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Rehabilitovani Bagrem

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Rehabilitovani Bagrem

  1. Summonovacete rogozuba,lakse malo bezboznici!
  2. jel imas spojlere?
  3. eve ramba eve zmaja
  4. Buhu cry me a river!
  5. Nu metal nije mrtav!!!
  6. ko sto ovaj rece uvek majk nikad cester,i nisam tad imao 12 vec 13
  7. Peder is an eventing rider who changed track to show jumping. After winning double gold as a junior at the 1989 European Championships and finishing 14th in the 1992 Olympics, Peder quit eventing in 2000. It’s a decision that he hasn’t regretted. When he was included in the Swedish squad for the 2004 Olympics, Peder was actually picked with a view to the 2008 Games. But the decision was the right one, because much of the credit for the silver medal that the Swedish team brought home from Athens must go to Peder, who also finished fourth in the individual jumping. It was a historic success bearing the signature of artist Peder from Österlen, whose achievements in 2004, including winning the Modena Grand Prix in Italy, catapulted him up the world rankings and into the world’s top 100 riders. In 2005 Peder was the best Swedish rider at the European Championships in Italy, finishing 15th on his top horse H&M Magic Bengtsson. In 2006 Peder won the Wierden Grand Prix on H&M Lavito. Peder’s aim is to become established in the world’s top echelon of show jumpers. Peder Fredricson has been working with H&M since 2003. A fellow member of the Swedish national team and Olympic medallist, Malin Baryard-Johnsson, has been involved in Team H&M since 1996. Peder and Malin are painstaking and single-minded in their pursuit of excellence. As such they are two superb role models for their fans all over the world in the only Olympic sport in which men and women compete on equal terms. http://www.hm.com/us/abouthm/hmsponsors/pederfredricson/aboutpeder__pederabout.nhtml
  8. Koji carevi,odslusah intervju sa Rambo Amadeusom pre desetak godina i neki skoriji sa zmajem od sipova koji prica sa njima iz kafane.Ovi u kafani prave buku pa ih sve otera u picku materinu i najebe im se majke nekulturne usred emisije
  9. VoivodBG nece preslusa album
  10. De,de...Naucice do smrti da osviraju makar prvu strofu,a refren u sledecoj reinkarnaciji...
  11. Kad je snimano,tracklista i to???
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgfQNLcXcPA&feature=related
  13. Lik je valjda iz RS pa to objasnjava zasto nema tog paketa u Srbiji
  14. Nisam gledao taj film,vredi li cemu?
  15. Bese smo te ucili i ko je Dzej? Evo mirinog hita,uzivaj http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sU5Kd9dhFw&feature=related
  16. A japanci cega oslovljavaju mista PEDERsen san!
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ulJHxxGiWg&feature=related
  18. a imas i norveske,nama je poznat ovaj http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rune_Pedersen
  19. Pa to,manje vise isto,tek sad provalih da ima istu njusko moj pas kao staford samo je lepsi
  20. Prvi put vidim psa kod nas sa brnjicom,respekt za to,ne volim tu rasu ali sladak je.Jel to pit jel tako?
  21. Drzim te za uvo!!!
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