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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. MIB je odddlichan album al ne bash za pochetak kolega
  2. Zona Terorova
  3. Angelystor


  4. Pa dobro, fali "Christ Passion", al' gre'ota je rei da je losh izbor!
  5. Ja nemam taj problem i jednostavno kazem: COMA!!!
  6. Josh jedna tema koja gubi poentu...polako.....ali sigurno.
  7. Izashao cover odavno... EdGuy Da da..i na death angel podseca("Art Of Dying")..
  8. SPV/Steamhammer will now release the new SODOM two-disc DVD set Lords Of Depravity Part I on October 24th, worldwide. The set will come in a digipack slipcase including two booklets and the following tracklisting: DVD 1 - Historical Depravity: a 180 minute documentary of the band’s history containing unseen private, backstage, behind the scenes and on stage sequences, tons of rare photos and interviews with all band members and those related to the band from the years 1982 to 1995. DVD 2 - Live Depravity: Intro, ‘Among The Weirdcong’ (Mixclip), ‘Vice Of Killing’ (Sofia), ‘Outbreak Of Evil’ (Sofia), ‘Masquerade In Blood’ (Sofia), On Tour Worldwide, ‘The Saw Is The Law’ (Mixclip), ‘Remember The Fallen’ (WFF), ‘Die Stumme Ursel’ (WFF), ‘M 16’ (Rockhard), Press Worldwide, ‘Napalm In The Morning’ (Mixclip), ‘Nuclear Winter’ (Sofia), ‘Tombstone’ (Sofia), ‘Sodomized’ (Sofia), ‘Eat Me’ (Sofia), Sodom Worldwide, ‘Code Red’ (incl. Intro) (Wacken), ‘Aber Bitte Mit Sahne’ (Wacken), ‘Wachturm’ (Wacken), ‘Agent Orange’ (Wacken), Fans Worldwide, ‘Sodomy And Lust’ (Sofia), ‘Witching Metal’ (Sofia), Backstage (Sofia), ‘Ausbebombt’ (Sofia), ‘Ace Of Spades’ (Sofia), Backstage (Sofia), ‘Stalingagel (Mixclip), Outro. Videos: ‘Ausgbombt’, ‘Silence Is Consent’ and ‘Die Stumme Ursel’.
  9. German guitarist AXEL RUDI PELL’s website (www.axel-rudi-pell.de) has been updated with the following message: “On a short note we’d just been informed that Axel Rudi Pell will play in Kavarna, Bulgaria on Saturday, August 20th. The show will take place in the stadium of Kavarna and is a free show for everybody with no entry fees. Doors will be open at 7 PM in the evening. Also on the bill will be MASTERPLAN." ***** ** ** **** ** ******* pichku!
  10. To da su se promenili jes'. Never deny your own roots.
  11. Kapiras brzo prijatelju... A da ne spominjemo "Sun Won't Shine". Fala kurcu barem je "Noose" tu. Od "Blood And Tears" svrshavam unazad.
  12. Ko priznaje, pola mu se prashta
  13. http://www.savage-circus.com/music.php cover za album...a ima da se skine i ceo single prvi..
  14. Jes, jes tek sad vidim. Set lista je shit, really.
  15. Same here
  16. Mene bash intrigira da prochitam tekst za "Majesty"... Da vidim dal' se ja to tripujem ili stvarno chujem ono shto chujem
  17. Angelystor


    Vec jesu. 13 Candles
  18. http://www.rage-on.de/content/en/studio/speech.html Samo dobri Bog zna shta ce da naprave..
  19. "Keep it true" show will be filmed and recorded for possible inclusion on a DVD. The long awaited DVD will be issued promptly after the next studio album. And speaking of that, Work continues on what will be that next studio album. The Group hopes to have all recording & mixing finished by the end of October, in order to prepare for a release sometime between January & March. In addition to this David DeFeis has been asked to compose yet another “Metal-Opera” for a German theater. We will give you more information on this News item as we here receive it. sa sajta... p.s. a evo je set lista sa Ragnarock festa: AND IN THE RED SEA INTRO KINGDOM OF THE FEARLESS VOICE AS WEAPON INVICTUS VOW OF HONOUR DEFIANCE FROM CHAOS TO CREATION TWILIGHT OF THE GODS (GUITAR & VOCAL SOLO) GREAT SWORD OF FLAME A SYMPHONY OF STEELE THE WINE OF VIOLENCE IN TRIUMPH OR TRAGEDY RETURN OF THE KING NOBLE SAVAGE MIND BODY SPIRIT DOMINION DAY (GUITAR SOLO) LIFE AMONG THE RUINS THE ANGEL OF LIGHT ARABESQUE (DRUM SOLO) PYRE OF KINGS A TOKEN OF MY HATRED TRANSFIGURATION "Marriage..." Theme VENI, VIDI, VICI Encore: EMALAITH THROUGH THE RING OF FIRE THE BURNING OF ROME Jebote pa ja mislim da bolje od ovoga ne moze!
  20. Jebte, taman se napalih sa "Digital Dictator"om, ozarih sa "VR" a totalno odlepih na "Word Of Mouth", odem na net i prc...vidim vokal umro! RIP Carl Albert Ovi kasniji albumi tipa "Cyberchrist" mi se ich ne svidjaju...
  21. Angelystor


    "Shovel Headed Kill Machine" track listing: 01. Raze 02. Deathamphetamine 03. Kharma's Messenger 04. Shudder To Think 05. I Am Abomination 06. Altered Boy 07. Going Going Gone 08. Now Thy Death Day Come 09. 44 Magnum Opus 10. Shoevel Headed Kill Machine cover: http://www.rockdetector.com/artist,3108.sm Ne znam zashto al' po glavi mi se mota mishljenje da ce ovo biti neko Gothenburg/Thrash chudo Nadajmo se da greshim...
  22. Ja pricao na Helloween temi,a za ovde sam planirao da iserem 100tinak redova al me mrzi. Anyway novi album je odlichan. I vishe od toga, ima promene u pesmama, mnogo su mrachnije, i to pochevshi od samih tekstova pa do mjuze. "Hell Is Thy Home" je speedashica kakva je nedostajala metalu! U stilu Wallsa bre! Ovo je definitivno najtezi Kaijev rad josh od gore pomenutog. "Condemned To Hell" - nakon shto chujete prvu polovinu pesme, necete verovati da je ovo GR, a onda u drugom krecu lude melodije i soloi...Vrhunac su mi "Spiritual Dicator' i majka nad majke "Majesty". Kak'i besni riffi! Kai=God
  23. Angelystor


    Ja mislim da on slusa Swine Of Satan.
  24. Oh, da! Taj je morao biti mnogo bolje realizovan..
  25. Ne bi me chudilo da je to isti lik
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