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Everything posted by Habit

  1. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Pa, uglavnom ga svi hvalimo.
  2. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    E vala da jesam,djole. @negative creep Nije na ovom nasem,ali mozda puste reprizu za neki dan. VH 1 STORYTELLERS TO AIR JULY 106.22.06 Watch the first-ever Pearl Jam Storytellers July 1 at 10 PM Eastern/Pacific and 9 PM Central. Don't miss this exclusive, intimate performance featuring new songs as well as past favorites.
  3. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Tumacenje i pruzanje informacija su dve razlicite stvari,e djordje.
  4. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Pa to ti je Andrija kao da ne znas ima albuma prvenca. 06/30/00 - Roskilde Festival Copenhagen, Denmark - 9 ljudi poginulo Love Boat Captain je napravljena na dvogodisnjicu tragedije sto mozes da zakljucis i iz teskta: lost nine friends we'll never know, two years ago today Secam se da sam ovo saznao dan nakon,pustali li snimak na prvom - bez komentara.
  5. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Jebo te, kakav lik, djordje iz dzungle. Za one koji ne znaju o cemu je Life Wasted: I ask him about "Life Wasted," on which he sings, "I have faced it, a life wasted/ I'm never going back again." He closes his eyes as he talks about how attending a friend's funeral can help you "realize what a gift this is, to be alive. When you leave that funeral, that drive is as important as any single stretch of road you'll travel on. You've got a renewed appreciation for life. And I think that feeling can last through the day, through the week, but then things start getting back to normal and you start taking this living and breathing and eating thing for granted. I think that song is there to remind you, 'This is that feeling.' " Vedder had a specific friend in mind when he wrote the song: "The truth is -- I'm a little sensitive and this is a close, personal relationship. I'll just say it. Fuck it. Right up front. Half the record is based on the loss of the guy who turned out to be the best friend I ever had on the planet. And that was Johnny Ramone." Suddenly, the fast tempos and chunky power-chords that dominate Pearl Jam make a lot more sense.
  6. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Ne znam da li je u skladu sa pravilima foruma citirati sam sebe, al ajde. Nazad na PJ,za one koji ne znaju: Pearl Jam 1.jul Vh1 Storytellers,nastup ce verovatno izaci na torentima,ostalim sajtovima pa ko moze nek skida.
  7. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Ima i ovde PF fanova i smesno je komentarisati sve i svasta, a slicnu recenziju PF je dao mislim pevac Prodigy-a davne 95-te pa je neko mozda u mladosti slusao prodigy,citao njihove interviju i kreirao svoje misljenje, veoma autorski.
  8. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Ima dosta voljni ali nikakve inicijative za organizovanim odlasom tako da ce na kraju biti dosta i zlovoljnih zbog propustenog koncerta.
  9. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Normalno je da se nikom od nas ne svidja ta tematika(Amerika,rat),ali ona se pojavlju u samo mislim 3 pesme,izrazeno u wws i mali delovi u druge dve.Oni su sami isticali da je to stvarnost u kojoj oni zive i da zele da kazu nesto povodom toga,e sada druga je stvar sto nas za to zabole kita. Ali svako ko se izdigne iznad toga i preslusa album par puta kako treba,uvidece da tu ima dosta odlicnih stvari koje nemaju nikakve veza sa wss i trebalo bi da u celini budu zadovoljni albumom.
  10. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Meni je i dalje Yield favorit,najveci problem novog albuma je tematika i povrsnij tekstovi za razliku od binaurala,svi ti prosli albumi vecinom imaju dublje tekstvove ali zbog cega je avokado za prosecnog slusaoca bolji je to sto je za razliku od njih bolje konceptualno uradjen,moze da se slusa od prve do zadnje kao yield.Meni su i dalje draze neke pesme sa binaurala,ali kad ga pustis naletis na evacution i dalje ti se ne slusa(iako ova stvar mnogo bolje zvuci live)... I kao vecina pj albuma avakodo mi se isprva u celini nije svideo ali sam ga posle par slusanja skapirao,ti ili ga nisi preslusao dovoljno puta ili ti neki drugi uticaji ti pomocuju rasudjivanje,sto ne bi bilo nista novo.I sam sam mrzeo mali milion albuma iz brojinih razloga nevezanih za njihov kvalitet da bih tek posle nekog vremena uvideo....
  11. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Vidis, i dalje si lame, sad navodis da si 3 god. a ja cu sad biti jos vise i reci apsolvent, a to i dalje nista ne znaci.Znam dosta ljudi sa fakultetima koji su obicni primitivci,nemaju ni trunke mozga osim sposobnosti da bubaju. Ako imas mozga,procitas post onog drugog i po njegovom sadrzaju zakljucis ima li ga i on i ima li smisla dalja raprava. Ja procitam tvoju recenziju avokada,pa onda klasicne singlove i am mine,nais..(koji se svidjaju raji koju ti prezires) kao tvoje favorite sa proslih albuma i zakljucim cemu dalja raprava.Vise bi cenio tvoj post da si naveo all or none,parting ways,nevazno... vazno je da ti gotivis i am mine,pusti 202 mozda naletis na nju.
  12. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Eh, zaboravi da kazem, krv i znoj je kad trebas preko postova da se rasravljas sa svakojakima,znas svaka budala kupi komp i sad je tamo nekog sa 3 razreda osnove preko posta od 100 redova treba da ubedjujem u nesto. Vidis edit moze da bude od koristi.
  13. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Joj, edit, vec sam to ljudima objasnjavao,nastojim da budem tolerantniji u novom postu,desi mi se da napisem pozer umesto prozor,a i velike su vrucine,znas tastatura,miki maus ovlazi ako nemas klimu pa sklizne i ti kliknes edit. A ono medju rajom,to nisam mislio na narod vec kakvo je raspolozenje kod moje komsinke Raje sa petog
  14. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    E, covece, ko je pominjao tebe, a kamoli da si ti pisao 100 redova,razlikujes li ti 100 od tvojih 10,mlogo se navlacis i zajebi slaganje, to se samo tako kaze. Sluze forumi za to,al kao sto rekoh "meni" je smesno kad neko(ne ti),pise sat vremena post,pa krv,znoj pa proverava kako je ovo napisao,brisi pisi...ja licno volim to da sazmem sto krace. Zagreb, ide li neko-anyone?
  15. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Nisu,al stvarno mrzim da pisem duge postove,rasprvljam se,iznosim cinjenice,gluposti...uvek mi je pomalo smesno kad vidim kako neko pokusava nesto da dokaze u jednom postu od 100 redova.Slazemo se u jednoj stvari a to je da ti se ne svidja album.
  16. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Greshis,daleko je to od proshecnih fanova. Mene licno zabole dal se tebi svidja ili ne svidja album,cisto da te informisem malo kako je raspolozenje medju rajom,procitaj i malo kritike po priznatim svetskim casopisima...videces da je album visoko kotiran,4-5 zvezdica a te kritike nisu pisali prosecni fanovi. Ko zna mozda svinje prefiriraju avokado kao dezert za lunch.
  17. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Meni je Avokado bolji od zadnja dva,jednak tu negde sa Yield-om(koji mi je favorit).Nevazno je da li clanovi benda misli da li je album dobar,vec ako si fan mogao si malo da prodjes po ostalim forumima i vidis kakvo je opste raspolozenje medju ostalim fanovima,a kakvo je ono odgovorio sam ti na prosloj strani. Cak i tih par procenata kojima se ne svidja album imaju bar jednu pesmu koju bi izdvojili za razliku od tebe sto je veoma cudno kakav god fan bio. Inace zombie naveo si 4 pesme koje bih i ja prve izdvojio+severed hand i army reserve All in all meni je album
  18. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Jel kupio neko kartu za Zagreb i sta planira povodom prevoza?
  19. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Pa onda si jedan od retkih kojima se nije svideo avokado.
  20. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Ako bude nesto preko tih,ti nam javi ovde,pa da se organizujemo.
  21. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Ever poke around the message boards? EDDIE VEDDER : I've never replied to anything. Well, no, I did. I replied once. A kid had the lyrics for a song called ''State of Love and Trust,'' and it was just bass-ackwards. So I wrote to him and said, ''My brother's good friends with Ed's brother, and he got a copy of the lyrics, and here's what it is.'' And then like two days later I got a reply and I thought, Oh, this'll be interesting, he'll probably be thanking me... and it was just one word. It said, ''Nope.'' That's when I realized, Okay, I don't have time to get in the ring. ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Is grunge still a bad word? MIKE McCREADY [Laughs] Yeah. But it's used so much. So I don't have the reaction I used to have to it. I used to be like, ''NO. WE ARE A ROCK & ROLL BAND. WE PLAY ROCK. WE PLAY HEAVY ROCK. WE'RE A HARD-ROCK BAND.'' And I don't feel like I have to counter it with that anymore. It still seems weird to me when I hear the word, but I don't know. S---. It's a label. We all have labels.
  22. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Vs je tvrdji od Ten-a
  23. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Moj favorit trenutno: Severed Hand Said "it's ok, do you want some more?" I said, "yeah!" "You'll see dragons after 3 or 4" I said, "yeah!" Edijev intervju u RollingStone-u Pearl Jam's leader on the difference between surfing and crowd surfing, and the best advice Bob Dylan gave him There's so much information in the songs and the lyrics that it felt like one more title was almost pretentious," says Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder. That's just one explanation for why the band's eighth studio album is simply called Pearl Jam. Another would be that it is the group's most democratic effort since its massive 1991 debut, Ten. On songs like the laid-back acoustic beauty "Parachutes" (music written by Stone Gossard), the eight-minute trip "Inside Job" (lyrics by Mike McCready) and the first single, "World Wide Suicide" (which is killing at radio), PJ brought a live feel to the studio, laying down tracks that showcase tasty guitar interplay and a heavy backbeat. "When you collaborate, you still have this urge to stay in the studio after everybody's left and do things the way you want to," says a chilled-out Vedder on a cold, dark day in Seattle. "But you can't do that." What instruments did you have around the house growing up? My brother got a guitar, we got a stand-up piano, and then I got a Les Paul-copy guitar. It looked like the guitar Ace [Frehley] played. My brother excelled immediately -- he was playing blindfolded and I couldn't push down a chord. I was very disturbed by that. Then after a year, all of a sudden it felt like a friend. I'll never forget it. Was there a moment? Yeah. It was "Cat Scratch Fever." All of a sudden, the guitar felt right. This guy, Bud Whitcomb, I'd do weeding in his back yard to get free lessons, but he wouldn't teach me anything but bar chords. I hated him for it -- that was a lot to ask of twelve-year-old hands. I remember Bud went on vacation, and I went to church, and they had this booklet of songs -- like "Black and White" -- with charts with open chords in it. And I stole it! Suddenly the open chords made me feel like writing. What do you remember about your first gig with the Pearl Jam guys in 1990, as Mookie Blaylock? On the sixth day of my first trip to Seattle we played a gig, and on the seventh we were supposed to rest, but we recorded. The show was at a place called the Off Ramp, and we were opening up for two other bands. I remember during our sound check, they opened the doors. I was singing with my eyes closed to an empty room, and I opened my eyes for the last chorus, and the place was full. It's a good analogy for how quick things happened for us. What was it like meeting Dylan at his thirtieth-anniversary concert? Everyone congregated in a corner of an Irish bar in New York after the show. Some real history took place that night. The oldest Clancy brother was reciting eight-minute Irish poems; Ronnie Wood and George Harrison were there. We were about to do our second record, and Bob passed on a few lessons to me there in the corner, one of which was "Don't read anything in the paper, don't watch TV. Get away." I felt the same way. Back then I felt like we were part of the pollution. You bootlegged concerts growing up. Still have the tapes? I've still got them. I listened to them a lot. Music, for me, was fucking heroin. It was something I needed. Live shows gave me strength. A day or two after a show, the high would wear off, but listening to the bootlegs with your eyes closed was like getting high again. Like an X show, or the Tubes, or the Who. I was a user. Can you compare surfing with crowd-surfing? The crowds are much more dangerous, because of the germs and bacteria in a sweaty mosh-pit circa 1992. Surfing is like no other thing I've felt, except for music and holding your newborn. What's the most amazing thing you've seen from the stage? I remember a gig in Florida at a big baseball stadium, toward the end of our Vs. tour. There were three pits -- it looked like a Norelco razor. I remember a wheelchair being carried to the front. We got him onstage during "Rockin' in the Free World." Last year I heard that he was one of the guys in Murderball. No way! Last year you hopped onstage with Kings of Leon. Are they your favorite young band? They hit a reflex in me. They opened for U2 and we hung out, and the next night we played "Slow Night, So Long." I bashed some tambourines -- it was exciting. The new Strokes record is also a great piece of work. Caleb [Followill] and Julian's [Casablancas] vocal deliveries are great, and unconscious -- it's like what they said about Sinatra or Joey Ramone or Lennon and McCartney. Was there something unique to writing "Elderly Woman..."? Did that spring from a dream? It's funny you say that. You're exactly right. We were recording Vs., and we were staying in this house in San Francisco, but I was outside in a little outhouse, in my own world. I slept in there too. It was the size of a bathroom, and I was able to fit a little amp and a four-track. I was dreaming that I was going back to where I lived in San Diego, and when I woke up, the dream was still alive. It came out right quick -- I don't even think I scribbled down the lyrics. It was bizarre. Do you feel better listening to Pearl Jam than you felt about previous albums? Looking back, you can say, "This record is a little midtempo" or "Why was that the single?" but I can't necessarily answer objectively. Melodically speaking, the new songs are pretty strong. I think the drumming is impeccable. And we've figured out a way to create space for the guys in the band, for them to get to that level of energy that they have when we play live. I'm not sure how that happened, but I think it's a step in the right direction. What kind of wine do you like to guzzle onstage? As long as it's red and there's a spare in the back...
  24. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Eddie Vedder and Stone Gossard discuss some of their favorite songs from the new album "Gone" : A mid-tempo Vedder rocker chronicling a man desperate for a fresh start. Vedder: "[We were in Atlantic City and] I wanted to play a song the next night. I went to learn it and it didn't come right away, so I started playing something else, and it was ["Gone"]. What's nice about it was that it was done in an hour or so, with backgrounds. I played it the next night at the show. The idea was that this guy was leaving Atlantic City and needing to find a new life without his past, without his possessions, and not really looking for more possessions. Because it takes place in a car, it's probably very similar to "Rearviewmirror" in a way. But I think this car is a hybrid, because I think he's only got one tank of gas, so I want him to go far." "Come Back" : A simple love song, whose subject aches for the presence of an absent partner. Gossard: "Ed had a really strong lyric. It's a powerful emotional state for him to be singing about. He really felt like it had to be perfect. We didn't spend a lot of time cutting it. But in terms of getting the guitars right, the thing that kept happening was that we kept pulling everything off. As soon as we'd put something down, it was like, 'No, just let it be the drums, bass, vocals and these simple chords.'" We've been playing it in rehearsal and we're still learning it and exploring it." Severed Hand : A surprisingly funky tune about a man hell-bent on doing whatever he pleases. Vedder: "I started writing that one in a hotel room in Virginia the same night I wrote [the "Riot Act" track] "I Am Mine." It was before we played our first American show after Roskilde. I was just kind of holed up in a room and it was lightning outside. I had it around for years and didn't know where it was supposed to go next. I think we even tried doing a bit of it for "Riot Act" but probably didn't spend more than an hour or two on it. It had been sitting in port for awhile. I just wanted to get thing out on the water. We finally got it going and then it turned into a fucking speedboat." Gossard: "That song is pretty intense in terms of the perspective of someone who says, 'F*** it. I'm going to go lose my mind. That's how I want to live right now.' It's a little bit anthemic. It's not necessarily embracing it, but everyone can relate to that feeling of, 'F*** it. I'm going to go get drunk.' That's an intense perspective to have. It's cool that it's balanced out on the rest of the record with some real characters." "Inside Job" : The album's epic closer, featuring the first McCready lyrics to appear on a Pearl Jam album. Vedder: "When you get overwhelmed by the current state of affairs and the time we're living in, it seems like one way out is to kind of look within. If nothing else, affect some change in yourself. If you're in a position of feeling pretty together, at that point, then you feel like you can make a contribution to society, as opposed to being a f***ing wreck and just adding to the pile of destructive forces you can find yourself surrounded by. And that's exactly, verbatim, what's in the song really, like "shining a human light." That's all from Mike." "We're going to make better and better records as we get older, especially considering this one kind of rocks harder," Gossard says with a tinge of bemusement. "Why should we be rocking harder now? Isn't this when we're supposed to ease into the whole Pink Floyd groove?"
  25. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Pa mislim da ce doci vise ljudi nego sto je bilo na Fil Kolinsu ili sto bi bilo npr. na Jon Bon Jovi-ju.
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