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Everything posted by WS

  1. Divno, biće verovatno podjednako dostupan koliko je svojevremeno to bio album Amon Dina.
  2. Mislim da to nije obrada.
  3. WS


    Nema veze, dovoljno su odsvirali. Po stepenu intuitivne interakcije ne može da im priđe nijedan gitarski tandem.
  4. Ako smem da primetim, sve što sam pročitao od dotičnog, a pročitao sam dosta, bilo je teško đubre.
  5. Vaistinu, vala, Gary je dolazio i odlazio ali zna se "who has put the 'thin' in Thin Lizzy". Hehehe... 'Šećerko'... it's funny because I don't know him.
  6. Ok, rekao si šta si imao. Zajebi cinizam.
  7. Ok, onda, valjda smo sad sve razjasnili.
  8. Glupost, zato što se ti ne slažeš sa tim, ili imaš neki jači argument? Vidi, čini mi se da sam pročitao da ti voliš baš taj period Flamesa koji ja najmanje volim, to mi ne smeta, čak i ako je većina na tvojoj strani, a jeste - većini ljudi je to vrh In Flames diskografije. Ok, poštujem. Samo, malo probaj da obrazložiš to što govoriš, a ne ovako samo "glupost" i gotova priča. Ja sam rekao zašto mi se ti albumi ne sviđaju, čini mi se baš na IF temi - stagnacija, ponavljanje, dosada.
  9. Kent zna šta priča. Tranquillity se kreće putanjom predvidljivosti kojom su išli Flamesi negde od Black-Ash Inheritance do Rerouta. Šteta, uvek ću više voleti Gallery od Jestera, ali Friden i co. su se bar malo izvukli iz učmalosti, dok DT izgleda upada u nju. Videćemo šta će biti.
  10. 1. Lunar Strain 2. Jester Race 3. Soundtrack To Your Escape "Reroute to Remain" nisam čuo, ostalo je ok, ali dozlaboga predvidljivo, a prednjači "Colony" koji je verovatno najdosadniji IF album ikada.
  11. WS

    Pearl Jam

    Jel' video neko ovo? Na REM mi se nešto ne ide, ali ako čujem da su svirali PJ ispred njih ima da se osakatim. Mada, zaista, teško da će se to desiti. Nervira me to što su svi dobri koncerti na NBG-u. Ne možeš ko čovek da se vratiš kući.
  12. Ja vučem ujakov Black Rose LP otkako sam ga našao zaboravljenog na nekoj polici, ali nikada nisam imao priliku da ga preslušam. Treba da vidite onaj omot na LP formatu... Inače, pun naziv albuma je "Black Rose, A Rock Legend", dok na poleđini piše ovako: "Róisin Dubh, Finscéal Cnoc".
  13. WS

    Pearl Jam

    hvala pearLgirL
  14. WS


    THE 500TH EMAIL* ABOUT DOOM III * Not really, but there were a hundred or more that I printed, crumpled into balls and then randomly picked one from a paper bag. Here is the winner: "Is Doom III’s theme song composed by Tool? I heard rumors about it a while back but after hearing this song I’m even more uncertain. It sounds like it very well could be a Tool track yet I’m still very skeptical. I’ve tried searching for credits and I’ve checked Doom’s website and I still haven’t found any info about it. Hopefully you can help me." The answer is that the makers of Doom III approached Adam Jones, not Tool, to see if he’d be interested in composing the theme song. Due to contractual differences involving legal issues, Adam decided against it. Personally, I have not heard the music (who has the time, what with printing and crumpling all those emails to select a wiiner), but because of the many letters I’ve received from people wondering if it is in fact Tool, perhaps, as many emailers have suggested, the Doom III people found someone with the ability to sound similar to Adam, or the band Tool to compose the music. That or it’s just wishful thinking on the part of some Tool fans after seeing all the rumors on the NET claiming that a source close to the band had all but confirmed that either Adam or the band, itself, would be composing the theme song. So, we can put this one to bed. And speaking of beds…
  15. Izvini, neću da kenjam kako se razumem u punk, ali zar je to oldschool?
  16. WS


    http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&t...gmazefek4gf5~T1 The System Has Failed marks a return from the dead for Megadeth — and quite a glorious return, it must be said. When bandleader Dave Mustaine was diagnosed in early 2002 with radial neuropathy — strained nerves in his left arm and hand — the snarling guitar shredder was forced to disband his once groundbreaking group after nearly two decades of activity. Granted, it wasn't that big of a loss at the time, chiefly so because Megadeth had long passed its prime. The band's key recordings date back to the speed metal era, from 1986 (the year of Peace Sells, Reign in Blood, and Master of Puppets) to 1992 (the year Megadeth, like Metallica a year earlier, made a distinct, more commercial shift, releasing Countdown to Extinction — to the dismay of many longtime fans). Following Countdown, Megadeth struggled. The band continued to release albums, but they weren't well received and, very sadly, one of metal's once pre-eminent acts became a bitter has-been. So Mustaine's injury and subsequent disbanding of Megadeth didn't seem all that unfortunate at the time — it seemed overdue, some would argue. Then in 2004, shortly after an exemplary reissue campaign, Mustaine resurrected Megadeth for The System Has Failed. And frankly, the band hasn't sounded this vital since Countdown to Extinction, if not Rust in Peace (to risk overstating just how much of a return to glory this album is). Mustaine is joined on guitar by Chris Poland, the very talented guitarist whom he'd fired after the masterful Peace Sells album back in the day. It's a surprise return, and no doubt a very exciting one for fans of Peace Sells (note the shred-fest "Kick the Chair" in particular). That re-pairing of Mustaine and Poland alone makes The System Has Failed worthwhile, but there are also the songs themselves. Put simply, they're ferocious! No, this isn't a good old-fashioned thrash album, but you can tell Mustaine is going for that vibe, especially on songs like "Back in the Day," one in particular that should give dyed-in-the-wool headbangers a giddy sense of déjà vu. The System Has Failed is actually more of a synthesis, taking the reckless abandon of pre-Countdown Megadeth and infusing it with the melodic songwriting of latter-day diamonds in the rough like "Symphony of Destruction" and "A Tout le Monde." Add to this some especially thoughtful lyrics (archly political, nakedly personal, and shamelessly mature), and you have the recipe for an excellent, damn near perfect Megadeth album, up there with Peace Sells, Rust in Peace, and Countdown — as unlikely as that may seem. Regardless of where The System Has Failed ranks alongside Megadeth's other standout albums, however, it most certainly blows away practically every other aboveground metal album of 2004. No joke. This is the sort of latter-day masterpiece Metallica struggled in vain for a decade-plus to record to no avail. by Jason Birchmeier Zvanično je!
  17. WS

    Pearl Jam

    Ljudi, treba mi tracklist za onu piratsku kompilaciju 'Spin the Pearly Hits', ako neko može da pomogne...
  18. Ovih dana mi se samo vrti neki punk i srodne stvari. Nabavljam gramofon i zamišljam kako držim u rukama originalni London Calling vinil sa neobeleženom Train In Vain.
  19. WS


    Nemoj biti ni glup ni naivan. Znam i ja šta znači biti fan, poznajem i ja svaku Megadeth pesmu u dušu, pa opet, znam da postavim granicu. Mustaine je neosporno najbitniji član Megadetha, ali koliko god da je ljudi prošlo kroz postavu, nijedan od njih nije nebitan i ’potošiv’ (expendable), a najmanje je to Ellefson. Njih dvojica su prijatelji 20 godina, svoje sukobe će rešiti ili neće, ali to nije ni tvoja ni moja stvar, niti mi znamo dovoljno činjenica da bi držali stranu jednom ili drugom. To što Dave pljuje po Ellefsonu preko štampe i Internet foruma, ne znači mi ama baš ništa, imajući u vidu prirodu i ton Dave-ovih izjava u proteklih, recimo 5 godina koje su pune nedoslednosti i nesuvislih momenata. Ne zaboravi da Dave ume da bude, uz svu svoju inteligenciju i talenat, jedno blebetalo kome je jezik vrlo često brži od pameti. Seti se njegovih izjava o Polandu i reci mi da si ikada mogao da pretpostaviš da će njih dvojica ponovo raditi zajedno. Ko zna zašto Ellefson još nije ništa rekao, ali smešno je da njegovu ćutnju odmah tumačiš kao dokaz neke ’krivice’. Jedna stvar jeste sigurna – ne oseća se da fali Ellefson na novom albumu, ali to manje govori o njemu, a više o ulozi i položaju samog benda u današnjoj muzičkoj klimi (pričamo rock/metal sceni). Megadeth jednostavno više nije konkurentan bend, ne mogu oni više ništa da promene na sceni, sa Ellefonom ili bez njega. Dave još uvek ume da napravi dobru pesmu, ali sada to više spada u domen zanata. Zna se kada je Megadeth bio originalan, svež i uticajan bend. Sada je album kalibra TSHF sasvim zadovoljavajući, bilo bi potpuno bezočno tražiti nešto više od benda koji iza sebe ima 20 godina rada, ali ne možeš se zavaravati – idejno je potpuno bled u odnosu na prvih šest izdanja.
  20. Bret Iston Elis, "Američki psiho"
  21. WS


    Al' ste svi brzo poverovali sve sto vam je Dave napricao za Juniora.
  22. Hehe, evo upravo slusam Loco live od Ramonesa u procesu ciscenja kompa od nepotrebne muzike, mada mislim da cu ovo zadrzati. Inace, Clash, Misfits i Megadeth obrade Pistolsa. Inace, moj najbolji drug je imao ceo Never mind the bollocks na kaseti... 'Pa sta si radio s njim?' 'Nemam pojma.' E da, Minutemen i Black Flag.
  23. WS

    Black Sabbath

    Baš sam utvrdio da nikako ne volim Sabbath sa Diom.
  24. Ja bih cak rekao jedna od najboljih 12 pesama sa Appetite.
  25. Trebalo bi da ima tema, tj. znam da je bila, samo je mozda u medjuvremenu izbrisana. Dragon's Kiss zakon, o Megadeth albumima da ne pricam. Trebao bih cuti i ostale solo albume, ali nikako da ih nabavim. Omiljene solo stvari Forbidden City, Jewel (oh, yeah, baby ), Evil Thrill. Jedino produkcija smeta na DK.
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