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Gospa na Sivcu

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Everything posted by Gospa na Sivcu

  1. Sin Grubera i Helge XD
  2. Ili unutrasnju povredu, cim je cutao. Lom, infekcija, temperatura, gotov.
  3. Pa, s obzirom na to da stalno pominju koliko vole BG, nije nemoguce
  4. Rekoh ako...i ja se nadam!
  5. Ako se to desi i kod nas bice fenomenalno! Apropo najave albuma: Fernando je kralj.
  6. Koliko vrednujete plocu u YU izdanju, Rainbow uzivo, dupla?
  7. Najgora slika,ikad!
  8. Da li lik koji je drzao CD shop na Slaviji, "Plastic noise" ima sada radnju negde? Gde kupujete originale?
  9. Vortex prica o Artisan projektu, i svojim solo. Ne pominje Arcturus In 2011 ICS Vortex is back with Borknagar as a permanent member to handle bass and also vocal duties together with Vintersong.
  10. I sta sad na kraju, hoce li da se okupe?
  11. Setih se lika koji se drao "TaJra! TaJra" u Debeljachi XD
  12. lepo receno
  13. Isti zanr nije opravdanje ca copy/paste
  14. Sto je najgore i DB I COF se ponasaju kao da su braca blizanci, jedni uzmu hor, drugi takodje. Sve isti potezi, i to me nervira. Ja volim oba benda, al da su poslednjih godina mlatili pare na americkom trzistu i shtancovali muziku, jesu. I pored toga, respect za Denija u SKC covek je zvucao kao sa CDa.
  15. Iskopah negde intervju sa Piterom: ... SuicideGirls.com: I bet you get some really cute girls at your shows. Peter Steele: There are always cute girls at our shows. But I'm getting old and disgusting so it doesn't matter. SuicideGirls.com: Oh, come on, you know you have girls obsessed with you. Peter Steele: Sure, they find out where I live and they come to my house at 4 o'clock in the morning. SuicideGirls.com: That's not good. Peter Steele: I swear to god, they come. Not all the time, like every once in a while. I'll be watching "Law & Order" at 5 o'clock in the morning and the doorbell will ring. I'm like "What the fuck is it now? Is it another fucking cavity search by the cops?" It will be a girl at the door saying, "I drove all the way from Idaho…" and I'm like "Where the fuck are the potatoes?" I'm like, "What's the fucking matter with you? I'm 250 pounds of low-quality meat with the ability to irritate people and you drove all that way. You know what, here's gas money." I had to go to an ATM and give her $400 to get back to Idaho. All right, toots, good night, see ya. I'll come home from going food shopping with bags of ground meat and toilet paper and tampons and TV dinners sticking out of the bags and there's a naked girl sitting there on my fucking stoop. I'm like, "Hey, how you doing?" [imitating girl] "Peter, I've been in love with you all my life." I'm like, "What are you — four years old? Really, it can't be that long." One time I was on tour and this girl, wearing this Santa Claus outfit but she was mostly naked, rang the doorbell upstairs where my mother was living in fucking December. My mother comes to the door and this girl's like, "Hi, is Peter there?" My mother said, "Well, no. But you come in, you're going to catch pneumonia." My mother brings this really fucking hot girl into the house. This girl was blue form being outside so fucking long. My mother's giving her soup and having a conversation. I spoke to her on the phone and I was like, "Mom, what are you letting these fucking people into the house for?" "Oh, she was cold." I was like, "Well yeah, but I don't know where the fuck she came from." SuicideGirls.com: So it has just become too easy with these girls? Peter Steele: It actually has played out. I pretty much got it out of my system. I'm actually looking for a wife. I go online for Russian brides. They come in a box like "Caution: Live Bride" with the holes in the fucking box. You give them a plate of food, some water, then they marry you and divorce you but they have citizenship. SuicideGirls.com: You must have had long-time girlfriends at some point. Peter Steele: Yeah, I had a girlfriend for actually ten years. The "Decade of Death" as I call it. SuicideGirls.com: Was it your fault you broke up? Peter Steele: It was mutual. SuicideGirls.com: Are you tough to live with? Peter Steele: Well, I like things my fucking way. I've been alone for the last seven years so the light is fucking off because I want it to be. But I really can't fight with a girl who can benchpress more than me. I would be like "Okay, I'll sleep upstairs." SuicideGirls.com: A woman bigger than you would have to be pretty darn big. Peter Steele: I'd say, "Okay bitch, you carry the groceries." SuicideGirls.com: At what point did you get it out of your system? Peter Steele: To stop being a dick for a second, I'm just going to say that after the breakup with this girl, I found that I would want to be with women pretty much for the companionship more than the sex. It's like "Oh, poor Pete, he just wants to be loved." Yes, I want to be breastfed. This is the ramifications of modern science. In 1960, they figured out that we shouldn't be breastfed. For 25,000 years they're been sucking on tits and now you're going to stop it when I was born? I'm thinking this must have something to do with me because I was born with a full set of shark teeth. SuicideGirls.com: I know some people who are probably as well known as you and they say it's tough to find someone because you never know if someone's a liar or a freak. Peter Steele: Listen you meet a girl on the fucking road and you think, what makes me any different from any other fucking rock and roll asshole with a pound of coke up his fucking face. If you fuck me, I'm sure you'll fuck anybody. People think, "Oh, Pete's sexist because he takes advantage of women." No, we take advantage of each other. But I am sexist because I hate men. I don't like competition. I want to be the only fucking man in this world. I want an army of my sons and then find a planet to attack. SuicideGirls.com: Do you want kids? Peter Steele: I'm not sure if my chromosomes are qualified. I really don't think I should replicate. God forbid, if I had a daughter. When she was 13, I'd be like, "Oh my god, she's going to find a guy just like me." Holy shit, it comes like a boomerang.
  16. Albumi nakon Midiana, i poneceg sa BSTS nista ne valjaju. Previse su predvidivi.
  17. Na zalost sada pokojni Boba, machak mog decka. Bio je neverovatno kulturan. Sto je najgore ja sam ga nasla, delovalo je kao da je otrovan, ili udaren, mada nije bilo povreda. Ovde pozira baja na bench-u Btw ja sad imam 5 obicnih i 1 albno tigrastog barbusa al mi je akvarijum pun algi, pa cu slikati kad ga sredim XD
  18. Ja, 2006. crna mlada vrana, poletarac ,nasla je na Slaviji. Nije kontala da ume da leti pa je trcala ka ulici. Donela sam je kuci dala klopu(seckane virsle i vodu) i uvalila komsiji u bastu na nisko drvo,posto ima macora po kraju a prevelika je za stan. Al brzo se navikla na ljude,fazon nije htela sa ruke na drvo Tri dana sam je hranila , tj ostavljala joj , drala se u 4:55am kao i sve vrane u kraju,pa je skontala da zna da leti kad je dunuo prvi jaci vetar i otisla. A do pre nedelju dana kod iste te komsinice u dvoristu je bila siva vrana, ali dohvatio je machor pa je vukla krilo. Ostavljali su joj hranu, oporavila se i pocela da trci ali ne znam da li joj je krilo ipak slomljeno. Pre nekih nedelju dana je zbrisala iz dvorista, nemam pojma da li je uspela da odleti. Mali savet, kad spasavte ptice: cuvajte se jata ! Ovu drugu vranu su svih dana od napada non stop cuvale ostale, napadale ko joj pridje.
  19. Racunaju li se i ploce,izdate po licenci u SFRJ ? XD Imam Rainbow.
  20. Aha, na obali Panonskog mora XD
  21. Jaoooo hvala ti, zivela sam u zabludi... Ko je bio na Moto skupu video je sta znaci dobra organizacija. A ti veruj u sta god hoces, ustav ti garantuje to pravo.
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