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Anonimus of Metal

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  1. JOhn Greely Masina
  2. O nabavio sam novi album, Upravo ga sad slusam, prve dvije pjesme sam preslusa odlicne su, idemo dalje vjerovatno su sve dobre kao prve dvije.
  3. Slusa sam one dvije pjesme, mogu rec da sam zadovoljan, solidne dvije pjesme i omot abluma je dosta dobar
  4. o nemogu se nacekat da cujem novi album.Slusa sam samo jednu pjesmu i odusevio sam se.Nevormore ne moze da omane to su majstori vjerovatno su sve pjesme vrhynske
  5. Svidjela mi se recenzija u BV, koju je radiO ako se nevarram Nebojsa Lakic(pohvale) . Produkcija ubija, kako je dobra.Osjeca se uticaj Nevermora, pjevac podsjeca na Worella, nenormalno kako ima slican glas.Ali niko ne moze rec da ovaj bend kopira Nevermore.Moze se desit da se to kaze posle prvog slusanja ali posle par slusanja orginalnost dolazi do izrazaja.Tekstovi su odlicni. Na njihovom sajtu sam pronasao live video clip.I kad sam vido ove likove onda sam tek puka za ovim bendom. 2 GOSPODA Trenutno, po meni ovo je najaci album ove godine.
  6. MEni se na prvo slusanje bend ucinio dosadnim, ali TIm Aymar me motivisao da ga malo bolje prostudiram, poludio sam totalno.Album After tHe Fire strasan.Ali ipak cu da izdvojim pjesme koje su ostavile naljepsi utisak sa ovog albuma jesu Flash of the Dark i Slaves.
  7. Sad lici na Tim Owensa .QQ sta je ovo.A imali vece zalosti no vidjet Barlowa osisanog.
  8. CIRCLE II CIRCLE Check In From The Road [Hot Flashes - 05.04.04 02:45:59] CIRCLE II CIRCLE, featuring former SAVATAGE frontman Zak Stevens, filed the following tour report from Europe on April 2nd. The band is currently on the road with MASTERPLAN, Rob Rock and PURE INC. "Zak and the band are having a great time on tour. All of the shows have either been sold out or at near capacity. The band is currently in Vosselaar Belgium, and this show is sold out. Yesterday CIIC played at one of their favorite venues De Bosuil in Weert Holland. The show was sold out and the crowd was just incredible!! And of course the band and many of their friends from the Netherlands had to spend a few quailty hours at the Paradox Coffee Shop enjoying the local smoke. But, the best day so far on this tour has to be the show in Bonn, Germany. While walking around the city the band was fortunate enough to find the actual home and birth place of Ludwig Van Beethoven. As you can imagine it was pretty special to the band to be making music in this great city. Bernd Aufermann (Angel Dust guitarist) has made a special appearance at the Osnabruck show and completely stole the show. His guitar playing is nothing short of breathtaking! So, Zak has asked Bernd to sit in again with the band at the Stadthalle show in Langen, Germany. Be sure to come see this very special appearance, it will be a show to remember. The band is filming every night and collecting video footage for an up coming DVD that should be extremely funny and entertaining. The DVD will contain tons of great backstage footage, tour bus insanity, after show parties, and of course once in a life time live show footage. CIIC would like to thanks all the bands Masterplan, Rob Rock, and those crazy fuckin' Swedes Pure Inc. for having us out on the tour, and for being so cooool and putting on great shows every night. Zak and the band would like to thank all the fans for coming out to the shows and singing and cheering so loudly, it makes all the travelling worth the trip. Europe has the best metal fans!" Dates remaining on the tour are as follows: April 5 in Pratteln, Switzerland at Z 7 6 in Mailand, Italy at Alcatraz 7 in Ludwigsburg, Germany at Rockfabrik 8 in Langen, Germany at Stadthalle 9 in Kaufbeuren, Germany at Zeppelinhalle 10 in Plzen, Czech Republic at KD Serikova 11 in Zlin, Czech Republic at Golem Gambrinus Klub
  9. Ovo sto se desilo je katastrofa sirokih razmjera.Toliko zajedno ka braca su bili i da na kraju jedan od clanova napusti bend ZALOSNO
  10. John_Greely


    I ja sam slusa Avenger album vrh totalni.
  11. Cus sto ce bit S iced earthom pa ljudi Iced Earth je JOn SChaffer to nam je jasno dok je njega bice Iced Earth
  12. ja cu da poludim nnemogu da dodjem da vidim ove masine stvarno su masine
  13. Nemoj te tako ljudi Schaffer sto radi je dobro samo je problem live starih pjesam koje su pjevali Mat i Greely nemoze da ih opjeva kako valja ali mozda se treba naviknut ali opet su mi vrh
  14. Evo upravo ga skidam pa cu da vidim na zalost nisam:cry: ga gleda ali sam skino angels holocaust mp3 format live na ovu pjesmu pjeva nedje dobro nedje lose evo pokusavam da se adaptiram na njegov vocal ali... ... nesto mi malo crnjaci po pjesmi neznam zasto
  15. Ne znam ljudi mozda treba da se naviknemo na njega sto se tice live opet ne mogu mnogo da komentarisem njegovo pjevanje na koncertima ali ponasanje njegovo mi se nikako ne svidja kralj se ponasa kao da je u ring to sam primjetio po nekim slikama to mi se kod njega nikako ne svidja
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