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Eto izgovora da se ode u Lisabon za vikend
Stab! Bawl! Punch! Crawl!
Kako volim kad pustim neku novu pesmu i od prve sekunde me uhvati i ne pušta me. KAD ĆE TAJ SEPTEMBAR PIČKUMATERINU
Serije koje ste gledali ili gledate - preporuke
Angelystor replied to Zagrivuk's topic in Film, serije, emisije
Realno je samo pitanje dana kada će da izađe neka serija o Pornhub-u. -
A new era has begun... Forthcoming official true 4th AGENT STEEL album, titled: “NO MERCY FROM THE GODZ” It’s been a long time anticipated, and now it’s official: 1980’s speed metal veteran, founder/vocalist John Cyriis, has resurrected his brand creation, the “Agent Steel band and it’s new incarnation in 2019 ... is finally upon us!” So let’s get straight to the point: The band’s current lineup consists of guitarist Nikolay Atanasov, and original AS guitarist Bill Simmons; Mr. Simmons is the first/original guitarist of the AS lineup, as the band first appeared throughout the L.A. club circuit in 1983. Also included in this classic/new lineup are bassist Joe McGuigan (Gama Bomb) and drummer Dennis Kruse Stromberg. This incarnation of AS is the long-awaited reactivation featuring Agent Steel founder, brand creator, vocalist John Cyriis, who appeared on all three original classic albums, (i.e., Skeptics Apocalypse, Mad Locust Rising, and the platinum seller Unstoppable Force). John is very pleased with this new lineup, which he is confident will arise as the very best lineup in the band’s history and whom he believes are certain to compliment the band’s legacy, and about manifest an about-face—that to counter and transcend the band’s “less than competent performance” by a stand-in and unofficial lineup at the KIT festival 2019!! The official new Agent Steel lineup are currently working on the band’s 4th true and official studio album titled, “No Mercy From The Godz”—which is scheduled for an imminent October 18, 2019 launch. The band are also preparing for their forthcoming shows at various privileged confirmed dates—beginning on Friday 6 December and Saturday 7 December in Milan and Firenze, Italy. John and the new Agent Steel incarnation are also preparing for a monumental first time appearance in Greece as headliners, performing at Up The Hammers festival in Athens, Greece—March of 2020. This headlining performance is forecast as being fertile metal soil for the band’s first live Agent Steel DVD/album to be captured as fronted by original founding vocalist John Cyriis. Expect this lineup to be the best ever incarnation of Agent Steel—stronger, faster, and deployed to demonstrate just who are the True Masters of Metal. Be on the lookout for the Agent Steel craft to land in your country - certain to energize all you bangers with Hammering Speed Metal!!! John and the band are inviting all Agent Steel bangers to come rage with them in Italy and Greece, December 2019 and March 2020!!! Looking forward to seeing all you die- hard Agent Steel fans on tour in the fall of 2019—and throughout 2020!!! Povratio sam
http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/heathen-in-pre-production-for-first-album-in-a-decade/ O fala kurcu, konačno. Kako Slayer završava sa tour planovima tako se redom oslobađaju ostali bendovi
Serije koje ste gledali ili gledate - preporuke
Angelystor replied to Zagrivuk's topic in Film, serije, emisije
Serija, pa logično, zato što smo svi kao mali igrali Twisted Metal zbog priče -
Odious Vesić
2019.07.04-07. *Petrovaradinska tvrđava, Novi Sad* EXIT Festival
Angelystor replied to Talvi's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Kad ovi misle da izbace raspored? -
Prvih minut od "Uncanny" 10/10. Ostatak albuma 6/10, a i to mislim da malo naduvavam na fanboy kartu
To je ovo Obratiti pažnju od prve sekunde, zbog Cige surfera
Sad ti još fali EP post jedan, da kompletiraš paralelu. Ja sam sinoć prošao intervju pred spavanje, bilo mi naporno onako, ali mislim da će mi biti naporno i budan da ga čitam. Već prvih par pasusa me bolele oči od rolanja. Moj neki dojam mi je da bih imao više respekta da je ostao u hard anonimi nego da mi citira neke Bataje i priča kako voli Judas Priest i, čuj, old Immolation. A najbolniji deo što pominje da su hteli da rade live, ali se tzv. drugi krug nije mogao skupiti. Jebeni plebejski drugi krug.
E buši/radi/drlja neka ekipa oko moje zgrade ceo vikend, tj. prvo si crpili vodu iz podruma, pa onda neka vanjska bleja-rad. Najbolje pre toga četvrtak-petak, lift malo ne radi, malo radi, a kad radi, pozoveš ga i samo čuješ voda kako se sliva Jel ovo referenca na ono kada je prošle godine bujica odnela kontejnere ka FMPu? :]
Gleda se Kodex u novembru na Hammer of Doom :]
Ja bih na to išao bukvalno samo zbog Lord Fega, ovo ostalo mi baš mrša ukupno. Sve se nadam da će još neki datumi tad da kapnu.
A meni baš leži zvuk :] moderno, a nije sterilno, baš potaman. Kad se sve svede, meni je ovo baš prijatno izenađenje. Maltene isto onako kao kad sam ih gledao live. Očigledno je Jeff okupio vrlo sposobnu ekipu oko sebe ovog puta (ne znam doduše ceo decenijski istorijat, pa ne znam kako je to zvučalo sa SIntent ekipom). Mislim da bi bilo idealno da se skreše pesma-dve da to ima pravu dužinu, a opet bi za 6-12 meseci imali eto materijala i za EP jedan, ali fakit, što reče Grob, nema ovde ni nekog pravog fillera. Sad još da se osmelim taj Nocturnus da pustim
Gledao ovo na prepade pre neki dan, uglavnom starije stvari samo, dosta dobro zvuči s obzirom da retko prave turneje. Čak mi je mislim ovo bio prvi put da gledam neki TLWSF live clip Sem toga, ovaj Scalzi ima najupečatljiviju glavu ikada.
MANOWAR canceled its appearance at Hellfest just hours before the band was supposed to take the stage. The band was scheduled perform at the annual festival in Clisson, France tonight (Friday, June 21), but Hellfest organizers announced that MANOWAR called off its appearance. Hellfest issued the following statement: "Despite a presence on site on June 20, the teams and members of the group decided to leave the site. "The MANOWAR concert, scheduled Friday, June 21, will not take place for reasons beyond our will. "We are sincerely sorry for all MANOWAR fans and more widely for all the fans attending Hellfest." MANOWAR has since responded in a statement posted on its official web site and social media pages. "After 18 months of tireless work and preparation we arrived at the Hellfest site yesterday, ready to play today," the band wrote. "The Hellfest organizers obstructed our efforts to put on the epic show we had promised. "Despite what you may hear or read, the Hellfest organizers did have control over the circumstances that prevented our performance. "We always have and always will fight to give our fans 100%. Our French fans and press know, if MANOWAR come to France and are unable to perform, the fault does not lie with us. Remember the Élysée Montmartre. "We are very sorry that you are being made to suffer. We want you to know that everything we do is for our fans. We stand together with all of you as we always have, and we will not allow anyone to lessen the quality of our shows. "Be very sure the truth will come out! "Thank you to the Greatest Fans In The World for your continued loyalty and support." ~ Najbolji deo ovoga je što su izdali ceo saopštenje i onda stavili "the truth will come out!", pa piši istinu odmah, šta jedeš govna. Ili je možda bolji deo što jedeš govna sa otkazivanjem na "Final" turneji? Jury's still out.
Koji ste poslednji original CD nabavili?
Angelystor replied to White Man's topic in Opšta metal diskusija
Eve gi ovaj Tanith https://www.metal-tracker.com/torrents/263518.html Ko se ovih dana trudi oko novog Slough Fega, ovo mu dođe dobar accompanying album. To je ta less is more produkcija i dozvoljena doza Thin Lizzy pozajmica po 40 minuta albuma. Na prve sluševe, solidan materijal, najviše mi se sviđa interplay vokala (Tippins peva i još jedan ženski vokal), no mislim da nedostatak nekon originalnijeg dojma ne čini ovo nekim materijalom za duža prevrtanja.
Saglasan. Nadam se da će to da bude u Beču više nego išta drugo.
Jebote Billy baš loše zvuči na ovom Electric Crown snimku. Jel se i za growlove štedeo ovako? Vala baš.
Ja sam uspeo da stignem kući tipa 10min pre chaos unleashed, tako da sam sa prozora mogao da vidim formiranje valjevske reke Tuga je ulica, svaka jača kiša kad padne to je poplava i izlivanje kanalizacije.