz knjige secam mnogo toga, pre svega Beren i Lutijena story i tako nesto..ali ako mi je nesto ostalo u secanju to je kad krene da nabraja ko je koga napravio kome je cale itd
Schizo je extra album!!! Prava anihilacija Ja sam Paddenom imam jedan bootleg i to sa Waldrocka i skoro da mi se uopste ne svidja kako je otpevao.. A shto se tiche best of liste..najzanimljivije - City of Ice mlogo gotivna pesma
Canadian metal legends ANNIHILATOR are confirmed to play the Evolution Festival in Modena, Italy on July 15 and the Masters of Rock Festival in Prague, Czech Republic on July 16. Says ANNIHILATOR chief Jeff Waters: "At least nine more festivals and 12 headline dates [will] be announced soon but we will be returning to Europe for at least 23 dates, starting June 28 through July 30. There's also going to be a few surprises unleashed for this tour: the return of a former member, a deadly setlist and singer Dave Padden will also be playing guitar (this guy KILLS on guitar, people!). I will sing on songs like 'King of the Kill', 'Refresh the Demon' and others that I originally recorded/sang on." Waters adds, "The setlist will be chosen by our fans (affectionately known as 'Schizos') and while we will be playing some tunes from the critically acclaimed 'Schizo Deluxe' and the 'All For You' CDs, we have unearthed a few rarely heard classics for the fans, as well as delivering the songs that metalheads have demanded since our arrival on scene back in 1989.
hm..tek ce 2066e da bude pomama
Eagle Rock Entertainment/Spitfire Records has set an April 18 North American release date for DIO's "Holy Diver Live" CD (one day earlier internationally). Captured live in front of a sold-out London crowd, "Holy Diver Live" sees Ronnie James Dio delivering a truly memorable performance on this truly memorable night. Dio has been hailed as one of the finest voices in heavy metal for over 30 years now and for good reason. Due to his stints in RAINBOW, BLACK SABBATH and as a solo artist, Dio is one of the few people in the history of music that can honestly say they have played on three classic albums, each under a different moniker. "Holy Diver Live" features the classic "Holy Diver" album in its entirety, from start to finish, recorded live for the very first time. It also features, among others, "Heaven & Hell", "Sign of the Southern Cross" and "Mob Rules" from his BLACK SABBATH days, "Tarot Woman", "Man on the Silver Mountain" and "Long Live Rock 'N' Roll" from the RAINBOW era and "We Rock" from his solo career. "Holy Diver Live" CD track listing: CD1: 01. Stand Up and Shout 02. Holy Diver 03. Gypsy 04. Caught in the Middle 05. Don't Talk to Strangers 06. Straight Through the Heart 07. Invisible 08. Rainbow in the Dark 09. Shame on the Night CD2: 01. Tarot Woman 02. Sign of the Southern Cross 03. One Night in the City 04. Gates of Babylon 05. Heaven & Hell 06. Man on the Silver Mountain 07. Long Live Rock ‘N’ Roll 08. We Rock E ovo je set lista! Svak mu mas i za Souther cross i Tarot zenu..ali posebno za GATES OF F* BABYLON!
Silma jedino tezak zbog kile likova..
Ma samo ga zamishljam kroz 10 godina kako peva "I fuck like a beast!"
Ovaj je prouzrokovao opshtu pomamu na forumu
Mozda je chuo ceo album i reshio da ne zeli da ima ikakve veze sa time? But then again..nadajmo se da nije tako..
A tek lista pesma..auhuhu...ovo i Sodom nabavljam chim gi ugledam negde
Shteta shto ne dolaze negde blizu
Chemu chupati kosu zbog gluposti? Pusti "No Return" i uzivaj..i odi na neku drugu temu
Dobar je spot! Prost, znachi samo bend i oni sviraju i to dobro usnimljeno a i oni su ubedljivi..qlaja
Nije loshe nesho..samo je imho jebeno glup naziv pesme, ali inache je sasvim dobra pesma..shtavishe..druga strofa je bash pevljiva
Da do jaja je to, ali Blackie ima skoro 50 godina, ko zna kako sad izgleda sve to
Nosi chovek majcu shta sad..
Zasto unakaznjavati sebe zbog nekih forum freakova? Anyway..i ja se radujem svirci..al majku mu dotle ima vremena ljudi, ihaha..sada je mnogo vaznije kakav ce biti novi album.
E da, to jeste, svirke su im bash kratke i na to se najvishe zale, barem koliko sam ja uspeo da po'vatam a i kapiram da je verovatno ovim Amerima koji su gledali WASP 35 puta dosadilo vishe da slushaju lav mashin, wajld chajld, wanna be somebody etc, poshto Bleki ne menja te pesme vec 20 godina ja mislim...I wonder kakav je osecaj? No elem..kapiram sta s' teo reci..ja sam samo pricao o samoj svirci and pevanju i kako su to odradili..A inache sada su valjda opet vratili onaj fazon iz 80tih sa sirovim mesom, krv iz lobanje etc
Juche/prekjuche odgledao celu Evil Dead "trilogiju".. Prvi je horrorchina, onako..zanimljiv, ali meni se svidja samo zbog par jakih i ubedljivih scena i samo zbog tih par scena cu ga gledati again. Npr najjachi mi je onaj deo "Why have you disturbed our sleep!? Awaken us from our ancient slumber! You will die!!!...." i isto zakon scena sa ogledalom..itd.. Drugi deo je do jaja, imho bolji od prvog, ubacheni neki elemnti komedije, i znachi scena u kuhinji sa rukom je jedna od najjachih! treci deo gubi skoro svaki moguci elemenat horrora, ali je ipak ispao neverovatno do jaja kao neka avanturistichka komedija i ovde je Brus ubedljivo najjachi!! Groovy!
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E svidja mi se bogome! Bash 'Vulcanovski'
Za mene je ovo vest godine za sada rick bre dobar..Anthrax..Slayer..