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Everything posted by Habit

  1. Deo Lejnovog poslednjeg intervjua datog 3 mesesca pred smrt. Almost a year after the April 2002 death of Alice in Chains singer Layne Staley, the final interview with the troubled musician has surfaced in the recently released book "Layne Staley: Angry Chair — A Look Inside the Heart and Soul of an Incredible Musician" by Argentinean writer and music fan Adriana Rubio. The conversation took place less than three months before Staley died from an overdose of heroin and cocaine ("Layne Staley Died From Mix Of Heroin, Cocaine, Report Says"), and revealed a broken 34-year-old who had given up the will to live. "I know I'm dying," he rasped through missing teeth. "I'm not doing well. Don't try to talk about this to my sister Liz. She will know it sooner or later." Staley, suffering from fever and nausea, told Rubio that his need for heroin was all-consuming, even though the effects of the drug were no longer enjoyable. He added that smack had completely ravaged his system and left him empty and filled with regrets. "This f---ing drug use is like the insulin a diabetic needs to survive," he said. "I'm not using drugs to get high like many people think. I know I made a big mistake when I started using this sh--. It's a very difficult thing to explain. My liver is not functioning and I'm throwing up all the time and sh---ing my pants. The pain is more than you can handle. It's the worst pain in the world. Dope sick hurts the entire body." The most chilling passage of the interview reads like a suicide note. "I know I'm near death," he said. "I did crack and heroin for years. I never wanted to end my life this way. I know I have no chance. It's too late. I never wanted [the public's] thumbs' up about this f---ing drug use. Don't try to contact any AIC (Alice in Chains) members. They are not my friends." In the rest of the interview, Staley talked about his relationship with his family. He stressed that he's always been close to his mother Nancy McCallum, sister Liz and stepsister Jamie, but that when he was eight years old his father walked out on the family and Staley's life faded to black. "My world became a nightmare," he said. "There were just shadows around me. I got [a] call saying that my dad had died, [but] my family always knew he was around doing all kind of drugs. Since that call I always was wondering, 'Where is my dad?' I felt so sad for him and I missed him. He dropped out of my life for 15 years." Staley insisted he always knew he had the talent and creativity to be rock star, and thought that if he became a celebrity his dad would return. So he started writing songs in his teens and jamming with other musicians. At the same time, he did a bit of research to find out where his father was living and what kind of a man he was. "When I was 16, I tried to find him without saying a word to my family," revealed Staley. "I did it for a long f---in' time, and what I found over the years was not good, so I changed my mind about wanting to see my dad again." At that point, Staley focused all his energy on music, reveling in it as a cathartic outlet. "I was about 20, and music became my only obsession to stay alive," he said. "I had the chance to throw out all this anger by the music in order to help others. It was therapeutic and worked [for] me for a while until my dad saw my picture printed on a magazine." Just as Alice in Chains started to take off, the man Staley expended so much energy and anguish thinking about suddenly wanted to become a part of the rocker's life. The then 21-year-old singer was wary, but he still hoped seeing his dad again would help fill the hole in his heart. "He said he'd been clean of drugs for six years," Staley related. "So, why in the hell didn't he come back before? I was very cautious at first. Then the relationship changed. My father started using drugs again. We did drugs together and I found myself in a miserable situation. He started visiting me all day to get high and do drugs with me. He came up to me just to get some sh--, and that's all. I was trying to kick this habit out of my life and here comes this man asking for money to buy some smack." Being used by his father was one of the forces that contributed to Staley's downward slide. "He finally kicked heroin use, and I'm still fighting," he said bitterly. "I invested a lot of money on treatments. I know I did my best or what I thought would be right. I changed my number. I don't wanna see people anymore and it's nobody's business but mine."
  2. Ali kod Layne-a sve je to bilo napumpano u novinama,koje su npr. pisale da je mrtav od gudre a on strejt a ljudi mu prilaze i govore mu "Ja mislio da si riknuo,otkud ti".Npr. Jimi Hendrix i svo ostale legende u rock muzici ce ostati zapamcene po svojoj muzici,niko nece reci a on je bio junky,sto je slucaj kod Layne a veliki deo zasluga tome odlazi novinama koje su plasire tu pricu i jos vise ga ukopavale.
  3. Layne nikad nije bio u fazonu -narkoman sam i ne zelim da se lecim.Sam je izjavio da je bio na milion klinika i da je potrosio dosta novca da bi se skinuo ali nije mogao da se izbori sa dogadjajima iz privatnog zivota.Cale koji ga je napustio kao malog bi se pojavio kada je ovaj postao poznat i trazio mu pare za gudru a ovaj u to vreme pokusavao da se skine,tako da mu je cale mnogo pomogao i ponovo ga navukao.Zatim smrt njegove verenice 95-te od overdose-a je bila presudna.Npr celu turneju posle Dirt-a je odradio strejt,skinuo se na 2 ili 3 god.-tako da je covek pokusavao ali....
  4. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Da,pravac Italija ako ne bude nista od Slovenije ili Budimpeste.Ali mislim da je moguce da ponovo sviraju u Sloveniji,jer mi je jedan lik koji je bio tamo na konceru pricao da je svirka bila odlicna,i da je PJ bio veoma zadovoljan.
  5. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Pogledaj 2 stranice nazad i naci ces moj post sa koncertima koje sam ponudio.Videces kome sam dao i trazi od njega da ti nareze.Nisam iz Italije,odavde sam,ali bih zapalio tamo i odgledao njihov koncert,najvise zbog toga sto u Italiji imaju odlicne fanove i bila bi odlicna atmosfera.
  6. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Nadam se da ove ili sledece godine necu ponovo propustiti PJ koncert u Evropi kao 2000-te,zbog nekih glupih obaveza.Voleo bih da ih vidim u Italiji(Milanu),jer su tamo njihove svirke uvek posebne. Zanima me da li su svi zaintresovani dobili PJ koncerte i ima li nekih komentara
  7. Habit


    Devojka obavlja svoje duznosti kao moderator,ali problem je u tome sto je sve to malo preozbiljno shvatila. Sto se tice Noyz-a,skinuo sam jednu pesmu,onu u kojoj pominjes carape i zvuci Ok.
  8. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Stone rekao na nekoj radio stanici da su u studiu i da bi album trebao da bude gotov otprilike do kraja leta. Sto se tice toga sa horom: The Ten Club is releasing a very special limited edition CD, titled "The Molo Sessions," featuring Ed singing with the Walmer High School choir from South Africa. The CD will have a number of tracks of the choir and a few tracks with Ed and the choir together. "The Molo Sessions" Sales will benefit Molo Care, a Seattle non-profit that raises money for schools in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. 01. Long Road 02. Love Boat Captain 03. Mandela Siyakuthanda 04. Emarabini 05. Theledi 06. Nombayi 07. Ootsotsi Base Benoni 08. Betterman 09. Iyelele 10. Sana Iwami 11. Nora 12. Jabula Ntliziyo Yam 13. Izintombi Ezilishumi 14. Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika (South African National Anthem)
  9. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    I ja bih trebao uskoro da se uclanim u ten club. Kao clan imacu pravo da na sledececoj turneji po evropi kupim karte ranije i to najbolja mesta.
  10. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Ima obrascice na tatu
  11. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Slike Eddia i njegove cerke Olivie koju je dobio prosle godine. http://www.currentswillshift.net/havenbbs/...tachmentid=9364 http://www.currentswillshift.net/havenbbs/...tachmentid=9322
  12. | Chino goes wicked in Mexico City 13/12/2004 • Chino Moreno joined Korn on stage last night and sang Korn's "Wicked" with Jon Davis. "For the first time in 7 years, we played 'Wicked' with Chino from the Deftones in Mexico City. It fuckin' ruled to play a show with them after all these years. Hopefully we’ll do a tour someday." - Jon Davis Palo pomirenje
  13. Muzicki veoma dobra obrada Ramones-a.
  14. Gresis,jeste padala kisa,imam Bored i jos jednu stvar sa tog koncerta i svirali su pod jakim pljuskom. Do jaja svirka Takodje imam neke koncerte od nijh na dvd-u(Pinkop 2003,Mineapolis 97....), pa kad budem nabavio dvd rezac vrlo radu cu narezati zaintresovanima.
  15. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Ovako, posto imam veliki broj PJ koncerata,svakom ko mi posalje PM narezacu ih dzabe.Koncerti su mpg. formatu tako da se mogu pustiti preko svakog plejera.U sustini najbolje koncerte od PJ imam na dvd-u ali dok ne nabavim dvd rezac necu moci da ih rezem.Studiram u Bg-u ali narednih meseci sam kod kuce,znaci necu biti u Bg-u tako da mogu jedino da ih posaljem postom. Koga zanima neka mi posalje svoje ime i adresu na pm. Ovo su koncerti koje cu trenutno ponuditi: 1. 08-23-91 Mural Amphitheater: Seattle, WA -na 1 cd Tracks: Once, State of Love and Trust, Even Flow, (Outshined)/Garden, Alive, Black, Deep, Why Go, Porch, Breath Ovo je svirka pre neko sto je izasao Ten. 2. Pearl Jam-MMM History -1 cd Emisija o Pearl Jam-u.Njihovi brojni intervjui iz 91,2,3,4,8,2003. Mnogo zanimljivih stvari i prica.Obavezno sa svakog pj fana. 3. 07-09-95 - 2 cd Marcus Amphitheater: Milwaukee, WI Tracks: Act of Love, Go, Last Exit, Spin the Black Circle, Tremor Christ, Corduroy, Not For You, Why Go, Jeremy (stopped), Deep, Daughter/(ABITW), Jeremy (slow version), Rearviewmirror, Elderly Woman, Lukin, Animal, Dissident, Even Flow, Black, Alive, Blood, (Star Boy)/(Little Wing)/(Maggot Brain), Better Man, Porch Zanimljiv koncert.Sviraju stvar od Jimi Hendrix-a, kao i izmenjenu verziju Jeremy. 4. 08-29-92 Alpine Valley Amphitheater: East Troy, WI [Lollapalooza] - 1 cd Tracks: Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Even Flow, Black, Alive, Porch, Baba O'Riley Odlicna svirka Ova 3 koncerta su snimana iz publike,znaci nisu proshot, za razliku emisije o pj. E sada ko zeli koncerte moze mi poslati prazne cd-ove na moju adresu koju cu ja dati preko pm,ili jos bolje ja cu narezati na mojim cd-ovim i poslati onome koga zanima a taj treba samo da plati postarinu + 30 din. po cd-u(zavisi koliko uzme),jer sam ja rezao na mojim cd-ovim,tako da nemam nikakav profit.Cilj svega ovoga je deljenje pj materijala medju fanovima a ne prodaja. Koga zanima neka se javi.Ova ponuda vazi narednih 10 dana jer posle toga cu biti zauzet.Kada ponovo budem bio slobodan ja cu ponuditi nesto novo. SPREAD THE JAM
  16. To break down musical walls, the Deftones have joined forces with the man who helped build the most famous one of all. And Deftones drummer Abe Cunningham says working with legendary producer Bob Ezrin -- whose credit list includes the Pink Floyd opus The Wall -- has been exactly the spark the veteran Sacramento hard-rock band needed. "At this point, we just needed to change things up," says Cunningham from his California home during a holiday break in recording. "And this is definitely a different style. Working with him is just putting us fucking upside down. He's cracking the whip." As for what the new material sounds like, fans have seized on a description vocalist Chino Moreno gave last fall, calling the band's current approach "more Rush than Tool." Especially considering Ezrin's skills as a musician and arranger, some took that to mean the new album will have more in common with the Deftones' 2000 breakthrough White Pony, with its ambitious art-rock tendencies, than the more back-to-basics, self-titled 2003 follow-up. "I hadn't heard that Chino said that . . . but yeah, I think it could be more like White Pony," says Cunningham. "It's hard to answer that when you're up inside of it. It's kind of an amoeba right now . . . [but] there's some fairly complicated stuff. There's this one song that has, like, five different tempo changes." NOVI WHITE PONY, ZANIMLJIVO
  17. Habit

    Pearl Jam

    Ramone Statue Unveiled Vedder, Zombie, Kiedis remember Ramones guitarist in L.A. Several of Johnny Ramone's friends -- including Eddie Vedder, Rob Zombie, Pete Yorn, John Frusciante, Anthony Kiedis and Nicolas Cage -- gathered at Los Angeles' Hollywood Forever Cemetery on Friday, January 14th, to unveil a four-feet tall bronze statue of the guitarist, who according to Cage's speech, "willed the Ramones to happen." Vedder gave one of the most moving speeches, as he opened up to explain the profound influence Johnny Ramone had on him: "He wasn't just a friend, he was a teacher. I don't think there's anyone else I've learned as much from in my life, having grown up without a father. I really can't imagine who I would be today, what my personal makeup would be if it weren't for the personal relationship I had with John." With his wife and baby daughter Olivia sitting in the front row, the Pearl Jam singer became choked up at the end of his toast as he thought about Ramone's death at the young age of fifty. Referring to the fact Ramone should've lived until he was eighty, Vedder said multiple times, "I want those thirty years."
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