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Everything posted by Gospa na Sivcu
Kad mi kazu za nesto :"Super je, to ti je sad moderno,", to me samo moze odbiti od kupovine. Kupujem ono sto mi 1) treba 2)sto mi dobro stoji 3)sto necu obuci samo jednom ili nijednom 4) sto se uklapa u moj ukus. Mrzim natpise na odeci, nalepljene, nashivene dodatke. Preferiram nekoliko meni omiljenih, tamnih boja,ali imam i svetlije stvari. Ako mi nesto odgovara, nije mi bitno da li je iz markirane radnje u centru, ili iz neke radnjice sa periferije. Medjutim, veci novac dolazi u obzir jedino u slucaju zaista kvalitetnih stvari , koznih, obuce. Ako me neko pita gde sam nesto kupila, uvek kazem, nisam od onih koje ljubomorno kriju.
Ne znam da li je samo do hladnog vremerna, ali nokti su mi loshi, meki i listaju se nikad mi se to nije desilo, vec par puta ih skracujem do korena. Znate li neki dobar preparat za negu? Kupila sam FlorMarov neki sa E vitaminom...
U poslednje vreme, najvise mi prijaju sapun i voda, i ne sminkam se uopste, kozi definitivno prija odmor!. Od pre 3 god vise ne uvoze ceo program Max factora, samo neke gluposti, tako da ne koristim vise nijedan puder. Sminkam se samo ako izadjem uvece, to je sve.
Ovaj film je mrtvorodjen. Dok domaci reziseri i profani rezije ne izbace iz svesti i podsvesti glorifikovanje crnog talasa, socijalnih tema, i scenarije u kojima se sva radnja anulira, gledacemo sranja charlstone, shejtane idt...Kad su glumaci videli scenario, hteli su da odustanu jer je glupost. Shteta sto nisu...
Ovo podsecja na film CATWOMAN
Moonspell opet! To! Ajd da vidim na shta sad lichi COF , uvek mogu da shutnem Denija u vodu ako smori
Posle Nymphetamine i Thornography , ovo je osvezenje. Mozda se ponovo vrate na stari kvalitet, kao na DAHE, Midian,BSTS...
Zaintrigiralo me je gde vam je locirano to Zlatno burence, pa naleteh na info da prave i docek, popust na grupe-to bi vam leglo za okupljanje... LINK
Ako nekome treba maska a neka od ovih odgovara, nek ostavi poruku... LINK
Ima standardna Nova, 2 muzike (gothic i ldb. rock).Isto kao proshlih par.
Mislila sam na cinjenicu da nemaju svi dovoljnu opremu, prostor i mir za vezbanje kod kuce.
Nema vajde od kucnog vezbanja, kao ni od prepune teretane koja je uz to i meshovita i odrzava u isto vreme "aerobik" "bodystyling" i ostale gluposti za domacice. Zene zasednu na sprave da pricaju i ne mogu da odradim program. Reshenje-promeniti teretanu. Jesam, i sad mi je extra!
Svirka koja pocinje u vreme nedeljnog ruchka i traje do "Laku noc deco"...ua organizator!
Pogano debelo derishte.
Shta je u subotu 19. jula?
2008.07.01-05. Fest: * Smederevska Tvrdjava * Castle Fest
Gospa na Sivcu replied to Elderane's topic in Deep Vault
Shteta...bio je dobar izbor benova. Ali uz Legacy, prevelik i preskup zalogaj za domacje trzishte. Ipak je potrebno sagledati vishe faktora pre planiranja tako velikih festivala. U svakom sluchaju, lepo je shto se neko potrudio. -
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007)
Gospa na Sivcu replied to ProgressiveR's topic in Film, serije, emisije
Da li se kod nas prikazuje uopshte, ili je vec proshao? -
Teri je dao milion funti za istrazivanje Alchajmerove bolesti, fanovi worldwide pokushavaju da nadmashe donaciju, njemu u chast. Evo njegovog govora i linkova: http://groups.myspace.com/DonateForPratchett DONATE A POUND TODAY! So the great Terry Pratchett has donated a million pounds to Alzheimer’s research. There are now a number of fans online trying to get enough people to donate their money so that we can match Terry’s donation. We are asking for just a pound from each fan, however as your group leader I have decided to set a president and I personally have donated £10 and shall be donating more when I can. So £1 or how ever much you can give, it’s such a little thing, but if we can get a million fans to do it then it won’t seem so little anymore. Just visit the Alzheimer’s website where you can donate a £1 (or more) in a one off donation, or you can set up a direct debit. http://www.alzheimers-research.org.uk/howtohelp/ If your not already convinced then here’s Terry’s speech, make sure you’ve got the tissues to hand! ’Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is Terry Pratchett, author of a series of inexplicably successful fantasy books and I have had Alzheimer’s now for the past two years plus, in which time I managed to write a couple of bestsellers. I have a rare variant. I don’t understand very much about it, but apparently if you are going to have Alzheimer’s it’s a good one to have. So, a stroke of luck there then... Interestingly enough, when I was diagnosed last December by those nice people at Addenbrooke’s, I started a very different journey through Dementia. This one had much better scenery, interesting and often very attractive inhabitants, wonderful wildlife and many opportunities for excitement and adventure. Those of you who’s last experience with computer games was looking at Lara Croft’s buttocks might not be aware of how good they have become as audio and visual experiences, although I would concede that Lara’s buttocks were a visual experience in their own right. But in this case I was travelling through a country that was part of the huge computer game called Oblivion, which is so beautifully detailed that I have often ridden around it to enjoy the scenery and weather and have hardly bothered to kill anything at all. At the same time as I began exploring the wonderful Kingdom of Dementia, which is next door to the Kingdom of Mania, I was also experiencing the slightly more realistic experience of being a 59 year old who finds they have early onset Alzheimer’s. Apparently I reacted to this situation in a reasonably typical way, with a sense of loss and abandonment with an incoherent, or perhaps I should say, violently coherent fury that made the Miltonic Lucifer’s rage against Heaven seem a bit miffed by comparison. That fire still burns. I want to go on writing! Admittedly, that means I have to stay alive. You can’t write books when you are dead, unless your name is L. Ron Hubbard. And so now I’m a game for real. It’s a nasty disease, surrounded by shadows and small, largely unseen tragedies. People don’t know what to say, unless they have had it in the family People ask me why I announced that I had Alzheimer’s. My response was: why shouldn’t I? I remember when people died "of a long illness" now we call cancer by its name, and as every wizard knows, once you have a thing’s real name you have the first step to its taming. We are at war with cancer, and we use that vocabulary. We battle, we are brave, we survive. And we have a large armaments industry. For those of us with early onset in particular, it’s more of a series of skirmishes. My GP is helpful and patient, but I don’t have a specialist locally. The NHS kindly allows me to buy my own Aricept because I’m too young to have Alzheimer’s for free, a situation I’m okay with in a want-to-kick-a-politician-in-the-teeth-kind of way But, on the whole, you try to be your own doctor. The internet twangs night and day. I walk a lot and take more supplements than the Sunday papers. We talk to one another and compare regimes. Part of me lives in a world of new age remedies and science, and some of the science is a little like voodoo. But science was never an exact science, and personally I’d eat the arse out of a dead mole if it offered a fighting chance. Fortunately, I have the Greek Chorus to calm me down Soon after I told the world my website fell over and my PA had to spend the evening negotiating more bandwidth. I had more than 60,000 messages within the first few hours. Most of them were readers and well-wishers. Some of them wanted to sell me snake oil and I’m not necessarily going to dismiss all of these, as I have never found a rusty snake. But a large handful came from ’experienced’ sufferers, successfully fighting a holding action, and various people in universities and research establishments who had, despite all expectations, risen to high places in their various professions even while being confirmed readers of my books. And they said; can we help? They are the Greek Chorus. Only two of them are known to each other and they give me their advice on various options that I suggest. They include a Wiccan, too. It’s a good idea to cover all the angles. It was interesting when I asked about having my dental amalgam fillings removed. There was a chorus of "Hrumph, no scientific evidence, hrumph...., but if you can afford to have it done properly then it certainly won’t do any harm and you never know." And that is where I am, along with many others, scrabbling to stay ahead long enough to be there when the Cure, which I suspect may be more like a regime, comes along. Say it will be soon – There’s nearly as many of us as there are cancer sufferers, and it looks as if the number of people with the disease will double within a generation. And in most cases you will find alongside the sufferer you will find a spouse, suffering as much. It’s a shock and a shame, then, to find out that funding for research is three per cent of that which goes to find cancer cures. Perhaps that is why, for example, that I know three people who have successfully survived brain tumours but no-one who has beaten Alzheimer’s...although among the Greek Chorus are some who are giving it a hard time. I’d like a chance to die like my father did—of Cancer, at 86. (Remember, I’m speaking as a man with Alzheimer’s, which strips away your living self a bit at a time). Before he went to spend his last two weeks in a hospice he was bustling around the house, fixing things. He talked to us right up to the last few days, knowing who we were and who he was. Right now, I envy him. And there are thousands like me, except that they don’t get heard. So let’s shout something loud enough to hear. We need you and you need money. I’m giving you a million dollars. Spend it wisely.’ http://www.alzheimers-research.org.uk/howtohelp/
Imam omiljeni parfem, koji mi nabolje stoji i ljudi me prepoznaju po njemu. Ostalih nekoliko mirisa ponekad upotrebim, ali smatram da sam nashla "onaj jedini" i ne bih da ga menjam. Pored toga, postoji i mushki parfem koji volim da osetim na frajeru(samo ako ide uz njegovu lichnost!).Gluposti i bogojavljanske vodice tipa C-tru i slichnih smradova prezirem. Kvalitetan parfem koshta i nje za svakog. Apropo kvaliteta, vodite rachuna gde kupujete parfeme, pogotovu za poklon-u parfimerijama prodaju kopije po c eni originala! Poznat je sluchaj parfimerije Mauricijus na Zelenjaku, kod Meka. Najpouzdanije su Jasmin parfimerije.
Upravo usisavam sobu. Insomnia