danas mi je spao dio mEndjuse
ali moram sa vam podjeliti diktat iz engleskog jezika koji sam danas nasao, a pripada ucenici 3. razreda med. skole....UZIVAJTE:
I don’t do much exercise. I go ten pin boling oans a week. I am not very god at it. You nead special shoes. I’v got my on bool. I ysualy go on thusday evenings. Can animals talk? We now thet pereths and some ather birds can imithet saunds. Dr. Patterson use to tich coco sine languages with children’s picture books. Coco’s feveures story wos the thre kittens and she used to look at it when she wos on her on and sine to her self. Every year coco hed a brithday party. Six month later a friend thrnd ap with some kitans. Coco wonted one. She (nesto) love thet she pict up withaut a tale. She even chose the kitens name, she looked after ball lake after beby and spent (nesto) clining him and playing games.