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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. I...thinkkk it's a dragon.
  2. Angelystor


    Pa pogledaj mi u profil majku mu...mladji sam dan od tebe BTW jel slusao neko Chris Cafferyev solo album? Ja ga sad obrcem..ovo je mnogo dobro! Kao DWD/WAke Of Magellan, samo sa dosta vishe dzitre minus piano...Chovek ima super vokal as well!
  3. Ma sad im na "turneji" dosta bolja lista..rade Black Wings Of Death Inache...ja idem u Avgustu u Bugarsku da ih gledam
  4. Mislish death
  5. Angelystor


    Frubi I'm looking at you man!
  6. Previshe podseca na Grave Diggger - Last Supper
  7. Ja ne ochekujem! Od Rabbita svakako nisam ochekivao to npr..Ali kada album nazoves "Keeper Of the Seven Keys" pa josh "Part 3"! E onda si se sam ubacio u gadan sos.
  8. Vidi gnjurca, voda mu do kolena... Kada bude plime, bice i rime
  9. Angelystor


  10. Angelystor


    Znachi..cu se koknem..19og aprila svira Jon Oliva u Peshti a ja sam tamo od 12g do 16og...josh je veci maler shto propushtam i Rage koji svira 6og...Some people are just born losers.
  11. Ima diskusije na heavy forumu u vezi novog remek dela
  12. Ne, nego samo vishe banova Ali nemojmo sad o tome
  13. Imash rimu i refrenu..koj ces moj vise
  14. Both
  15. Dobio si ga.
  16. Ima li neko na sajtu zainteresovan za MTG razmenu..ili mozda prodaju karata koje mu ne trebaju?
  17. Angelystor


    Ne da se razumemo, novi album jeste odlichan, i ja sam imao veliku zelju da ih gledam uzivo..ali Karl se prosra.
  18. Meni malko kao ulazi u glavu i "before Time" al bre..smor. a Glenn Hughes svira u Bugarskoj za Novu Godinu
  19. Angelystor


    Tartarean Desire: I noticed that you were accused of cancelling your show in Belgrade for no reason, what really happened there? Karl Sanders: "We couldn't get across the border. I think that is a pretty good reason, if you can't get there then you can't play the fucking show. They said we had too much gear, it was worth too much money, so the promoter told us to lie. If we would lie we would get across the border but lying is bad. They already knew what we had. If we tried to tell the guy next to him that we had something different, you know, that's fucking stupid. The promoter that's been badmouthing us, saying that we cancelled for no reason, he's a fucking liar. He's a fucking cocksucker." Cc..pogani jezici prema nashim milim organizerima.
  20. Pa dobro, to je vec stvar ukusa, ja dosta gotivim PBGA, a Chameleon tu i tamo.. Potpuno se slazem.
  21. BTW Hell Is Thy Home=Leather Rebel
  22. A ti si izvredjao i njega i Derisa.. A chek..jel mu onda Bosna dodje Dreamland?
  23. O boze, al smo osetljivi..a ti malopre sto si izvredjao choveka na Helloween temi? Ne glumi sad ovde sveca leba ti... Ja jednostavno nikada nisam chuo da je "LAnd Of The Free" inspiran ratovima, samo Kaievi fantasy tripovi, i pesme o slobodi koje pishe skoro celu karijeru..u stvari uglavnom u Gamma Rayu.. A "Sigh No More" ima "uticaje" Zalivskog rata.
  24. za DWD sam znao jebote...a..za LOTF ti je gora prolupanka nego ono za IWO i Kaia Virtual XI ima pesmu posvecenu gradskom ratu u Argentini.."Como Estais Amigos" i to je to.
  25. Land Of The Free se odnosi na rat u Bosni?
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