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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. Glupo mađarsko pisanje datuma, ugledao plakat i pomislio prvo da je sad osmog koncert-.
  2. Interesantan opis. Ja bih ga pre predstavo kao siroviji Accept ubrzani. Nemački spid, nema tu šta da se palamudi.
  3. Meni i iz opisa i iz recenzija do sada zvuči kao neki nešto finiji Deconstruction, tako da mi se uopšte jebeno ne žuri da ga slušam. Za producenta se slažem, ali nešto sumnjam koliko bi isti imao stvarnog uticaja.
  4. E Slobo meni ovo okej Pod jedan dobra stvar, pustio malo i stara dva da se podsetim dobrote. Pod dva, ova omladina koju skupio pevač sasvim uredno odradila taj oldschool nemački speedy heavy trip. S obzirom da su kontam glavni songwriteri sa prva dva pokojni, donekle mi opravdana situacija sa ovim. Ono, da pišem za neki zine dao bih mu i 7 možda bez potrebe da mi plate.
  5. Ali ni blizu sreće kao Čelsi i onaj ofsajd od 2 metra. Sramota jer će ono da bude verovatno jedan od odlučujućih golova sezone i za prva 4 i za ispadanje.
  6. Album ispunjen solidnim momentima u uglavnom dosadnim pesmama.
  7. Najurnebesniji frontmen
  8. 10.05 "Winter Ethereal" track listing: 01. Vermilion Moons 02. Wanderlust 03. Solitary Man 04. Wrath Of The Universe 05. Tethered 06. Straight And Narrow 07. Pitch Black Prism 08. Never In Your Hands 09. Kindred Spirits
  9. Dobar je Us Ne bolji od Get Out svakako, ali za nešto što na površini liči na standard horror, jako dobro. Imam problema baš oko tih nekih klišea kojima se bavi i što objašnjava više nego što mislim da treba, ali ideja, gluma, režija, dijalozi - top notch.
  10. Sad došao ovo da postavim Jako pošteno, moraću i album da overim.
  11. Zadnji Blind Guardian fenomenalan, ali to je jel'te uglavnom Andre pisao. Tako da, sudeći po zadnjih x IE albuma, postoji solidna bojazan i za ovo.
  12. MANOWAR Announce Release Date Of New EP - “The Final Battle I” The wait is over! MANOWAR have finally confirmed the impending release of “The Final Battle I”, an EP comprised of eagerly awaited brand new material. Fans will first get their chance to own this initial instalment in a trilogy of thunderous EPs in an exclusive pre-sale at the merchandise booth of the band’s “The Final Battle World Tour 2019”, starting with their show in Frankfurt/Germany on March 29, 2019. An exclusive digital presale period will start on iTunes the same day. “The Final Battle I” is guaranteed to blow your speakers and your heads off with a whirlwind of crushing sonic destruction, orchestral majesty and epic, pulverising insanity. The first of three parts which will constitute the highly anticipated new MANOWAR album, this EP is destined to go down in heavy metal history as one of the most insanely epic releases of all time. An imperious demonstration of the band’s undisputed mastery of both skull-crushing metal anthems and extraordinary feats of symphonic bombast, these four new molten metal tracks have been inspired by MANOWAR’s “The Final Battle World Tour” and fuelled by the support and energy of their fans. All music was conceived, recorded and mixed at MANOWAR’s very own VALHALLA STUDIOS, utilizing the unparalleled power of their PMC statement monitors with over 27,000 watts of ground-shaking clarity. “The sheer power of these four songs is mind-blowing! We simply couldn’t release more songs at one time; it’s just too much!” says Joey DeMaio. “We want to give our fans the chance to take in every note, every word. Gain more strength from this experience and then be ready for the battles they fight every day. And join us on the road, on The Final Battle!” “The Final Battle I” covers a vast amount of musical ground in its quest to deliver the ultimate heavy metal experience. The opener, the epic fantasy-brought-to-life March Of The Heroes Into Valhalla re-imagines MANOWAR’s music in vivid, cinematic form, providing a deeply moving journey through the warrior’s life, from bloody battles to ascension into Valhalla. The battle filled mood continues with the spine-shattering might and fury of the new anthem Blood And Steel. Next is Sword Of The Highlands, one of the most explosive and dramatic songs DeMaio has ever penned: a profound and stirring tribute to heroes long perished, it begins with exquisite elegance before erupting into a grand crescendo of power and glory, exemplified by a possible career best vocal performance from the ever impressive Eric Adams. Finally, the most startling surprise arrives in the dark, lurking, brutal and merciless form of You Shall Die Before I Die; a hypnotic and coruscating epic that delivers a vengeful statement of intent and invincibility... with lead vocals by Joey DeMaio himself! (by Dom Lawson) “The Final Battle I” comes with a crushing new artwork by iconic fantasy artist Ken Kelly, masterfully echoing the emotional rollercoaster you’ll be taken on. Magnificent, monstrous and heavier than Hell, “The Final Battle I” will first be unleashed exclusively at the merch booth during MANOWAR’s “The Final Battle World Tour”, starting in Frankfurt/Germany on March 29, 2019 and on all further dates on this tour leg. It will also be available digitally on iTunes worldwide at the same date. The roll out will then continue into retail and online stores on May 30, 2019 and digitally on Amazon and Google. Play. Parts II and III of the trilogy will arrive in course, inspired by MANOWAR’s adventures on the remainder of “The Final Battle World Tour”. To smo svi tražili, trilogija "Final" EPeva gde još i Džoi peva...jedva čekam da vidim koliko će ovih pesama da upadne na "Chosen by fans" setlistu takozvanu.
  13. Ovaj smećarski 80s pokušaj treba da se čuje, a i vidi, da bi se poverovao. Težak slučaj rofla
  14. Ništa novo, ali sasvim uredno.
  15. Overava se u Frankfurtu početkom juna.
  16. Jok Letter 9
  17. Nije da sam nešto očekivao od ovog novog albuma, ali ono...solidno meh Već davno se piše po mustri, već davno se jedni-isti pevači vrte... Hansi i Mille su tu malo kao da promešaju karte, kao stari Edguy gosti, i dok su Hansijeve deonice sasvim na mestu i ovaj zvuči dobro, ona Milletova mi jedna od gorih delova albuma. Ne mislim da on posebno loše zvuči, već samo da je tako tupavo napisana vokalna linija. A da, tu je i Tate, al' mene starac Tate uopšte ne radi i ta njegova trilogija na sredini je solidno najdosadniji deo albuma. Moonglow može na Euroviziju kakav je bljuc u muzičkom obliku. U principu, "Book of Shallows" i "Raven Child" jedino čemu bih se nekad vratio sa albuma. Book baš dobrovozeća powerica, sa doduše tupavim Mille breakdownom. Raven Child mislim da je jedan baš dobar grower, Tobaja se ako ništa drugo sa ovim epicima baš fino uhodao te nastavio niz sa po jednim dobrim na svakom albumu.
  18. Pao i Shaman reunion S tim što ovde ima daleko više 90s Angra ljudi nego u trenutnoj Angri.
  19. Šta koj kurac Brooklyn vegan
  20. Angelystor


    A jes, aje što manje pratim basket, ali potpuno sam zaboravio postojanja te ABA2 lige, jednu jedinu vest za nju nisam video cele sezone. Dobra liga, vidim Sparsi su tu.
  21. Angelystor


    Zar nisu oni ispali i pre tipa 2-3 godine a onda upali jer koja god ekipa iz Slovenije da je tad trebala da ih zameni nije imala dovoljno kinte da učestvuje?
  22. Yes, this, yes.
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