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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. 1) FIREWIND 2) Nije solidan, vec odlichan power.
  2. Jedan od prvih spotova koje sam nabavio za komp. Dodushe Endorama spot mi je jachi.
  3. Pa dobro realno gledano i kasne mnogo. ANATO je izashao 2002e.
  4. EVe giiii! "I was talking to Henjo yesterday in Hamburg and the album is set for September '05. Note that this is not the band's fault, but due to the label. Also (a little inside info), be prepared since it seems that on one of the songs, Kai invented a completely new riff (or riffing tecnique, not sure what he meant by it, but it's gonna be grand !!) Wink I'm sure the offcial news will come soon. The guys are all very busy working on it, so hope that quinches your thirst for news a bit." "The album is planned to be released in the first week of September 2005 and will of course contain the typical Gamma Ray elements. 11 songs are planned and it is full of interesting new melodies and breaks etc. Watch out for the upcoming updates here on this page please."
  5. jel neko rekao "Die Dead Enough" spot
  6. Drugim rechima. Deja Vu.
  7. Angelystor


    Idiote nisam mislio na to. Mislio sam da Impact uzme da slusha zadnji. Vi agresori ste bre...
  8. Taj basista je pravi Lemmy
  9. Ja nikada nisam pljuvao po Risku, dodushe nikada ga nisam neshto ni previshe gotivio. Dobar je album, ali te ne drzi. Fali mu upravo, kvalitet.
  10. NE..ovo je debil! a ovaj josh gori
  11. Angelystor


    Ne bre, Impact zadnji
  12. Ja sam sa tom pesmom pocheo da slusham Megadeth Dodushe pre toga Psychotron.. Najgora? Use The Man mozda..
  13. Hehe, koincidencija Usurper sam malopre stavio u queue na DC++ od jednog lika..Absu sam valjda chuo, a Pentacle nikad.
  14. Saga? Nadam se iskreno da nece biti nastavaka
  15. Zadnja novost je svirka Kai-a sa Stormwarriorom..ali nije TO TO!
  16. Lochness je bre smarachina. Bila bi dobra da traje mozda 6 minuta...
  17. Mislim da ga vecina vec odavno ima
  18. NEsho i Tom da pishu pesme, pa bili bi super kao neki pankic bend
  19. Ja sam to potpisao josh odavno
  20. Imam ja jedan bootleg. Blah...Predlazem da se zaobidje u shirokom krugu.
  21. Pa oni se nisu vratili nichemu anyway. Endorama rox
  22. Vokal: Nesho Gitara: Mille Bas: Tom Angelripper Drums: Bostaph
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