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Iskreni članovi
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About D.E.A.D.

  • Birthday 03/07/1974

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D.E.A.D.'s Achievements

Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. oke, interesuje me moze li od tresnje da se napravi neck thru i da li neko ima neke detaljnije planove kako, a hteo bi da ih podeli?!
  2. D.E.A.D.


    Da se ne zaboravi ",I have reached the limitations of music as a tool for expressing what I want to express, for myself and the handful of others that I care about, and I will now move along to other realms of practice. "Reinkaos" has been our only focus for such a long period of time and all the work and fanatic dedication put into the band by each member has been directed into this album. With "Reinkaos" finally recorded and released I also realize that there is nothing left for me to do with Dissection. We have succeeded with our task to manifest, in essence, a truly Satanic record blessed by the dark Gods and we have succeeded with our goal to manifest a truly Satanic band! My goal was to bring back Dissection with full force and to make it the Satanic unit I always wanted it to be and the tool for completing the personal black magical work that was started many years before. With "Reinkaos" this has all been achieved and I'm very, very pleased with the result. It wouldn't even be desirable for me to follow it up since everything that I ever wanted to express is in there. That's why we now have decided that this is the time to move on and where Dissection no longer will be an active band. So it's a great victory for me to move beyond this phase of personal becoming. With "Reinkaos" we have reached the ending chapter. Dissection's work is done and this is our legacy. I want to thank my brothers in battle, Set and Tomas for making this possible. Salve Satan! Salve Azerate 218!" Jon Andreas Nödtveidt (June 28, 1975 – August 16, 2006) REST IN CHAOS
  3. D.E.A.D.


    to o cemu ti pricas je salama na cijem omotu pise sunka! (Verovatno zato sto tehnolog koji radi u imesu na davanju imena proizvodima ili tako nesto nikada u zivotu nije video sunku) OVO JE SUNKA
  4. pa samo te tri su snimljene za sada , a na CD-u bi trebalo da se nadje uskoro, i bice simbolicna cena! Treba da se zavrsi omot i ostalo, i onda cete moci da nas kontaktirate putem mail-a!
  5. ili ovaj
  6. e ovo jesi u pravu totalno!
  7. svaki album mu je dobar, a sa ovim novim kao sto sam kaze zeli da napravi "biggest bend in genre" Inace vecina tekstova je inspirisana njegovim zivotom i bas je potrefio tu "zicu" da tako kazem!
  8. mene su visions i focusing blur odusevili a ovaj novi, sta ja znam nije mi nesto na prvo slusanje ali stoji da je covek genije i da je veoma kreativan i prepun inspiracije i originalnosti!
  9. kada budes bas bas sjeban, i u totalno u tom tripu u kojem je pisan ceo album shvatices da ne postoji ni jedan bend koji bolje docarava to sve kao sto su oni uradili sa "songs of moors and misty fields" Ko razume, shvatice!
  10. ovo je jedan od onih bendova koji su jako los trip ako si depresivan, jer tada mozes prakticno da razumes ovakvu muziku! Koliko sam samo puta obrnuo u vokmenu kasetu na kojoj je bio sombre dance, a na drugoj strani Empyrium - songs of moors and misty fields! Tada sam bio prilicno sjeban i trajalo je skoro godinu dana!
  11. nabavio sam i ovih da na cu da instaliram pa cemo da vidimo!
  12. D.E.A.D.


    "sign this petition or I will kill you!"
  13. D.E.A.D.

    Diablo 2

    KAKAV CAR! JEBOTE 4 AMAZONKE A ON TRCI U KRUG! Pa jos i promeni smer!
  14. i gospodaru faraonu koju si djitru na kraju kupio?
  15. e isto ovo sam preslusao i jos jedan sam imao ne mogu da se setim imena ali kada sam pogledao spot, pa pevac lici na onog "tasu ticu" iz urnebesne tragedije! kao nesto je ozbiljan a ispao je smesno!
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