Distributor of Pain
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Everything posted by Distributor of Pain
OK! Slusate li Bruce-ovu emisiju na BBC-u "Bruce Dickinson Rock Show" , svake subote od 22:00 do 01:00 (po nasem vremenu) ?
Jeste vi sa VETS-a? Koji je to profa?
1. Iron Maiden 2. AC/DC 3. Helloween 4. Saxon 5. Metallica i mozda Motorhead ... Lepota je u jednostavnosti!
A gde se nalazi ta berza?
E to je prava chestitka!
Slazem se u potpunosti , carevi su, pravi heavy metal band! nego ljudi, jel vi svrstavate Black Sabbath (one prve albume) u Doom Metal? i jel ih smatrate zacetnicima doom-a bas me interesuje! Ja ne bih rekao
Slazem se u potpunosti! Metallica je u potrazi za korenima malo zalutala, pa napravila St. Anger takav kakav jeste, ali je on definitivno bolji od svih nu metal sranja (linkin park, SOAD, Korn...) Ipak je to Metallica!
aha, narocito Virgin Killer!
a Andy Deris - sjajan vokal!
Ljudi! da li ste zaboravili ili sam ja malo poranio!? -danas je 15.06.2005. (00:35) na danasnji dan pre tačno godinu dana, 15.06.2004. odigrao se jedan veliki spektakl! METALLICA UŽIVO U BEOGRADU (i to po prvi put) Sto se tice mojih najboljih pesama 'tallice, to bi upravo bile pesme sa koncerta u BG. Osim St.Anger i Frantic dakle: Blackened Fuel Harvester Of Sorrow Welcome Home (Sanitarium) For Whom The Bell Tolls Sad But True Creeping Death Fade to Black Battery Wherever I May Roam Nothing Else Matters Master Of Puppets One Enter Sandman The Four Horsemen Seek and Destroy
Iron Maiden - Somewhere In Time (cover sa njavise detalja) i Fear of tHe Dark
Au, sta je to, cover za novi album!?
Spot govori vise od reci
Evo i ja dizem dva prsta Ups! mozda sam se lose izrazio, nisam mislio nista lose naprotiv ja obozavam AC/DC
HIGHER GROUND je obrada, originalnu verziju peva Stevie Wonder, inace pesma je super. Nije mi poznato da je Flea (Bassista) gay, on ima Zenu i dete (koliko znam jedno dete - devojcicu)
Ne verujem, ali zato su Slash, Duff & Matt uradili nesto po tom planu, => naravno VR- "Contraband" Dok se Axl i ekipa muce oko izdavanja toliko najavljivanog "Chinese Democracy"
Sve je perfektno i bina i atmosfera, ali ne bih rekao za izbor pesama!
Dr Under je katastrofa!!
Ubedljivo najjaca pesma: Nocas Gubim Mec
Kad ste vec kod novih Guns-a ,mozda je ovde i pre bilo reci o tome, kako vam se cine novi guns-i? Meni se dopada ona "Madagascar" I won’t be told anymore That I’ve been brought down in this storm And left so far out from the shore That I can’t find my way back, my way anymore Oh no I, won’t be told anymore That I’ve been brought down in this storm And left so far out from the shore That I can’t find my way back, my way anymore Oh no..... I... I.... Forgive them that tear down my soul Bless them that they might grow old And free them so that they may know That it’s never, too late For the many times, what seemed like, a memory I searched and found the ways you used to lure me in Ooh, I found the ways, Why it had to be Mired in denial, and saw heart break / Mired in denial and so afraid If we ever find it true That we have the strength to choose Free the ball and chain We end together, ooh oh / We held together