Mr. Horrible Gelatinous Blob
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Satelitski program gledam na compu posto imam SkyStar karticu! Pa ne umem da odgovorim na ovo pitanje.
I nisi se zapitala da li je to stvarno fotka iz BG?
Iz ovog tvog posta ispade da su svirali jednom pre '81... Svirali su na turneji "Powerslave" u avgustu '84. na Sajmistu.
Nije pitanje da li su, to se zna. Pitanje je da li je ova fotka odatle? Postoji li neka tako visoka zgrada koja se vidi sa Hipodroma? Btw. to je bio festival "Svi marsh na ples".
Ovo je booklet CD-a Killers. Jesu oni svirali na toj turneji u Beogradu, preciznije Hipodromu, ali zar je ovo slika odatle? Postoji li neko mesto na Hipodromu sa kog se vidi onaj soliter koji se nazire u pozadini? Da su na Uscu, pa 'ajde... Meni ovo ne deluje kao tacna informacija. Ima li nekoga ko moze ovo da potvrdi?
"DARK SIDE OF THE MOON" 1.500 NEDELJA NA TOP-LISTI Davne 1973. godine, tačnije 17. marta, grupa Pink Floyd dospela je na američku Bilbord 200 listu najprodavanijih albuma sa svojim novim albumom "Dark Side of the Moon". Bili su, te nedelje, najbolji debitanti - direktno su se plasirali na 95. mesto. A onda se desila jedna zanimljiva stvar. Više nikada nisu ispali sa nje. Ili, gotovo nikad. Znatno kasnije - 14 godina (jula 1988) ili 736 nedelja za one koji vole precizne podatke, album je konačno ispao sa Bilbord liste 200 albuma, ali su se kasnije vratili i dodali još 759 nedelja na Top Pop Catalog Albums listi. Ove nedelje Pink Floyd sa albumom "Dark Side of the Moon" beleže nesvakidašnji rekord - 1.500 nedelja na top-listi. Prvi na Bilbord 200 listi je Bob Marli sa svojoj grupom Wailers - reč je o albumu "Legend", koji je "nekoliko godina u zakašnjenju", odnosno, već 845 nedelja. Bivši Pink Floyd frontmen, Rodžer Voters planira, inače, da izvodi kompletan "Dark Side of the Moon" album tokom svoje solo američke turneje ove jeseni. U razgovoru za Bilbord magazin, Rodžer Voters otkrio je neke interesantne detalje vezane za ovaj projekat. Kad je, recimo, snimanje bilo završeno on je odneo traku kući i pustio svojoj supruzi ceo album. Kad je odsvirana i poslednja nota ona je bila sva u suzama, a Voters je pomislio kako je to dakle "kompletno delo" i od tog trenutka poverovao je da su stvorili nešto na šta će ljudi reagovati. Sama ideja da se ponovo izvodi "Dark Side of the Moon" došla je, zapravo, kao zahtev Fomule 1 u Francuskoj. Oni su želeli nešto "veliko" za 14. jul, kad će se voziti u Manji-kuru. Neko je predložio "Dark Side of the Moon" Danas, 08.05.2006.
Nije za leto, vec u toku jeseni, ali ne menja mnogo na stvari. Najbitnije je da su konacno nagovorili Vlatka da pristane na okupljanje. Originalna postava - Vlatko, Bodan, Garo i Koki!!! "Skakavac"!!!
Shadow Gallery
Mr. Horrible Gelatinous Blob replied to Che Guev@ra's topic in Power & progressive metal
Meni je stig'o taj dupli disk pre dve nedelje. Haos! Inace, samo sam ga slusao, a ima i da se gleda. Ubacicu ga u comp u neko skorije vreme. -
Pridruzujem se. To je jedini njihov album koji imam na originalu. Btw. pre neki dan sam cuo kako jedan ortak prevodi ime benda - Drzac Djubreta!!!
Ne znam koliko pratite dnevnu stampu i najave koncerta, ali ja ne mogu da sakrijem odusevljenje. U "Kuriru" pise da je vodja i frontmen Dejvid KoRverdejl, a u "Balkan Ekspresu" (prvi put sam cuo i video da takve novine postoje), najavljuju dolazak originalne postave, pa navedu ovu sadasnju! I jos sve to ilustruju fotkom one ekipe u kojoj su bili Mudi, Pajs i Lord. Znaci, period 80 - 83. Fenomenalno!
Can't Explain.
Nisam im'o pojma da su obradili The Who!!! Odusevljen sam!!!
Danas dobih na poklon Platinum Collection i upravo sam ga pustio prvi put. Majko mila, kako fenomenalno zvuce stare stvari u ovom remasterovanom obliku!!! Sta ce tek biti kada stignem do onog perioda s polovine osamdesetih....
Nedavno kupih onaj bezimeni DVD koji se pojavio pre dve i po godine, pa se time drogiram svakodnevno!
Zoki, izvini, a gde izgubi iz vida Krisa Kejferija? Plus sto u par stvari i debeli Dzon ostavi klavijature i prihvati se gitare!
Lady Angellyca of the Spanish melodic gothic metal band FOREVER SLAVE (photo, has issued a statement addressing widespread rumors that she is a strong candidate to fill the vacant singer slot in NIGHTWISH following the recent departure of Tarja Turunen. Her statement, dated Dec. 6, 2005, reads as follows: "I don't know how this news [reached] the fans or/and the rest of people. I thought that was a secret. But I have received hundred and hundred of mails. Besides I have seen how some mass media has published things about [this as well]!! I write this official notice because people have start[ed] to invent things about this. All of them ask if I [will] be the upcoming singer of NIGHTWISH. [The] respose [to this question] will have [to come from] the band NIGHTWISH. At the moment I only know that I'm one of possible girls who [are being considered for the singer position] in the band. At least that was what the manager of the band, E. Pohjola, told me. The final decision will be [made by NIGHTWISH] before their upcoming release, so there [is] a lot time to decide and think about the future of the band. I don't like to talk about this matter with mass media and people, because it's [something] which affects another band (NIGHTWISH) and other people. So I wait. [i hope] you understand that. Thanks." FOREVER SLAVE (web site, released their debut album, "Alice's Inferno", in September via the German label Armageddon Music.
Nemoj da se osetis omalovazenim, ali se vidi iz tvog posta da nisi bas apsolvirao temu LedZepp. Npr. bubnjar nije umro 1981. U obrazlozenju nagrade pise da su u toku aktivnog rada pomerili granice shvatanja Rock muzike, inovirali pristup komponovanju, uticali na nebrojeno mnogo muzicara itd... Poenta i jeste da takvu nagradu ne moze da dobije bend koji radi npr. poslednjih 10 godina. Takav bi mogao da se kandiduje tek za par decenija.
Mozda nekome bude interesantno: Audio Intervju - Tarja Traje 14 minuta. Za one koji hoce sazeto - That broke her heart, when she find out that they planned this for a long time. Ja sam 'teo da cujem kako prica engleski. Bad tajm! Dont vont tu trou dat avej. Inace, zavolela je neke elemente Heavy Metala zahvaljujuci NW i mozda ce se nesto od toga cak i naci na skorasnjem solo albumu. Ali je u sledecoj recenici, da ne bude zabune, naglasila da to nece biti HM album. Ko bi rek'o...
Majstori sledece godine dobijaju specijalnu nagradu za doprinos muzici, koju dodeljuje Svedska kraljevska muzicka akademija!
Joooj, uzasa! 11/18/2005 - TWISTED SISTER Frontman Suffers Embarrassing Moment The latest edition of the newsletter reports that when TWISTED SISTER performed in Brighton, England last week, frontman Dee Snider gave a shout-out to the crowd, saying, "The balcony is where all the REAL sick motherfuckers are. They can't even stand up by show time. Let's have the house lights up to see them!" When the house lights were raised, the band and audience reportedly found themselves looking back at the disabled section of the crowd, full of fans in wheelchairs. Posted by: 1evil1 Source: Blabbermouth
Tarja Turunen (ex-NIGHTWISH) fan site Tarja Turunen Fan conducted an interview with Turunen earlier today. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow: Q: In an interview, Tuomas [Holopainen, NIGHTWISH mainman] said you always wanted to travel alone, never participated to interviews, or common meals, and that you said you do not need NIGHTWISH anymore for your career. How can you comment these affirmations? Tarja: "Well, when the band started having more and more succes, even from the 'Wishmaster' time, and now with 'Once', there was alot of pressure in the band, on all the members and I said, if we have a lot of succes, and things are going well, let's fly with the plane. But the boys still wanted to go by bus, and for me as a singer, this was really making me sick. If there was someone smoking in the bus, or partying, I could never get to sleep well. And even the air conditioner, if I traveled for two days, in the morning I woke up like a zombie.(laughs) and that was when I said, 'OK, now we have a chance to fly, let's travel by plane,' but the boys didn't always want this, so I respected their choices. But as a singer, I had to take care of my voice, and this is why I wanted to travel by plane. And about the diva thing... I will let the people say how I am, because people know me, and they can tell if this is true or not. All I requested for a concert, for example, was some water, a miror to do my makeup, some tea for after the show, an iron table and an iron, because I always ironed my clothes alone. And I needed a changing booth, to change my clothes, because it was part of my image, and people came to concerts and said 'Let's see what Tarja wears,' and so on." Q: Yeah, it was always like a surprise for the fans. Tarja: "Yeah, and I wanted to keep this image. And many many times these things were not there, and Marcelo [husband] was there to help me with this. After the concerts it is not good for a singer to speak, and I really needed rest. I was really tired and needed to keep quite.This is why I didn't go to parties and needed rest." Q: Is it true that the next NIGHTWISH album [would] have been the last one? Tarja: "Yeah, definitely. Last December 2004 I asked the guys to come to a meeting with me, because there were big problems, and I wanted to talk to them, and tell them that the promisses were never kept, and I couldn't help it anymore. The next album [would] have been the last one, and I wanted it to be the biggest NIGHWISH album, and say goodbye to the people that have supported us, all over the world, and say 'goodbye and thank you' as a NIGHTWISH singer. I also told Tuomas to go in front of the media about this with the whole band, but Tuomas didn't want to go in front of the press."
Hoce li biti uopste novog albuma? Po onome sto sam mogao da procitam, a tu mislim na Semijeve izjave, ne sluti na tako nesto... Od tri nove sa "Best..." cuo sam dve. Stvarno mi se ne svidjaju.
Da, ali ono na slici nije to sa DVD-om na kom su samo tri live snimka. Ovde ima dva CD-a sa ukupno 24 stvari + DVD sa 10 pesama (7 live). Ja prezadovoljan!
Upravo slusam VH III. Jeste Fire In The Hole opasna rifcina, al' je nedovoljno za ceo album!
Najveca moja ispala ikada, po pitanju kupovine diskova, je bila u martu '98. kada sam bez prethodnog slusanja dao 30 DM za upravo izasli VH III. Edi je trubio na sve strane kako mu fenomenalno ide komponovanje otkad je prestao da pije. Zatvori se u kupatilo sa gitarom i odjedanput osmisli 4 pesme. A, kao, ranije dok je bio non-stop mrtav pijan, trebalo mu je i po par meseci da osmisli jedan jedini rif. Kad sam doneo disk kuci i odslusao, zazalio sam za "pijanim" vremenima. Mozda mu je alkohol unistio brak, jetru... sta vec, al' nam je u tom periodu Edi ponudio Jump, Panamu, Why Can't This Be Love, Dreams, Poundcake, Right Now, Top Of The World... Pa ti vidi...