Mr. Horrible Gelatinous Blob
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Ako je nesto steta, onda je to cinjenica da je Edi prestao da pije. Od tada je prestao da pise dobre pesme!
"Moj muz ovo... Moj muz ono... Moj muz..."
Stiglo je! Stiglo je! Stiglo je!!! Happy!!! Happy!!! Happy!!! Ich bin so glukliche neues jahr!!! (sto bi rek'o S. Bicanin)
Je l' na Mad Bringeru bese "Honey, Let Me Feel Her, Honey Let Me Feel Your P..."? Opaka stvar, samo mnogo davno sam je slusao. Voleo bih da cujem ponovo ceo album.
NIGHTWISH Mainman: We Are Not Looking For A TARJA Clone NIGHTWISH mainman Tuomas Holopainen has finished composing two new songs for the group's next studio album which is not expected to surface until 2007, the keyboardist revealed in a brand-new interview published in the Finnish newspaper Keskisuomalainen. According to Holopainen, the band are hoping to begin recording their next album in September 2006, but if need be, they are willing to push back the projected recording sessions for their next CD even further so that a suitable replacement for the recently departed singer Tarja Turunen can be found. Like 2004's "Once", the group's next CD will likely take at least six months to record, which means that the new singer's contributions to the new album will not be put down on tape until sometime in early 2007 — giving the band more time to find the right person to replace Tarja. Holopainen told the Keskisuomalainen newspaper that the band's style will not change now that Turunen is gone. The next NIGHTWISH album will follow the same musical path as the band's most recent releases, but with a new female vocalist. "It will be interesting to see how many singers will apply for the position," Tuomas is quoted as saying. "After all, Tarja is is a first-rate singer, and replacing her will not be easy. "The new singer will be chosen not only for her singing skills. She must also be beautiful, charismatic and she must possess a great deal of self-esteem. "We will not necessarily pick a Tarja clone," Holopainen continued. "We will be open to a slightly new sound, especially when it comes to the vocalist." Although the band's requirements for the new singer are high, Holopainen knows that the group's fan base will not necessarily welcome their return with open arms. "Of course, we will get a few beer cans thrown on the stage when we fist start playing out with the new singer," Tuomas said. "Some of our fans are die-hard Tarja devotees and those people will never accept the fact that we can go on without her."
NIGHTWISH Mainman Talks About Decision To Part Ways With Singer TARJA TURUNEN Finnish weekly news magazine Suomen Kuvalehti has published a brand-new interview with NIGHTWISH mastermind Tuomas Holopainen regarding the band's decision to part ways with their longtime singer Tarja Turunen. The brief question-and-answer session follows (translated from Finnish): Q: Tarja Turunen has described the way you handled this whole affair as "cruel." Do you regret the way it was done? Tuomas: "Not for a second. The decision has been a long time coming — since last January — and all points of view were thoroughly considered before we went ahead and took this step. Even though I am the person in the band who had to do the firing, the decision to part ways with Tarja was made jointly by all bandmembers." Q: How did you end up using an open letter to let the world know of your decision? Wouldn't the usual "artistic differences" explanation have been sufficient as far as the public is concerned? Tuomas: "If we had announced our decision in two sentences, it would not have not painted the right picture of us, and it would have resulted in me having to spend the next two months sitting on the phone explaining why we had to do what we did. I do not think our letter contained any details that were too personal." Q: What kind of response did you expect from Tarja? Tuomas: "I heard that she was shocked and she has accused us of lying, but every single sentence in the letter is the absolute truth. The way she has treated us for the past year has been at least as cruel as the way she claims we have been by making this letter public." Q: How were you able to keep things together for so long even though there was so much tension within the band? Tuomas: "I survived because the other people in the band are so awesome and we all share the same goals. There were obviously two separate camps in the band — Tarja and her manager/husband Marcelo on one side, and the rest of the group, the road crew and the band's manager on the other." Q: What were the things that you had disagreements with Tarja about? Tuomas: "We are on completely different planets when it comes to working morals and spiritual attitudes. I do not want to have any person in the band who tells me that she doesn't need the band for her career anymore." Q: Why did you go ahead and announce your deal with the Finnish bank Sampo to have a new bank card issued with a picture of NIGHTWISH on it when you knew that the next day you would be firing your singer? Tuomas: "The deal with Sampo was worked out in January and it was arranged by our manager. I had completely forgotten about it and was only reminded about it in the week prior to the announcement. The Sampo bank representatives took it very well." Q: So Turunen's image won't be removed from the cards then? Tuomas: "No." Q: Your fans have been shocked to learn of your decision to part ways with Tarja. How will this affect your popularity in the future? Tuomas: "If our next CD is of the same quality as the previous albums, I don't believe there will be a problem. If the CD sells 100,000 copies instead of a million, we will still be satisfied. Having huge commercial success is not our main concern." Q: Is it possible that Turunen could block your upcoming book from being published or prevent band-related products from being sold based on legal issues? Tuomas: "I really don't know much about this, but I asked our label and our manager if the split would result in legal problems and the response was that there wouldn't be any." Q: Will your new singer be Finnish? Tuomas: "I will not comment on this right now. I can only tell you that no decisions have yet been made on this issue." Q: Do you foresee a scenario where Tarja Turunen could return to the band at some point in the future? Tuomas: "At the moment, it is very hard to imagine. I wish her all the best."
Keti, na sta mislis konkretno?
10/25/2005 - MICHAEL KISKE: Reunion With HELLOWEEN 'Will Never Happen' Ex-HELLOWEEN frontman Michael Kiske has once again shot down the possibility of a reunion with his former bandmates. Despite the fact that the singer stated in a recent interview that he would consider playing a one-off show with HELLOWEEN at Germany's Wacken Open Air festival, a full-fledged reunion "will never happen," according to Kiske, "because I don't make music or go on stage with people who deeply hate me. Especially Michael Weikath [HELLOWEEN guitarist/songwriter] is not in love with me at all. Don't forget, he tricked me out of the band 13 years ago! So why should I return now? I will always refuse to sing his music now; that's a plain question of self-respect! Most of the fans are far too abstract in their thinking. Life doesn't work that way. At least not mine. Michael Weikath was working hard (and pretty successfully) to ruin my name in the heavy-rock world. I can promise you: I will always forgive, and he IS long forgiven! But I will never forget." On the topic of the other HELLOWEEN members and ex-members, Kiske said, "I was never at war with Kai Hansen [former HELLOWEEN and current GAMMA RAY guitarist/vocalist]. It was always fun to be with him, and I even had dinner with him two month ago. I also did meet Markus Großkopf [bass] six weeks ago, and we had a very nice and friendly conversation; there seems to be no more bad feelings. And if I meet Michael Weikath, of course I will give him my hand for peace. I don't hold much hatred in myself anyway; I am trying to work in the direct OTHER direction, you know? Some anger sometimes, oh yes, but I don't want to hate anyone. So I don't hate Michael Weikath either. Life is too precious! But I doubt that we will ever get friends, we are far too different in moral-ideals and thinking; and we also never really were friends. I never talked to Andi Deris [current HELLOWEEN vocalist]; just a short 'Hi' in the beginning of Weikath's and Andi's friendship before Deris got into the band, so I don't know his personality. He probably is very OK and just trying to make the best out of the situation, like we all would do." Regarding his future, Kiske said, "I will find new audiences who like the stuff that I am doing these days, or I will be leaving the music scene soon. It's all pretty much depending on my next solo record; IF I can do it, and also how much it will sell, and if I will still be able to keep on being a professional musician after that. I won't become a weekend warrior! That's for sure! I do it fully with all my energy, or I don't do it. I will make a decision for my future life after that next solo record." Michael Kiske is believed to be working on a new solo album for Italy's Frontiers Records, tentatively due in early 2006. More information will be made available soon.
WHITESNAKE have changed the title of their upcoming live DVD to "In the Still of the Night" from the previously announced "The Rock & Roll, Rhythm & Blues Show". The set, which was recorded with 13 cameras in October 2004 at the Hammersmith Apollo in London, was supposed to come out in time for the band's summer's U.S. tour, but was pushed back to later in the year because the producer suffered a heart attack. "The guy who's been coordinating everything has just had a heart attack," WHITESNAKE frontman David Coverdale told Launch. "I said, 'Was it that good?' I'm gonna put on the, the thing a disclaimer for, 'WHITESNAKE are not responsible for speeding tickets or damage to home furnishings.' You know, evidently now, we're gonna have to be, 'or cardiac arrest!'" Due on November 25 via AFM Records/Soulfood/CHS, "In the Still of the Night" will feature the following track listing: 01. Burn 02. Bad Boys 03. Love Ain't No Stranger 04. Ready An' Willing 05. Is This Love 06. Give Me All Your Love 07. Judgement Day 08. Snake Dance 09. Crying In the Rain 10. Ain't No Love 11. Don't Break My Heart Again 12. Fool For Your Loving 13. Here I Go Again 14. Take Me With You 15. Still of the Night view cover here: http://www.blabbermouth.net/whitesnake_dvd_final.jpg WHITESNAKE recently completed a South American tour with JUDAS PRIEST.
Upravo taj. Diver Down im je tada bio aktuelan album, a Pretty Woman je na doticnom. Secam se i da na Little Guitars Edward stvarno svira neku gitaru preterano malih dimenzija. I u potpunosti se slazem sa tvojom ocenom nastupa!
Zaboravih da naglasim, imam sve albume sa Semijem, a sa Dejvom prvi, Women&Children, Diver i 1984. Cak mi je i W&C slucajno zapao u kolekciju. Ostale i nemam nameru da nabavljam!
Potpuno se slazem. Znaci, ako neko ima mogucnost, nek' pogleda snimak njihovog nastupa iz '83. Rock California ili tako nekako. Lepo DLR skace, pravi salto, spagu, porucuje da ce da "fuck your girlfrend tonight"... samo, gde je tu muzicki kvalitet? Na Ice Cream Man uzme akustaru u ruke i svira semu (A,D,E ili sta vec, ne secam se). A onda to treba uporediti sa pocetkom Live Without A Net, kad krenu da delju Edi i Semi. Kakva svirka i kakva jurnjava. I da naglasim, to sto su odsvirali je Semijeva pesma! One Way To Rock. Najomiljeniji albumi? F.U.C.K. i 5150!
"Edge Of Thorns" - jedan od najboljih albuma u istoriji rok dikografije.
Apsolutno je na mestu poredjenje sa Purpleom, i bas zbog toga mislim da bi imali preterano dobro posecen koncert. Pogotovo sto sviraju dosta starih stvari, pa bi dosla gomila nostalgicara, ali i novija garda koja preferira 1987. i Slip Of The Tongue.
Izvestaji o posecenosti koncerata: Artist/Event: WHITESNAKE, SUPAGROUP Venue: Beacon Theatre City/State: New York, N.Y. Date: July 28, 2005 Attendance: 1,912 Capacity: 2,894 Artist/Event: WHITESNAKE, SUPAGROUP Venue: House of Blues City/State: Atlantic City, N.J. Date: July 30, 2005 Attendance: 928 Capacity: 2,318 Beda!!! Sto ne dodju u Beograd, imali bi deset puta vise. Tako im i treba!
I ja odavno procitah na njihovom sajtu da ce biti High Hopes - live. Falice Kinslayer, ali ce biti live video zapis na bonus DVD-u.
Filmovi - preporuke
Mr. Horrible Gelatinous Blob replied to C.A_R.I.A.'s topic in Film, serije, emisije
U Mrznji glumi Vinsent Kasel, rezirao Metju Kasovic. Tandem iz Birthady Girl. Cini mi se da se u originalu pise La Haine ili tako nekako. -
"Mnogi domaci sastavi svoje ploce snimaju na Zapadu. Fish Soup (Riblja Corba), grupa poznata kao "jugoslovenski Ramonesi", koja najcesce peva o seksu i drogama, svoj poslednji album je miksovala na Zapadu." Tekst "Rock iza gvozdene zavese", "Rock Magazine", Kalifornija, april '84.
Filmovi - preporuke
Mr. Horrible Gelatinous Blob replied to C.A_R.I.A.'s topic in Film, serije, emisije
"Zemlja mrtvih"! Veceras sam ga odgledao. Davno se nisam tako slatko smejao. -
"Neke cudne navike". I ona je u vrhu!
Najtužnija filmska scena
Mr. Horrible Gelatinous Blob replied to gruban's topic in Film, serije, emisije
I od mene -
Meni je "Idi za svojom sudbinom" oduvek bila fantasticna, ali nikada nisam znao da objasnim zasto. U svakom slucaju fenomenalan album. A kad se samo setim kako su se mnogi novinari i rock kriticari trudili da objasne kako je to veliko razocaranje. Listam pre neki dan "ROCK" iz januara '84. "Fazani" su na 13. mestu. A ispred su npr. Idoli ("Cokolada" ), pa cak i Laki Pingvini... Neverovatno!
Stairway me je smarao kada sam imao 12 godina (ko moze da slusa pesmu duzu od 3 min), a sada apsolutno nemam nista protiv kada je izaberu za najbolju rock pesmu svih vremena. Sto se i desilo nebrojeno puta. Kakv je to aranzman... pa jos kad se uzme u obzir kada je to snimljeno... Niko nije prokomentarisao da su u izboru britanske radio stanice Planet Rock clanovi Zeppelina izabrani kao najbolji u kategorijama pevaca, gitariste, basiste i bubnjara!
Interesantna ti je ova konstatacija CLEAN - a opozit je OPERSKI STIL PEVANJA. Mada je jasno na sta si mislio.
Iz iskustva znam da postoji gomila prevara, pa se nisam usudio da skidam i te tzv. Floyde + Plant, posto oni Rammstein - Pet Sematary, veze nemaju sa Rammsteinom, a ni Metallica - Smoke On The Water, veze nema sa Metallicom, itd... Jedino za sta sam siguran je da Sisters Of Mercy - Comfortably Numb, jesu Sistersi. Samo sto je u pitanju neki ultra-bootleg, pa i nije bas dozivljaj.