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Everything posted by vladream

  1. mislim da je covek mislio da upadnu sa Helloweenom, ne Avantasiom
  2. znaci Ween u sredu i u petak, koji tezgarosi
  3. hteo sam i tu da kazem, ali posto vidim da je Empire uzasno nepopularan ovde, suzdrzao sam se elem, sto se tice ove rasprave oko albuma, to je kao sto ja ne mogu da shvatim da neko "normalan" navija za Zvezdu, nimalo drugacije
  4. dobar je Edi, Jet City Woman, kakav ton
  5. metalstorm.ee Vocalist Gus Monsanto has posted the following announcement on his myspace page: Brazilian singer/guitarist/songwriter Gus Monsanto has parted ways with French prog-metal band Adagio after four years of hard work, which included a successful album and a European tour. "We parted ways friendly. It has been an overwhelming experience to fill David Readman's shoes and I will take with me the great people I met on the road, the friends I made during this period, the countries I have visited. The road stories and great music I made with Stephan, Franck, Eric and Kevin will not be forgotten. They will carry on as the archangels in black they are, as all of us are Metal Commandos," Monsanto said. Gus' departure from Adagio will allow him to focus in other hard rock and heavy metal projects. "There's a lot on my plate right now. June 08th will see the release of "The Lightseekers" CD, which is a really great French hard rock band I have been working with. I also have a spankin' new project called Zyon Vega, with fellow Aquaria members Bruno Agra (drums), Fernando Giovanetti (bass) and Alberto Kury (keyboards), plus Atlantida's guitarist, Alexandre Macedo, who's been pursuing this new chapter with me," Monsanto said. Samples of Gus' latest efforts are available at this location In other news, Gus is in advanced talks to join a well-known U.S. hard rock band replacing a world famous vocalist. "I cannot tell the name of the band or anything else right now but I will disclose details as talks progress," Gus said. Finally, Gus Monsanto is in the final stages of his first experience as a producer, with Brazilian metal band Skyrion, whose album is due out shortly. nemam razloga da izmisljam
  6. sjajan album! puna podrska
  7. Pevac Adagia nije vise u bendu, da li to utice na njihov dolazak?
  8. krajnje realan i down-to-earth lineup
  9. udovoljite mu, danas mu je rodjendan
  10. Hearts burst into fire, spot, http://rapidshare.com/files/105794425/bull...4-2008-mv4u.mkv
  11. da bre, srecan rodj, druze
  12. subota, 12.april, Street Fighter, Smederevo, Forever Storm & Alek, ulaz:100 din
  13. vidis, meni je empire bolji od mindcrimea, ukusi su razliciti
  14. jok more, Bukurest
  15. naravno da necu
  16. a vi se sa Poljuda necete vratiti, pa smo na istom
  17. gospodin covek
  18. ccc
  19. imas pivo od mene za ovo
  20. ma kome ti ustogljeni, jeli bre
  21. nije stvar u ljubavi, nego u tome gde su bolji muzicari
  22. alo bre! ne snimam ja pevanje (hvala bogu na tome)
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