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Mr. Horrible Gelatinous Blob

Iskreni Ĩlanovi
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Everything posted by Mr. Horrible Gelatinous Blob

  1. Pre par sati sam bio u IPS-u i na moje, malo je reci prijatno, iznenadjenje, naleteo sam na licencna izdanja oba Allen - Lande albuma. One Records under exclusive licence from Frontiers Records, kako to pise na omotu. Znaci, ceo booklet, sve kako treba. Zvuci dobro. Cena 489 kinti primerak. Preporucujem svima koje ovakva muzika interesuje. Poslednji put mi se desilo da kupim neko licencno izdanje kada je ovde postojala neka druga drzava, koja je prethodila onoj drzavi koja je bila pre ove... Dakle, duboko u proslom milenijumu. Puna podrska za One Records. Nadam se da ce biti jos mnogo toga u ne tako dalekoj buducnosti!
  2. Konacno sam ukapir'o! Ovo je kao kad Homer ubedjuje Lisu da kladjenje nije lose:- Osim toga i u Bibliji pise da je kladjenje dobro.- Stvarno? Gde pise?- Hm, ovaj... negde tamo pred kraj... Kakav je kvalitet zapisa?
  3. Zorane, da li je stigao u ponudu CD+DVD?
  4. Imam mp3, a izgleda da ce tako i ostati. Kada je pre par godina David najavio peglanje i izdavanje video zapisa, odusevio sam se k'o kuce u liftu. Al' obecanje...
  5. Jos uvek cekam da mi objasnis gde se na zadnjem DVD-u nalazi pesma "Soldier of Fortune".
  6. To imam, "Alnarijevo" izdanje. Ono koje je ilustrovao Pahek, a i pominjana zasebna izdanja, su daleeeeeko starija. Ako nisam nesto pogresno nafurao, Zoran Zivkovic (dobi covek pre par dana Nagradu Isidora Sekulic) je upleo prste u ono gde je svaka knjiga zasebno izdavana.
  7. Sta podrazumevas po prvim izdanjem? Ono, svaka knjiga zasebno, crn omot... Naslovnjak za prvo koje sam ja dograbio (3 knjige u jednoj) je uradio Zeljko Pahek. Legenda!
  8. Meni je prvo uspelo da se dokopam prve tri u jednom povezu. Mislim da je ekipa iz Oblaka u bermudama imala umesane prste u to izdanje. Naknadno sam cetvrtu i petu uzimao od ortaka. Zasebna izdanja, cini mi se da je dr Zoran Zivkovic organizovao to objavljivanje. Nikada se nisam licno uverio, ali mi je taj ortak rekao da je na taj nacin (zasebno) izdato svih pet. I na kraju kada je Alnari objavio svih pet u jednom, kupio sam za svoju kolekciju. Prvo mek povez, a potom i tvrdi. Ista izdavacka kuca je objavila i Dirka Dzentlija, s tim da bih istakao nesto losiji prevod "Holisticke detektivske agencije". A veoma zanimljiva mi je i veza tog dela sa Maidenima. Hint - "Rime of the Ancient Mariner".
  9. Obozavam "Vodic" i prvog Dirka Dzentlija. Druga knjiga mi nije ispunila ocekivanja, a Losos sumnje je stvarno obecavao...
  10. 1,683 guitarists play 'Smoke on Water' 06/06/2007 1:00 PM, AP Associated Press KANSAS CITY, Kansas - More than 1,680 guitar players turned out, tuned up and took part in what organizers say was a world record rendition of Deep Purple's "Smoke on the Water" ļæ½ a song that was the first many of them ever learned. Some came from as far away as California and Germany on Sunday to take part in a Kansas City radio station's effort to break a Guinness world record for the most people playing the same song simultaneously. The record had been 1,323 people playing the same song in Vancouver, British Columbia, in 1994. "It was cool to see little kids playing, people who had been playing for their whole lives, like older people, and then I'm sure there were people like me who just picked up the song a couple days before," said Autumn McPherson, of Winfield, a senior at the University of Kansas. Preliminary numbers show 1,683 people played the popular early '70s guitar riff on Sunday at CommunityAmerica Ballpark. "I thought it was going to be kind of cheesy," said Hannah Koch, of Prairie Village, who came clad in an elf costume. "But after I got here, I got caught up in the excitement of it." Tanna Guthrie, a morning show host for KYYS (99.7 FM), came up with the idea for the record attempt. She said her station will send participant sign-up lists, photos, videos and copies of media coverage to Guinness seeking official recognition of a record. Guthrie said she chose "Smoke on the Water," a track off Deep Purple's Machine Head album, because it's one of the first songs many guitarists learn. "You never know if you can pull something like this off," she said. One of the participants, John Cardona of Hanford, California, said he brought felt-tip pens so he could get others to sign his guitar. "It was the guitar I learned on," the 41-year-old said. "It was very dispensable on the way here, but very valuable to me now."
  11. Koga interesuje, neka nadje i procita. Jesu pomenuti i Symphonic i mogi drugi podzanrovi. I sta karakterise koji. Znaci nisu Nightwish strogo povezali sa pravcem koji je naveden u pitanju. Ali, kao sto rekoh, naglasili su da je sve previse isprepletano, da cesto i sami clanovi bendova razlicito definisu muziku koju stvaraju.
  12. U pretproslom broju "Politikinog zabavnika" je u odeljku namenjenom za pisma citalaca, neko postavio pitanje sta je Gothic Power Metal i ko su predstavnici. Odgovor je ilustrovan fotkom Nightwish, a pomenuti su i Tristania, Therion, Stratovarius, Sonata Arctica... Naglaseno je da se mnogo toga preklapa kada su u pitanju zanrovske odrednice. Bas mi je bilo zanimljivo da vidim tako nesto u tom casopisu. Nisam ocekivao.
  13. Min. 8,5/10, a imam utisak da ce se vremenom priblizavati desetki.
  14. Copy+paste prethodni post!
  15. Sad mi definitivno nista nije jasno! Sta su meni ovi (zli) Ameri poturili? Upravo sam odgledao deo od "Here I Go Again", pa do kraja, ukljucujuci i odjavnu spicu, i ne nadjoh nista. Na preskok sam odgledao dodatke na disku i opet nista. Sad cu da odgledam te dodatke u celosti. A ako neko moze, neka napise u koju su pesmu sa set-liste DVD-ja ubacili "Soldier...", posto necu moci da se smirim dok ne provalim sta se desava. Unapred zahvalan!
  16. Sve je to lepo i sve to imam. Iskljucivo originale. Osim ovog "1987 aniversary" izdanja koje je obicna podvala i nemam nameru da ga nabavljam. E, sad, gde je na "najnovijem DVD-u" pesma "Soldier of Fortune"? To je ono sto me zanima.
  17. Ni meni nista nije jasno. Sta je "najnoviji" DVD?
  18. Obavezno preslusaj ceo "Misplaced". A i prethodna dva preporucujem. Sad, sto se tice novog albuma, definitivno ima dosta drugacijeg izraza, sto je logican rezultat promena postave. Mislim, "Peace of Mind"... onako nesto sigurno nisam ocekivao od DGM. Preslusavacu intenzivno narednih dana, pa cemo da vidimo kakav ce mi biti utisak.
  19. Ha, konacno tema o bendu koji obozavam. Svaka cast Erlice! Imam ove albume koje je otpevao Titta. Jos nisam cuo novi, a malo me plasi sto Diego vise nije tu. Tri prethodna albuma su za mene vrhunska ostvarenja progresivnog metala. Na prethodnom su me odusevile zakivacine poput Is Hell Without Love i Perennial Quest. A smatram da je album remek delo. Imam regularno izdanje u kolekciji. Bonus track sam skinuo sa Neta u MP3 varijanti. Pitao sam se vec duze vreme zasto nema niceg novog. Ocigledno da je promena postave uzrokovala malo duzu pauzu. Odoh da skidam novi album.
  20. Slucajno naleteh na ovo, pa mozda nekom bude zanimljivo. Rockin' Reunions: Sabbath name dispute stretches from Heaven to Hell How do you promote a Black Sabbath tour when you're only allowed to mention the legendary Black Sabbath name in the fine print? Don't ask Ronnie James Dio, the singer for the current Sabbath tour. He's a bit foggy about the politics of the name game. When the latest incarnation of the pioneering heavy metal band touches down in Calgary next Wednesday, it does so under the banner Heaven & Hell, which is actually the title of Sabbath's 10th album, released in 1980. That was the first Sabbath record in which Dio appeared as the lead singer, in place of the band's original vocalist, one Ozzy Osbourne. So why is the recently reunited Dio-led lineup touring now under the Heaven & Hell moniker? Many fans have speculated that Ozzy's wife, manager and reputed control freak, Sharon Osbourne, is to blame. Ozzy's version of Black Sabbath has headlined his summer Ozzfest tours since 1997, and because of that the Osbournes may be laying claim to the name. "As far as Sharon being the perpetrator of that, I would certainly not like to think so," says Dio. "I don't like to think that my life is predicated on somebody else's whims who has nothing to do with me." Who, then, might control the Sabbath name? "I have no idea," says the five-foot-four singer with the colossal voice. "That seems to have been a point of contention for a long time. Who owns the name? Is it Sharon? Is it Ozzy?" "Is it Tony Iommi (guitarist for both Black Sabbath and Heaven & Hell)? I would think if Tony owned the name we would be calling ourselves Black Sabbath, so maybe he doesn't." Given the recent Ozzfest tours, and the fact Sabbath with Ozzy was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame last year, Iommi and the band's bassist, Geezer Butler, felt like they wanted to make the new tour distinct from the other incarnation of Sabbath. "They wanted to carry on with something fresh and new," Dio says. "When they proposed (the band name Heaven & Hell), my initial reaction was, and still is, 'Well, they're gonna call us f.....' Black Sabbath anyway, aren't they? You can call us the Boys in The Shed if you want to. It doesn't matter to me.' " Dio joined Sabbath in 1979, after the band fired the drug-addled Ozzy, revitalizing the sagging group with two platinum-selling studio albums. Three years later, it was Dio who left the band amid ego clashes to embark on a solo career as the chief dragon-slayer of heavy metal (according to his fantasy-oriented lyrics). Dio came back on board in 1992 for the album Dehumanizer, pulling Sabbath out of the lowest ebb of its existence. But Dio felt betrayed when Ozzy, by then a mega-successful solo artist, invited his former band to open for him on the final two shows of his "retirement tour." The rest of the group jumped at the chance, but an insulted Dio declined to participate and once again quit the band. "With all the horrible things Ozzy had said about Tony over the years . . . let alone what he said about me . . . I felt we needed to have some pride for that one," Dio says. "Suddenly we're going to finish our reunion tour with great bravado by opening up for your ex-lead singer? . . . Besides, I knew what it was really about. It was going to be announced (at those shows) that the original band was going to reunite with Ozzy . . . I would have been left in the backseat anyway . . . I told them 'Guess what? I'm not going to do it.' " This latest reunion was instigated by Warner Music who decided to release the best-of CD Black Sabbath: The Dio Years, asking Iommi and Dio if they'd write two new songs for the record. When the pair began working at Iommi's England home, the chemistry was back. They churned out three songs easily -- The Devil Cried, Shadow Of The Wind and Ear In The Wall. Talks of a new tour were inevitable. But this time, Dio says, the reunion has a time limit. It will last until the end of the tour and then he'll return to his solo career. Although, he does predict another full-length album at some point in Heaven & Hell's future. Dio hints that Butler and Iommi have been creatively stifled working with Ozzy over the past decade. Summer after summer, the Ozzman has insisted on playing the same greatest hits setlist and, despite Iommi's urgings to record a new full length album, Ozzy has shied away from that possibility. "I'm sure that's grated on (them) . . . You know damn well they wanted to be challenged again. . . . Perhaps Ozzy doesn't want to do it, or perhaps he's incapable." So, it's safe to say there's no love lost between the duelling Sabbath singers? "I don't have any problems with Ozzy," Dio insists. "I don't care what he's done or said. . . . When things come out of that mouth, it doesn't really matter to me. They're not earth-shaking comments . . . (Ozzy's) always loved me when I wasn't in Sabbath and hated me when I was." "He has a certain possession about (Black Sabbath). Or maybe obsession." Heath McCoy, Calgary Herald
  21. Ovaj covek je stvarno neverovatan! Ne znam vise po koji put to ponavljam. Zna li neko kada je "Strange Hobby" provaljen kao njegov album i zvanicno ubacen u diskografiju?
  22. Jos preciznije, Arjen vise nije clan SoP-a, pa bi njihovo dovodjenje bilo uzaludan posao po tom pitanju. Kaze da oni nastavljaju bez njega, a kakav ce biti novi Ayreon, zivi bili pa videli, posto je covek malo odlepio u poslednje vreme. Ko zna mozda se ta depresija u kojoj se nalazio, pozitivno odrazi na kreativnost...
  23. Laki, kako si dosao do majice koju si nosio na koncertu Kamelota?
  24. Ima, samo sto to nije fotka sa Hipodroma. Tu temu smo apsolvirali pre mnogo strana.
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