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Everything posted by behemoth

  1. behemoth


    SHINING @ HELLFLAME SEPTEMBER 09 bedak sto smo ispusili za koncert vracena karta danas >.>
  2. pa vidis po kolicini njihovih svirki da si u zabludi i da je evropa puna festivala u novembru
  3. Bleeding Fist - Morbid Psychotic Distortion (Part 1) - Unofficial video for the song Morbid Psychotic Distortion (Part 1)
  4. Treci United Slavic Swords fest ce biti odrzan 20tog decembra ove godine Prvi najavljen bend je INFERNAL WAR Najava lokacije i ostalih bendova ce uslediti najsvezije informacije ce biti na profilu festivala http://www.myspace.com/unitedslavicswordsfest
  5. ako bas toliko zelis da te pljuju pitaj ih, mozda budu u fazonu da ti pomognu ja se ne secam da su ikoga pljunuli kad sam ih gledao
  6. behemoth


    necu ja nista da se nadam, nego idem u bec
  7. behemoth


    so far je zbog drugog datuma koliko ja kontam, ne verujem da ce dodavati jos datuma na turneju
  8. behemoth


    upravo to razmisljam o exkurziji u bec
  9. behemoth


    SHINING has been confirmed to support SATYRICON on the upcoming European Tour. The 17-date tour, set to start on the 2nd December, also includes NEGURA BUNGET and DARK FORTRESS. Referring to the recent cancellation of SHINING’s European tour, front man Niklas Kvarforth said: “We are all too aware of the fact that a lot of fans were disappointed by the actions of the Metal Maniacs Agency, which forced us to cancel the tour, but hopefully the tour with SATYRICON will go some way towards making up for it. We are also looking at a lot of possibilities for next year at the moment, so be prepared for SHINING and 2010”. Dates so far confirmed for the SATYRICON + SHINING + NEGURA BUNGET + DARK FORTRESS tour as follows December Wed 02: Hof Ter Lo, Antwerp, Belgium Thu 03: TBA Fri 04: Trabendo, Paris, France Sat 05: Turock, Essen, Germany Sun 06: Z7 Pratteln, Switzerland Mon 07: Backstage, Munich, Germany Tue 08: Estragon, Bologna, Italy Thu 10: Szene, Vienna, Austria Fri 11: TBA, Bratislava, Slovakia Sat 12: Folimanka, Prague, Czech Rep Sun 13: Studio Club, Krakow, Poland Tue 15: Train, Ahus, Denmark Wed 16: Markthalle, Hamburg, Germany Thu 17: Batschkapp Frankfurt, Germany Fri 18: Alte Spinerei, Glauchau, Germany Sat 19: Effenaar, Eindhoven, Netherlands Sun 20: O2, Islington, London, UK
  10. realno, sranje
  11. Somrak http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xroRBmBpTp8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Y59VS8zSI8 The Abhorred Blessings (2007) Corpus Christii http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3dYDz14eGY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fxduDqKFZw http://rapidshare.com/files/59609037/Corpus_Christii_-_Rising_-_2007.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/52161442/CORPUS_CHRISTII_-_The_Torment_Continues_-_2005.rar Svartgren http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBxTYwoqV7s vidimo se tamo
  12. ova najava se ceka danima \m/ hell!!!!
  13. evo kad se vec prica o dramu
  14. +1 za mene al da ne bude onako krsh stampa
  15. THE STONE will for the first time ever invade onto US Shores for the 1st Annual East Cost Black Metal Fest. The date is set for November 21st @ The Sterling Hotel, Allentown, PA a full list of bands will be put out officially and publicly in about a week, headlines as of right now will be THE STONE and KULT OV AZAZEL. This fest is a co-operation Diabolist Services and BizRentertainment with some others. All future details, infos, propaganda will be available here: www.myspace.com/diabolistsrv Expect nothing but pure Eastern Slavic Black Metal madness!!!
  16. behemoth


    ima dobrih ali i losih momenata za prvi demo je sasvim ok bez umisljanja momci - samo dalje vezbanje, ulaganje u sebe i snimanje \m/
  17. podrska momci
  18. nikad krst
  19. jel si ti poslusao to uopste? XD
  20. hahaha u tom slucaju sam do jaja bio u zabludi x))))) javno se izvinjavam bartonu i svima koje je moja izjava uvredila
  21. a kao lose ti bilo xD ne kaki xD odlican ugodjaj xD al je crtani malo dosadan za bartona xD
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