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Vitamin K Experience

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Everything posted by Vitamin K Experience

  1. Alo bre proveravaj pp jednom Ovako: imam to, jedan kratak fajlić od 10-15 sekundi njihovog džema, i intervju sa Jensom iz Mešuge i Benom iz tDEP-a Rekni kad ti odgovara da se susretnemo pa ću ja tebi da reknem da li mogu. Poz
  2. Vi drkajte na taj review, a ja ću na spot Shed kada ga izbace.
  3. Da, kapiram poentu one definicije ali će mi trebati rečnik za par reči Note to myself: moram napraviti screenshot svog nicka kada budem imao 1337 poruka
  4. Pa "sloboda" je apstraktan pojam na čiji konto razni ljudi zarađuju pozamašne sume novca. Ne svi... (neki i ne zarađuju jer se previše lože na idealizam)
  5. Rekla je da ima novi SG ali da ne želi da ga podeli sa ostatkom srpsko-tajvanskog share communitija:
  6. B'ate... Spot mi se vrlo ne sviđa. Sve je šit osim faca koje Devi pravi. Strepinzi prave iste spotove od početka i još nisu uspeli da prejebu fuckin spot za pesmicu S.Y.L.?
  7. We've got a deal!
  8. Važi. Sačekaćeš samo još par dana da skinem još jedan video fajl sa neta (na faxu nisam mogao da skidam ali mislim da ću na poslu moći). Javiću ti kada završim. Za sada imam taj petominutni medley... Poz
  9. We've got a deal!
  10. Da, svirao je sa Zappom i Vaiem na jednom Zappinom albumu. Često sviraju tribute Zappi. I onaj Morganov video snimak Special Defects Medley sa Thordendalom me skoro naterao da se userem u mestu. Koja lakoća sviranja. Tabanje iz zgloba i preletanje preko seta bubnjeva kao dobar dan. Jebem ti...
  11. Znači JEBEM TI SUNCE!! Za sve fanove uvrnute muzike ovo je obavezno štivo! Dokopao sam se nekih semplova i ne mogu da verujem da ovo nisam ranije slušao!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I... WTF? Morgan Ågren je svirao u bendovima koji su dobijali gremi nagrade? Počinjem da verujem da je Britni avantUardna! Često naletim na ovakav ili sličan opis njihove muzike - "progressive fusion/avant-garde band with an amazing drummer" i recenzije u kojima likovi govore da je muzika pretenciozna, "prenatrpana" i slična sranja (ma šta oni znaju?). Ima malo više infoa na http://www.morganagren.com/
  12. Lazo, brate! Imam taj umetnički audio-vizuelni spot + ceo rnićpo (samo za prijatelje i rodbinu!) A ako imaš Mr. Bungle konc iz 1989. koji sam dobio iz Danske i koji je preko Igora došao do Matije pa do ostalih metalera, potraž' nešto drugo u svojo listi pa ponudi! @JAH Pošalji mi pm
  13. Spot od Paris Hilton je vrhunac tog diska što sam ti narezao
  14. Iz Dream Theater Mailing liste: Megadeth and Dream Theater to co-headline GIGANTOUR 2005 For Immediate Release: DAVE MUSTAINE'S 'GIGANTOUR' SET TO LAUNCH IN LATE JULY; DREAM THEATER, FEAR FACTORY, DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN AND NEVERMORE CONFIRMED TO JOIN MEGADETH ON THE MAINSTAGE FOR SIX-WEEK NORTH AMERICAN TREK It's called GIGANTOUR, and it's the brainchild of MEGADETH frontman/guitarist DAVE MUSTAINE. Set to launch in late July, GIGANTOUR is a six-week festival trek co-headlined by MEGADETH and DREAM THEATER, who'll be accompanied by other mainstage acts Fear Factory, Dillinger Escape Plan and Nevermore. Artists for the second stage will be announced in the coming weeks. GIGANTOUR follows MEGADETH's sold-out 2004 "Blackmail The Universe" Tour in support of 2004's THE SYSTEM HAS FAILED-- MEGADETH's tenth studio album--which debuted on the charts at #18 and was critically hailed as a brilliant return to form. Bandmates Glen Drover (guitar), James MacDonough (bass) and Shawn Drover (drums) will once again join MUSTAINE on the road. GIGANTOUR--whose moniker was inspired by the classic 1960's cartoon "Gigantor"--will criss-cross North America, with stops in amphitheatres and arenas in cities including Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Detroit, Toronto, Montreal, Washington, Philadelphia, Boston, Denver and Minneapolis, among others. The tour is implementing the "fan friendly" ticket price of approximately $35 each. MUSTAINE notes: "I think people may want an affordable alternative to the choices out there--along the lines of a pure music festival--like Monsters of Rock or Clash of the Titans." MUSTAINE handpicked the bands for GIGANTOUR, with a focus on musicianship. "There are few very successful tours out each summer and in order to be significant, I knew the first Gigantour had to make an impact with top bands like DREAM THEATER, Fear Factory, Dillinger Escape Plan and Nevermore." MUSTAINE wanted to "put together a festival that consisted of positive bands that play heavy music in a high energy environment." MUSTAINE comments on the other bands he's chosen for the GIGANTOUR mainstage. "I think that the variety of playing styles and the credibility of the different players is really exciting. I'm looking forward to spending time with DREAM THEATER --including my friend Mike Portnoy--while on the road. I think DREAM THEATER is unbelievably talented. I can't wait to see what their set list is going to be for this festival." Mike Portnoy from DREAM THEATER comments on the band's perspective on the tour. "I think we probably bring some diversity to the bill, because we're kind of like chameleons--we can fit into a lot of different situations. We've done shows in the past with Iron Maiden, Slayer and Pantera, and then we've also done shows with Elton John, Yes and Deep Purple. I think our fan base is very diverse like that too." Portnoy sees GIGANTOUR as a "kind of a meeting of musicians and metal-heads." He adds: "I've been listening to MEGADETH since day one and always admired them and Dave as an artist--he's constantly stuck to his guns and stuck by the music he believes in. MEGADETH are one of the pioneers of the genre." GIGANTOUR marks the first U.S. leg of DREAM THEATER dates in support of their forthcoming release OCTAVARIUM, due out June 7 on Atlantic Records. MUSTAINE first toured with Fear Factory in 1994. "I think Fear Factory and Dillinger Escape Plan are really going to add something different to the tour and bring some new people in." He continues, "The frontman of Nevermore [Warrell Dane] used to be in a band called Sanctuary and I produced their first record." MUSTAINE is excited to hit the road and has a positive outlook for GIGANTOUR. "I look forward to watching this develop over the years and seeing how we can turn this into something that's going to stand the test of time. And if this works, and it really works, maybe we'll take it elsewhere." Stay tuned for tour dates, venues and information about the second stage bands to be announced soon.
  15. Nope. 100% gay. Još su i ružni. Pih...
  16. Sviruckaju, piju pivo, idu... gradom Sve u braon tonovima. Baš ono, alkos-artsy...
  17. Jel neko izvalio kako je ogavan spot za pesmu Harvest?
  18. Fuck. Ovaj logo je definitivno vredan javljanja na ovoj spam temi
  19. Može, naravno. Pošalji PP, ostalo je stvar organizacije,
  20. Ok, pripremite neke lepe CDove za razmenu (spotove ili tako nešto, može i mjuz). Osećao bih se iskorišćeno kao kurva kada bih vam narezao a ništa ne uzeo za uzvrat Mala napomena: fale mi 2 spota APC (onaj sa Bikini Bandits i Imagine)
  21. Pa nek te boli dok tražiš tamo od nekog Š lica. Ljudi, jebem vas u glave, pa šalio sam se. To je značilo ako nekome treba, nek javi Veličina je mala: 274MB - svirka traje 40 minuta. Taman da se sprži sa spotovima APC-a na jedan CD. P.S. Smiljka, nisam ja pica Ja sam dobro dete, ja jedem sve (u prevodu: ja sam mali crnac kanibal iz lepe zemlje Zimbabve)
  22. Ja imam video zapis jednog koncerta sa Perfect Angels turneje. Ne dam nikome sa ove stranice teme jer ste pozeri
  23. Lazo, šteta što nisi fudbaler.. i u klonji na stadionu posle tekme. Obrišeš dupe dresom i posle odešda se zameniš sa likom iz protivničkog tima... P.S. Ako imaš neki booklet Nightwisha, i to će da uradi pos'o. Još ćeš se napališ od fancy glatkog papira.
  24. El se meni čini, ili je pesme u ovom piratskom promo izdanju sekao neki paraplegičar? Ako ste i vi zakačili istu kopiju...isečci po minut ipo-tri, pa onda ..nja Nelogično mi je
  25. Ako jeste ja sam obradovan. Ima da im bude najbolja na albumu (osim ako ne useru onako dobru stvar)
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