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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. Gledao ga stotinak puta i gledacu ga jos najmanje toliko, fantastichan film!
  2. E ja sam tu epizodu sad na B92 prvi put gledao jebote! A mislio sam da ih znam sve Najjacha fora kad su na brodu..pa se izgube..pa kad rodni smisli da se navode pomocu zvezda...a Albert" There's so many of them"...suze Ma i Albert i Deka su odlicni..svaki na svoj nacin!
  3. Angelystor


    Sweden's DARK TRANQUILLITY and Canada's THE DEVIN TOWNSEND BAND have been confirmed as the opening acts for OPETH on their upcoming North American tour beginning in mid-February. Kako prokleto dobra postava!
  5. Slajm Bend?
  6. Dio o Ozzyu: "He's not what I am, he's not what Ian Gillan is, he's not what Rob Halford is. If being a performer is stumbling around on stage, then I guess he's a performer. His character has become a characterization of himself, so people go to see if he'll fall off the stage, how many times he'll stumble or how many buckets of water he can throw. What has that got to do with music?"
  7. Nightmare aim to guide you within Devoured by void of thoughts Fortune's sting impales your skin In the machine you find yourself caught Another puzzle to guide you to insanity You put the pieces together Put you just wish you are vanishing! Morning achievement zero You feed on the remains Of what you used to be Wherever you are, you'll remember the stains Perfection is no more Welcome to the halls Go straight to the core Where the strongest mind falls Simplicity extreme! Another deadend in the oblivion Food for the mind, drains the body Do you even know this phobia? Inside your dreams, all you do is falling! Optimisim for the end Judges waiting in the black Your mind's about to bend You fall through the crack Of simplicity extreme! Perfection is no more Welcome to the halls Go straight to the core Where the strongest mind falls Simplicity extreme! Why don't you understand Life IS all that it seems(to be) There is no promised land Why don't you recognise The simplicity extreme! +++++++++++++ Ehem, dakle da ne ispadne da ja samo pishem neke ljige...za ovo imam i neku ziku spravljenu u guitar prou..socijalni thrash Mislim da sam imao neku chvrstu ideju iza ove pesme, samo da sam je malko slabo iskazao..but you decide...ostaviti komentar molim.
  8. Oke, da se razumemo. Ich hatte Nu Metal - Pure shit...Ali bre..kako je "Hypnotize" dobar album...album je toliko dobar da sam se zabrinuo za sebe..nemam rechi stvarno.
  9. U taj cover je mnogo jak! Jache od originala bre!
  10. U taj cover je mnogo jak! Jache od originala bre! e
  11. Take A final stand and with a beer in your hand! Hell yeah bice dobro...nego daleko..daleko..
  12. Umm..that wasn't my point..nevermind.
  13. Jest, ali nije sve u rimi...mene vishe smorila ona rima fears-tears-years, sorrow-tomorrow-borrow, you-few....love-glove I tako...to moze svako...nije uvek obavezna rima..ne kazem ja da sam izmislio chesmu, ali ono..primam ja kritiku
  14. NE gledati DOOM...oh, no...
  15. For Gods sake...thrash.
  16. Znachi uzaludna potraga..
  17. Ja se nisam zebavao Mislim ne skroz..al ja znam da ti ni ne chitash ono shto ja napishem tako da..i nema neke veze zar ne?
  18. Zar postoje takvi ljudi?
  19. Lista koju sada sviraju na koncertima nije ni slicna kao ova sa Brotherhooda.. Rade Black Wings Of Death bre! Al ko zna sta ce oni da sviraju za 6-7 meseci..
  20. Angelystor


    Aje taman 18i moze
  21. We can go like this till tomorrow..and then da prenesemo u sledecu godinu..meni je deathic pesma. Pure.
  22. http://www.fracturedtransmitter.com/media/..._On_My_mind.mp3 Jeff Walkerova pesma sa solo albuma koji izlazi uskoro... Choveche..kako je ovo lose
  23. A..ma...permutovao sam neshto..mislio sam na Beherit..Behexen nesam ni slushao.. Sad me vi pitate, "a sta fali Beheritu?"
  24. Hm, ako je Behexen 100x bolji od ovoga morace da mi plate da bih nabavio ovo
  25. Daeth bre..koj moj tvoj black bre.
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