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Everything posted by Angelystor
Quote-ic sa Destruction foruma o Candlemassovoj set lista sa prve svirke na turneji..: "Black Dwarf, Seven Silver Keys, Assassin Of The Light, Copernicus, Solitude, At The Gallows End, Samarithan, Mirror Mirror, Bearer Of Pain - not in that order!). "
E kako ja ne podnosim "Life Among The Ruins"..previshe cheesy za mene... Nije bash da ga mrzim dodushe..ima tu par pesama koje gotivim tipa "Last Rose Of Summer", "I Dress In Black", "SRMachine", ali ipak mi vishe lezi Toma Zdravkovic nego LATR... S napomenom na to da mi, sa druge strane, "Life Among The Ruins" ulazi u TOP 5 Virgin Steele pesama!
Kako ih samo nije sramota da rade pesme kao shto su "NUuuuuuuu FAIIIIIIIIIIIITH"...
A ja brate do juche nisam znao da refren u "Alison Hell" peva Jeff Waters! Al'leba mi... Chak i sada kad Padden peva, josh uvek Waters radi "Aaaaaalison HELL!"..e, jedino neshto nisam siguran za "Double Live Annihilation"...
Na "Halloween" mora da padne shutka
Ne, vec chlan YuMetala Chemu poenta raspravljati o proshlosti anyway...bolje valjda da grickamo nokte u ishchekivanju sledeceg Metallicinog cheda, i po mogucstvu svi probamo neku drugu veru ako i sad zajebu stvar...
Meni je izgled bash bitan.
Gates Of Babylon - pop Outcast gotivim..ima tu dobrih ideja, ali nekako loshe sprovedeno...Slicno kao "cause For Conflict" koji ima ubica pesama IMHO ali gde su se trudili da sve bude previse agresivno...
Hm...a ajde reci da ne bi voleo da Metallica i Slayer naprave turneju..pa josh da i svrate? Makes you think.
JON OLIVA'S PAIN, the solo project of SAVATAGE mastermind Jon Oliva, have set "Maniacal Renderings - Chapter 2" as the title of their sophomore album, tentatively due next spring. "The title is very fitting considering the direction of the new music and the lyrics Jon is putting down on paper," JON OLIVA'S PAIN drummer Christopher Kinder writes on the group's web site. "This is going to be one twisted ride with some very dark lyrics and some very heavy friggin music!...YES! "As some may already know, pre-production is being done at Pig-Pen Studios (which is basically the studio in my house). I had my garage professionally converted into a fully funtional studio, and while the six of us are a little short on elbow room, you would be amazed at what we get accomplished. Oliva actually sits in the control room area with a good monitor mix and great isolation from the band. Did I mention that Oliva uses my clothes dryer for a table...? That's right, he sits right in front of my washer and dryer!...How funny is that? (I will post pictures in the coming days...We know you won't believe it until you see it for yourselves). "We had an interesting band meeting last night as we were discussing the upcoming future for JON OLIVA'S PAIN...and the future is very good! Following the meeting, we began work on another great Oliva guitar riff. Jerry [Outlaw, guitar] had recorded some ideas a few weeks ago and we found a perfect match to compliment this new diddy!...An hour later and this song was in the bag. It is sort of like a 'Moutain King' meets Zakk Wylde meets BLACK SABBATH vibe. Heavy and in your face. A working title for this song is 'Time To Die'! We laid down all the necessary tracks including keyboard drums performed by cement-fingers himself...( Oliva). Jerry has been bringing some amazing sh*t to the table. The teamwork displayed by everyone in the band has been something special. Oliva could easily write every song on his own, so it is nice to see him rubbing his hands together, and with a snickering laugh says 'Wait til they hear this!' "We have spent much of the time writing songs at my kitchen table which is adjacent to the studio. It's a bare-bones scenario. Nothing fancy and no expensive recording studio at this point. But the work is getting done and the environment is upbeat and increasingly positive. Super G has been overseeing pre-production and is giving me a free engineering lesson on the Cakewalk recording program we are using here at Pig-Pen Studios. Working songtitles so far are: 'Maniacal Renderings', 'Time To Die', 'I Don't Want Blood On Your Hands', 'Pyramid on Mars' (instrumental), 'Steaming Pig' (not really,...but that's all we have for now...hehe), 'The Answer' (from the original JON OLIVA'S PAIN demos) , 'Reality's Fool' ( another demo from Chapter 1), and a whole bunch more that I just cannot remember right now...Sorry! "The goal is to get 16 songs ready for recording. We need some bonus tracks for different countries...plus we like to hear the sounds of our own instruments (and our voices) so we will record as much as possible." Poshto od novog Savatage-a ochigledno nema leba..ovo mu dodje kao bash dobra vest! Olivinih radova nikad malo!
E, uopste mi se ne prica o moralnim principima trenutno. I ovaj komentar gore "Kiske JESTE dusha od choveka" je no comment. Za Weikatha mi smeta shto je zaratio sa svakim likom koji je bio u Helloweenu(samo josh Sascha ostao, i Deris af kors...i sa Grosskopfom on nikad nije bio med i mleko..), a + to shto pishe sranje pesme vec 3-4 albuma zaredom, a glumi neopravdanog lidera benda. Pitanje, koje mi je palo na pamet dok sam razmishljao o ovom odgvoru, je kako se Helloween nije josh odavno raspao? Ajde ne posle odlaska Kaija..nit Kiskea...nego npr nakon odlaska Grapowa i Kuscha...Weikath nezadovoljan albumima..kritike za RDCE dosta klimave i oshtre...i onda odluci da izda KOTSK3 prosecan album, koji je Weikath uspeo da, na trenutke, uchini i vrlo dosadnim. A shto se tiche Grapowa...The Chance i Dark Ride, i tom choveku sve oprashtam
p.s. a tu je i Clare (lutkica)
"Veoma dobro zvuci, iako nije originalan ni sekundu (u odnosu na Annihilator radove)." Exactly. A mene podseca na rane radove. Too Far Gone bre...jel ovo Jeff Waters peva?
Brazilian melodic metallers ANGRA have posted the following message on thei official web site: "ANGRA [performed at] the Via Funchal in São Paulo, Brazil, last Sunday November 5th. To celebrate the band's 14th anniversary, the huge venue held the longest show ever in their career — a total running time of almost three hours — which was witnessed by nearly 4,400 people. "Absolutely in ecstasy (some of them truly touched), the fans went crazy with the 25-song set. It included, among other things, the execution of every single track from the group’s latest studio album — the amazing 'Temple of Shadows' — and a special medley that resumed the whole of the band's career. Such medley comprised parts of seventeen songs and was executed in the latter half of the show. It began with an outstanding surprise — guitar player Rafael Bittencourt sang the opening verses of 'Stand Away' — and ended triumphantly with a thunderous rendition of 'Running Alone'. "Not only that, though, as the show included a few other unforgettable attractions as well. Some guest musicians were invited to further enlighten ANGRA's performance. A couple of them had actually taken part of the 'Temple of Shadows' recording sessions. Such was the case of percussionist Douglas Las Casas, who showed his skills in many songs during the set, and the renowned Brazilian pianist Sílvia Góes, who played 'Sprouts of Time' alongside the band. Last but not least, local female singer Sandra Félix sang 'No Pain for the Dead'. "Nevertheless, nothing of that would diminish the more than special participation in the festivities of a true living legend. Kai Hansen, former HELLOWEEN guitar player/singer and currently leading GAMMA RAY, showed up on the stage to sing 'Temple of Hate' with the band. He was clearly amazed by the audience reaction to his presence and would come to the stage again to play guitar and sing during the execution of the HELLOWEEN hit 'I Want Out'. People went nuts — and the sheer state of joy in the crowd remained intact until the very last number of the show was presented: 'Nova Era', one of ANGRA's classics and the perfect ending for such an special evening!"
Ma Kerryju najlakshe da pravi solaze..samo dovati tremolo i ooooooPPPPAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Pa pre se moze reci da je DeFeis genijalan, poshto on uglavnom pishe najveci deo muzike a i sve tekstove.
Ko zna shta si ti slushao Vokal je i mene iritirao posle prvog slushanja, ali bre samo zato shto me je mnogo iritirao na ALL FOR YOU, pa sam ga se josh secao..ali Deluxe svaki dan pustim bar po 3-4 pesme, jer album bre kida dushu! Old school Annihilator album! A ako je to prosecan materijal, e onda ne znam mislim... p.s. A spiker ti je Jeff Waters p.p.s. Verziju bez spikera je dosta lako naci posto je album izashao vec svuda u svetu.
Za Dragonforce sam znao, a...o'kle ti za SC?!
Jes majku mu sad bash pogledah opet bootlege..i stvarno nisu...my mistake.
Ja pljujem Weikatha zato shto je nikakav songwriter.
Znachi kako je smeshan cover Kao da je uradjen za neki Dzejms Bond film
e dete, dete...ACCEPT!!!
evo dragonheart je bash gore ostavio link sa reviewom giga.. New York City Don’t Mean Nothing Jesus Saves All The Time Gutter Ballet Hounds Tonight He Grins Again Strange Reality - band introduction - Ghost In The Ruins The Dark People Say - Gimme Some Hell Believe City Beneath The Surface Sirens --- Power Of The Night Hall Of The Mountain King
Samo da ne bude u fazonu "We All Love Korn"