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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by bambayay

  1. bambayay


    Fantastican album...Celo jutro slusam novi Opeth i novi Moonspell. Odlicni albumi! Kao što kaze Astrallis: "Jutro mi je divno počelo"!
  2. E Gojko, Gojko blago tebi...ce ti ga ukradem E sada, za one koji jos uvek ne mogu da nabave original, ovo malo lossless formata...Linkovi su na radisheru ne treba nikakav password http://rapidshare.com/files/104447654/In_F...e__g_.part1.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/104447857/In_F...e__g_.part2.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/104448096/In_F...e__g_.part3.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/104448253/In_F...e__g_.part4.rar Uzivajte!
  3. http://mediaportal.ru/clips/50054-in-flame...ned-hitman.html - - - - In Flames - Condemned ili direktni link http://rapidshare.com/files/101710962/InFl..._by_Nickson.rar - - - - password: www.mediaportal.ru
  4. Mercenary su odlicni, jednom sam ih bezbeze pustio i skroz sam se odusevio. Izbacili su novi album Architect Of Lies, nikako da ga preslusam...cim mi dosadi novi In Flames Scar Symmetry su odlicni Stallone, samo im daj sansu. I mene je na pocetku nervirao onaj clean vokal, ali posle ....
  5. Konkurent za sledeci spot je po meni Alias, bas bih voleo da vidim spot za ovu pesmu koja definitivno ima neki poseban smek Dobar snimak za spot pesme The Mirror's Truth - - - - http://rapidshare.com/files/97502366/mirro...-by.Akhylys.rar (password: bunalti.com)
  6. Iskreno, nije losa, sva je tripozna
  7. Ovaj novi album je malo vise melodicniji nego Come Clarity, nema krljanja na TSOP, ili neka slicna pesma kao Leeches...Malo mi to nedostaje kod In Flames ;(
  8. Slusa se novi In Flames!!! Dobro zvuci za sada...ma oni ne mogu da omanu bez obzira sta ljudi pricali Jos samo da dodju u zemlju Srbiju.... Ala je dobra ona Sleepless Again!
  9. Preporuka: Džon Konstantin Hellblazer: Opasne navike Novela je skoro izašla u izdanju Belog puta - - - - http://www.beliput.co.yu/index.html
  10. www.mediaportal.ru
  11. Obzen u FLAC varijanti: http://mediaportal.ru/audiocd/46516-meshug...-2008-flac.html
  12. Obzen u FLAC varijanti: http://mediaportal.ru/audiocd/46516-meshug...-2008-flac.html
  13. Deftones snimaju novi album "Eros"!!! DEFTONES will enter a Sacramento, California studio at the end of March with producer Terry Date (SOUNDGARDEN, PANTERA) and engineer Scott Olson (DEFTONES, UNEARTH) to begin recording its sixth studio album, "Eros", tentatively due before the end of the year. Frontman Chino Moreno recently told UK magazine Kerrang! that the songwriting for the CD is coming along much faster than it has in the past. Moreno said, "We've certainly taken our time on the last few records but this one has happened very quickly. We got off tour and took a month off. Then we went into the studio and wrote a lot of music very quickly...The most important thing we had to do was to break our habits and change the way we've done things for the last few years." Moreno explained that the band took much longer to come up with material in the past because "everyone was working separately. We would record our parts and then email them out without actually seeing each other...This time, we were all together and that really helped." The band's last CD, "Saturday Night Wrist", came out in October 2006 and its creation nearly resulted in the band's demise. But Moreno said, "Our working relationship is better than it's ever been before. As a result, everything has improved -- our friendships and our lives. We're all really happy now." As for the direction of the new record, Moreno hinted, "The songs are definitely weird...there's a lot of atmosphere and a lot of soundscaping."
  14. Koja je to pesma? Nema je na EP-u ili je ima? Edit: Sada sam video da ce ta pesma biti na albumu... Edit 2: It seems it will come out at april, by the name "a sense of purpose". there is also a single on the way, the mirror's truth. tracklist: 01. the mirror’s truth 02. disconnected 03. sleepless again 04. alias 05. i’m the highway 06. delight and angers 07. move through me 08. the chosen pessimist 09. sober and irrelevant 10. condemned 11. drenched in fear 12. march to the shore
  15. Odlican EP....bice dobar novi album. Za sada najvise slusam Abnegation, nekako mi se najvise svidja. Nisam cuo prethodnu verziju, bas cu da nadjem pa da vidim. Tilt nije losa. Dobar dobar EP.
  16. Posle duzeg vremena neko je napisao nesto..... To sranje od clanka na google pa Deftones news Lepo bi bilo i Team Sleep da izbace nesto novo....
  17. Svidja mi se ovo novo...bice ekstra ep!!!
  18. Ovde mozete da skinete spot http://rapidshare.com/files/88507095/Prote...-_Bloodmeat.rar
  19. Logicno Hvala kralju!
  20. Zanimljivo ostvarenje. Od ove gomile noviteta ovo i The Mars Volta je prilicno dobro.
  21. Iskreno...ovaj zadnji album i nije metalcore.
  22. Odlican album!!! Jel zna neko nesto vise o nazivu albuma, sta je to obZen....neka informacija, bas me zanima.
  23. Sranje album. Bezveze. Kao zadnji album Trivium-a, nekako mi se cini kao da hoce njih da kopiraju...cak se i slicno oblace na spotovima. Stvarno sam ocekivao vise.
  24. Dobar ovaj zadnji album.
  25. Jeste, u pravu si Pite, ali ima....svedjanke Zanosne plavuse
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