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Vitamin K Experience

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Vitamin K Experience

  1. No, guys, I think you didn't understand my msg
  2. Ejmi oduvek nindža bila je I sa sobom je nosila šurikene i katane. Red je bio da bolji saseče je Izgibe od istog oružja jer nije veštija od mene. Edit: kilnite me gajtanom od miša
  3. Hvala, momci, još jednom ste mi ulepšali dan Recycle.
  4. Imam sreće što nisam urađen, bacio bih peglu zbog morske bolesti u suprotnom. Slušam Ozric Tentacles - Chewier i gledam u ove slike koje se okreću... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @ OoT: Album name: "One lonely tree that enlightened me on a mystic field"?
  5. Misterija, zar ne? Lupi enter još jednom u address bar, čudo će se dogoditi.
  6. U ovom slučaju kupovina 10 ari zemlje se zove "skini sa njihovog sajta".
  7. Kako će jedan moj ortak da padne u depresiju kadad vidi da je Aneke postala majka.
  8. Јеретиче, оваки квалитети с интепуњкциу се ретко виђаху на овијем страницама. Нек ти је прасетине кол'ко ти срце мили.
  9. Holy shit kakav review: As far as surprises of the year are concerned, the new disc from England’s ‘Biomechanical’ will take some beating. Talk about stepping up to another level; fucking hell, these guys have jumped about another three since their 2003 Revolver Records debut ‘Eight Moons’. Don’t worry if you missed that one folks, because the presence of ‘The Empires of the Worlds’ makes that little effort virtually obsolete. This is your classic definition of a ‘breakthrough album’. You want a modern metal album that doesn’t straddle some sort of American Metal/Euro Metalcore song writing ethic? Yep, this is it. And it fucking rips. ‘Biomechanical’ are far from being any sort of groundbreaking metal act. They do have a familiar vibe and sound. Conversely, they could never be accused of riding the coattails of all that has gone before them. Like all good metal bands that have a recognizable sound, the best thing about Biomechanical’s take is they do it so very well - the essential components being a dynamic freshness and vitality. Believe me, ‘Empires…’ jarring metallic crunch has class stamped all over it. The initial impact of ‘Empires..’ is actually somewhat overwhelming. For all of its familiarity, there is a complexity, a progressiveness and a real RUSH of influences that leaves the listener reeling. Noting this, it takes two or three concentrated listening sessions to grasp the full gist of what has been captured here. Still, even after listening to this disc twenty times, Biomechanical never actually let you get comfortable with their approach. And perhaps this is its only major flaw – its impulsiveness. The band is so intent on enveloping the listener in dense layers of riffs and cinematic orchestration that they never actually lock into a riff or groove long enough to really truly connect. Impulsiveness aside, there is no doubt that ‘Empires..’ major strength is its familiarity. Let me mention a few names for you: Pantera; Nevermore; Judas Priest, Queensryche and Strapping Young Lad. Good enough for you? With a complex, chaotic pacing infused into their sound, the combination of these metal luminaries is exactly what ‘Biomechanical’ sound like. Furthermore, they pull it off without favouring one influence over another. ‘Empires..’ is equally Pantera/Nevermore riff inspired as it is vocally (Jon K moving between Anselmo like tones and high pitch Warrel Dane with incredible ease). It is as chaotically spectacular (SYL) as it is progressively inventive (Queensryche circa Operation:Mindcrime). The classic metal feel, the modern thrash approach and its whole orchestration work together seamlessly, providing the listener with one of the more savagely dynamic and musically intelligent releases of the year. If only they’d sit on that riff though… ‘The Empires of the Worlds’ is going to be one of the surprises of the year. Almost out of nowhere, this English quintet has arrived with their own brand of metallic metal that perfectly straddles the divide between classic and modern styling. It is a complex and challenging album that some may find a little convoluted at times. That aside, there is no doubting its superb musicianship and flawless production. As good as this is, it is clear that further developments can be made in their song writing and once they allow themselves to ‘lock’ into a groove and ride with it they’ll become an even more potent act. ‘Empires..’ is a fantastic metal album. I’m betting their next one will be even better. - Krozza
  10. Fotke su do jaja ispale. Fali par komada, ali zato kada se sabere ima preko 30 dobrih. Preko 20MB, pa ako neko 'oće ce-del nek mi javi. Šaljem prve koje su mi pale šaka (slikao sam samo tokom prve dve pesme, pa sam baterije dao OOT-u). Stranci su nam se smejali jer smo bili opremljeni old skul fotoaparatom, zato kvalitetnim fotkama demantujemo njihove podsmehe Fotke sam smanjio, jer su u originalu preko 400kb. 90% evil crew-a: Večiti respekt OOT-u za ovu old sch00l radnju u sred bela dana ispred ulaza u splav. Ovo je bilo tako iskreno da nemam reči: Ceo evil crew: Najgori alkosi na splavu - socijala edišn: Močuga je jebala keve, što se ne da videti iz priloženih fotki (jer ne mo'š da čuješ kako zvuče )
  11. Zašto vam je Scarve bio sranje live? Likovi su otkinuli (mada, jedan od gitarista me nervirao koliko nema pojma). Druga je stvar što niko, očigledno, nije znao ni jednu njihovu pesmu. Inače su dali dovoljno materijala da se lomi.
  12. Slidže ću sutra da objavim, nisam još ranac otvorio Vrat tek sad počeo da me ubija... Inače, Ajša, video sam kad su te slikali oni Mađari - stajao sam pola metra ukoso iza vas tada. Reakcija - "wtf?" Ej, kakav filing vikati SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANEEEEEEEEEEEEE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SAAAAAAANEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  13. @ Ejmi Bilo bi previše perverzno kada bih ti odgovorio "Neću da ti nabijam u facu", zbog čega to neću uraditi.
  14. Publika je bila do jaja, ali uglavnom zato što je bilo dosta ljudi sa strane (bilo je i Šveda ) Ja imam jednu vidljivu ogrebotinu na šaci, podlive na obe butine (ono što sam primetio), ortak me glavom pukao u glavu (ja sam gore prošao). Bol u vratu me lagano prolazi, ali ruke i noge..argh Onakvu atmosferu nisam doživeo do sada. SVI su bili mokri do gole kože (živa voda). Da likovi iz Mešuge i oni sa stejdža nisu bili uviđajni i bacali flaše hladne vode u publiku, mislim da bi se polovina ljudi u prvim redovima onesvestila jer je non stop bila šutka i gurka u opticaju. Poslednjim atomima snage sam odskakako, izgurao i odbengovao Future Breed Mach. Nije mi jasno kako sam stajo na nogama posle koncerta. Gadan date-rape. Poz
  15. E dobro je, ne idemo vozom. Jel neko slušao Amatory, ruski NWOTM bend (iam samo jedan spot)? Mnogo mi se sviđa melodičnost ruskog - još upakovana u malo moderniji saund.
  16. Žene bi danas svirale gitare da je Šekspir bio žena.
  17. А зна се, чим ја пишем с' ћирилицу 'начи да 'е важно! Мар_и_јууу за агро-плејмејт месеца маја!
  18. Луди Кудже, морам да ургирам и с' преко оригиналну агро тему да туриш ову фотонграфију на саит:
  19. Skroz pozitivan momenat, za razliku od gornje poruke:
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