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Vitamin K Experience

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Everything posted by Vitamin K Experience

  1. Trenutno furam Ubuntu. Zašto? Pa zato što sam ga poslednjeg instalirao na mojoj 15GB particiji za zajebanciju. Propišao sam medveda dok nisam naterao X-Fi Music da mi radi.
  2. Stvarno liči na loše modelovanog 3D Mejnarda. Ložiš se na metal omote? Meni je dobar jedino omot za Nothing. Buklet je konza.
  3. WTF evnuh?? Jesu oni to uleteli u neku sektu sa Tool-om? Kapiram da će razjašnjenja geometrijskog položaja njegovog tela prštati netom uskoro.
  4. Nije mi ništa radilo osim megauploada kada sma ovo dizao...
  5. Electric Red procurela na netu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Pa, ako ti je javljeno da imaš tehničkih mogućnosti onda najverovatnije provajder kome si tražio priključak zabušava. Na tvom mestu ja bih poslao zahtev na još nekoliko provajdera, pa ko bude najbrži.
  7. Ja, bogami, nisam uspeo u cugu da odgledam.
  8. Hahah to je onaj snimak sa Exita gde sam poskočio kao svinjče u poslednjoj trećini. Ima ga na YouTube odavno.
  9. Meni su samo panduri smešni. Ako su oni pisali scenario, imaju potencijal da naprave budalaštinu koja bi se meni svidela u celosti. Oni klinci me smaraju...
  10. November 06th, 2007 It is a great pleasure to finally write the words "the CD is done"!!! We have just came back from Germany and we thought to share some words with you that will wrap up our Holy voyage so far to the point of having a finished CD in our hands. What we did basically was uploading Mats Leven vocal lines, doing some final mix adjustments and finally we wrapped up the whole thing by doing the mastering process. Now as we seat and finally have been listening to the totally finished result we can truly say that we could not ask for more then that!!! The final result is truly astonishing and we can't wait to share it with you, our Holy friends all around the world. Surely Mats Leven vocal lines will not be overlooked by us here and we must say that the hard and detailed work he had put into it really took the CD one step to a level of perfection as we hear it! Mats brought a whole new dimension to our music! Art work: We have just received all the finished art work for the CD and it came out truly AMAZING!!! We will unveil the CD cover, title and song list as soon as we start the promotion for the upcoming release. As for a deal with a record label: we hope to bring you some good news regarding that as soon as possible. As we see it, we can look for a release in the next few months in God's will. That's it for now from us, please stay tuned for our next update. KEEP IT HOLY Amaseffer camp
  11. 10/15/07 -BAND ON HOLD INDEFINITELY- During the last few weeks, I have had to face a very difficult reality...as it stands, I can no longer make music. The break to my already damaged right hand has not healed correctly. As of now, I can't play drums at all and I only have a limited ability to play guitar (and I cannot bow at all). Even with surgery, a recovery that would allow me to play well enough to continue the band is not assured. Such a surgery would also require extensive muscle reconstruction and bone resetting and will take an estimated year and a half to 2 years to heal. I have made music for the last 12 years...nearly half my life. I've done The Angelic Process for nearly 9 of those. When I think about who I am without music, I don't really know. Sometimes, something is so much a part of you... But to get to the point, The Angelic Process has been put on hold indefinitely. There is nothing else that can be done about that. We have also managed to sell out of all the copies of all the reissue albums and most of our supply of the other albums. We will no longer be selling Angelic Process merchandise through our website or Decaying Sun site. This may change in the future, but as of right now, we need a break from everything. The stress and amount of energy that have gone into making this decision have left M and I drained and in need of a recovery period. All the orders that have been placed will be filled and everyone will get their order, but no new orders will be excepted from this point on. Any new news or updates about the band will be posted here and on the website. We want to thank everyone for everything. We have met so many amazing people because of the band and our life has been improved so much by those interactions. I so want to name everyone and thank them personally and I'm sure I will in time, but right now I just want to get this post over with. This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. It feels like a part of me is dying. I am sorry to everyone who loves this band as much a we do. I'm sorry to everyone who will never see us play live. I'm sorry to everyone... K.Angylus formally of The Angelic Process
  12. Da. Samo nemoj da napraviš neki lejm rip, nego da svi budemo ponosni na tebe jer je dobar kvalitet.
  13. Yes!!!!!!!!!!! Morgan Ågren Tourbook 1991-2007 DVD will finally be released by Cuneiform Records January 28. It contains various recordings made during a 16-year span, including live and studio recordings featuring Mats/Morgan Band (as a quintet, trio and duo), Fleshquartet, [bOX], The Music of Captain Beefheart, Simon Steensland Kamikaze United, Freddie Wadling, Magma/Vander tribute, Drumkit From Hell sessions, Fredrik Thordendal sessions, etc. Plus lots of solo drums. Total playing time: 1 hour, 47 minutes. The DVD will be released together with a new live CD with Mats/Morgan Band, titled HEAT BEATS LIVE! http://www.morganagren.com/
  14. Evo vam mnogo topli džemperi©. http://umt-music.net/music/devin-townsend-discography/
  15. Iz nekog razloga sam pomislio da je neko postavio isto pitanje kada su zvučali 80% kao Metalika.
  16. Ne znam kako neko ima muda da kaže da Firefox nije pojeo Operu na desktop tržištu posle pojeftinjenja ove druge na $0.
  17. Pošto mi se čini da u poslednje vreme svako otvara temu o svojoj omiljenoj crtanoj seriji, moraću to i ja da učinim, jer sam copy-cat. "American Dad!" vam se posle pregleda glavnih likova može učini običnom i već razgaženom brljom u supermarketu pomija, ali siguran sam da će vas gledanje (skoro pa ) bilo koje epizode razuveriti. Zaplet se vrti oko "tipične" američke porodice: otac CIA agent, majka domaćica, ćerka dovoljno mlada, inteligentna i neiskusna da bi objedinila pojmove nekomformistična/aktivni zaštitnik životne sredine/pacifista/nesebična/pravedna u jednu osobu, sin geek. Radnja je uvek dinamična, nema razvlačenja i iritantnih digresija u stilu Family Guy-a (pisac je verovatno nešto naučio u međuvremenu). Stan Smith je dasa koji rešava sve pištoljem i "čekićem" - IMHO veoma lepo odrađena karikatura konzervativnog čobanizma (ali sa dobrim namerama u srcu). U priču je ubačen i vanzemaljac iz Area 51, koji nema ništa drugo da radi osim da gleda TV po ceo dan i razbija se od alkohola dok se krije na tavanu. Ne smem zaboraviti i Klausa, natzi lika koji se loži na plavuše, ali je nažalost zarobljen u telu ribe pa u crtaću služi kao akvarijumski komentar neutralnog i napaljenog eliminatora Jeverja. To celoj stvari daje poseban šmek. Anyone?
  18. Marcomane, hvalter za PT, baš lep album.
  19. Sad napraviš neki projekat ala Naked City i ovo opušteno staviš u buklet.
  20. Googlamo samo za pare. Šala. Nemam matoru verziju, jebiga.
  21. A ja sam tek pre mesec dana saznao da postoji spot za Stripsearch (koji me oduševio), i zbog toga skinuo celu njihovu video kolekciju.
  22. Nije Windows Blinds. Njega sam koristio u vreme Windows 9x kada nije bilo ovako fancy maski u OS-u bez modovanja shell-a. U pitanju je patchovani uxtheme.dll (da bi 3rd party maske mogle da se instaliraju), i ChaNinja RC3 maska. Na deviant art-u postoji galerija od tog umetnika, a temu možeš da downloaduješ i na još par mesta koja se bave modovanjem Windozeta. Btw, ovo mi je omiljena tema za XP, veoma kratko mi nije bila na kompu od 2002 kada sam je otkrio (čini mi se).
  23. Od kada sam otkrio Foobear skin za Foobar, ne diže mi se ni na jedan drugi plejer.
  24. Ja sam upravo preslušao novi the Ocean za 10 minuta (skip skip skip), i čini mi se da su pokušali da pokradu Močugu, Mastodon i ko zna šta još. Neuspešno. Nemam volju da odvojim sat vremena na ceo album. Fogdiver mi je i dalje omiljen, Aeolian crap crap, ovaj crap crap (zaključio iz neobjektivnog skip skip slušanja).
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