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A ti, dakle, ne volis Vivu? Onda najbolje neka nabavi sve i krene redom. Tako je najbolje upoznati bilo koji bend.
Ma ja ni ne uopredjujem sa starim albumima, ti stariji, sve do biter suites ili kako vec, su mi dobri i imam ih u kolekciji jos uvek. Sve nakon togan isam cuo, sve do sad, pa mi je ok, ne znam kako ovo zvuci nekom ko ih redovno prati.
Ma da, napisali su da izgleda kao da je ostavio nekakve tajne projekte nasoj vladi na pomoc, putovanje kroz crne rupe, tajna oruzja tipa energetska kugla koja probija sve, energetski stitovi duz cele granice drzave i sl.
Iz muzike izbija zlo u svakoj sekundi, ono seduktivno i mracno.. drago mi je da sam skinuo ovaj album, nisam slusao CoF godinama i sada mi bas lezi.
Kasno ovaj savet stize, kad sam izgubio SVE sto sam skupljao godinama.. nikada to necu prezaliti. Citajuci za kompom uopste nije isto..nije to TO.
Zanimljivo ono za nauku - samo jos da provalimo to i to i gotovo. Nema dalje. Jos uvek ne kontam zasto svi moraju da suprotstavljaju nauku i religiju? U sustini, svi koji veruju u neku vrstu supersile, Boga ili bogove, univerzum kao apsolutno bice itd. su na dobrom tragu. Moze se spoznati bog na vise nacina, pa i razmisljanjem - tako ja mislim, ne samo meditacijom, molitvom, zivljenjem po odredjenoj dogmi i sl. Sve sto nas um dovede u jedno vise stanje gde mozemo intuitivno da osetimo prisustvo boga i shvatimo delic ove slagalice. Taj osecaj je neopisiv, jer reci mogu da opisu samo ono sto je zemaljsko. Mozda muzika, kao vise sredstvo izrazavanja.. Sve u svemu, pratim ovu temu i uzivam..
Ja cu poceti sa 3 Transatlantic epica - All of the Above, Stranger In Your Soul i Duel With the Devil. To su meni verovatno 3 najomiljenije pesme svih vremena i slusam ih svakodnevno vec godinama.. a tu cu spomenuti i tekstove, sve 3 pesme imaju fenomenalne tekstove koje svako moze videti i interpretirati na svoj nacin. Mene ti tekstovi pogadjaju u centar, sto se kaze. To su neke licne teme, untrasnja borba, promena osecanja.. recimo All of the Above u kojoj se smenjuje vise tema, leto - jesen a koje prate odredjena osecanja - nostalgija, depresija, samoca, pa onda ljubav i nada.. svaki put kada je slusam osecam se neverovatno, pesma me bukvalno pokrene i da mi snagu. A tu je dakle i Stranger.. za koju mogu da kazem sve isto. Dalje, volim od The Flower Kings Stardust We Are, neverovatna pesma. Monsters and Man takodje.. od Neal Morse definitivno The Creation i Seperated Man sa One albuma. Sam vrhunac muzike po meni. Neverovatna svirka a i tekstovi, koji iako su cisto hriscanski, dovoljno su kvalitetni da se mogu slusati i na drugacijem nivou, tj. neko ne mora biti hriscanin da bi uzivao u njima i pronasao nesto pametno, mogu se tumaciti generalno kao o coveku koji se udaljio od duhovnosti. Meni se svidja i to mi je jedino vazno.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaeHI3B7XYM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KtAdmqkit0
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HMl81zRp4E http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umETv9oqGSI&feature=related Klasa. Moj omiljeni bend, 15,219 puta odslusano za sada, tako kaze last fm.
E tako se to radi, svaka cast na masnoj kupovini. I ja cu uskoro, vrlo uskoro da pazarim dosta toga..
Pitanje za sve progere- vasa omiljene epic pesme, dakle pesme od preko 20 minuta, sto je cesto u ovoj muzici i ja samo to priznajem za pravi prog? Salim se malo za ovo zadnje, ali mislim da je ova tema dosadna ljudima jer nema diskusija, vec samo postavljanje linkova za download, to pozdravljam, naravno, ali nedostaje meso ovoj temi.
U iscekivanju boljih dana na ovom podforumu kada ce teme biti odobrene na vreme i mozda biti otvoren zasebac cist neo/folk/pagan forum, jedan lep video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqjYOasI6YI
Najbolji filmski soundtrack
Novaliis replied to Girl with dangerous powers's topic in Ostala ne-metal muzika
Fenomenalno, mislim da si vec postovao na forumu ovaj snimak jer se secam da sam ga vec video.. -
Bila bi velika steta jer je on legenda, izuzetan glumac. Gledao sam njegov video u kojem radi interpretaciju poznatih licnosti, genijalan je.
Bram Stoker's Dracula je jedan od najboljih filmova svih vremena. Od kako sam ga skinuo nedavno, gledam ga makar jednom nedeljno. Znam film od ranije naravno, ali tek sad mi se poceo jako svidjati..
Naravno, poljaci su i tu najbrojniji.. izgleda da su odlucili da zauzmu svet.
Gnomes and Giants (Vättar och Jättar) Traces are seen run on the icelake's floes Now the gnomes proceeds forth in gentle chamber Familyspirits marches on frozen, narrow channels To, as from the saga, shall serve the northern people The district they bless against mountaingiants might Swordletters, they whispers, they are on guard As dreamy figures, around corners they whirl In the wintersharp snowfall with yardlike chores During the day they slumber in frostgilded slab They carry the magic source towards giants' journeyman Which in yearning trips fulminate with soulslaying roar It's tounge, it's echoing scream are led by wind from the North Stand up all gnomes! From the mountainhills castle So from snow, life is conjured, where ice ages reigned Incantation songs are mumbled as defense for people and animals A wildly furious crowd of female trolls fights against invisible wall Chorus: In berserk They hurl boulders against the village To silence the protecting song A fight between gnomes and the giants of the primordial mountain Chorus: In berserk They hurl boulders against the village To silence the protecting song I evo objasnjenja na pitanje koje sma postavio ranije, pronasao sam odlican sajt koji objasnjava mnogo toga vezanog za Otyg. The Devil And The End After "Sagovindars Boning", the band went quiet for some time, but at last broke the silence with the news that Vintersorg was planning to write a sort of concept album, simply entitled "Djävulen" ("The Devil") and it would focus on how the Devil was viewed from different angles during different eras of Scandinavian history. But sadly, the Devil was nowhere to be found and in March 2002, Vintersorg and Mattias announced the dreadful truth that they had lost all current enthusiasm for Otyg and instead of recording a half-hearted album, they decided to put the band to sleep. Vintersorg has stated that Otyg simply is on hold and that the band might eventually do a new recording in the future if the time is right. After The End What's been going on since 2002 then? First and foremost, the spirit of Otyg have been kept alive by a couple of enthusiastic fans gathering and talking on the Official Vintersorg Forum. Fellow Dutch forum- guy Zwendelaer have not only added three live-videos from Otyg's last concert ever on his YouTube-page - he also provided the entire forum with audio from the same concert. Together with the artwork of [sorry, I forgot your name man ], this resulted in the Otyg bootleg "Live In Asten-Heusden" album. Not only is the album a display of the musical wonders of Otyg, it also features the never-released track "Gastkramad" ("Ghosthugged") which was intended to be on "Djävulen". Also in 2008, Napalm Records released the two full-length's in a 2-CD package, which sadly doesen't have any new artwork or photos. And this is were we are today...
Evo par prevoda.. The Trollcastle (Trollslottet) Of obscure path in many mile-woods is told in the mountaintale A scrubby trail which are flanked by female trolls that has been turned to stone In the work of brances of winds' anxiety, desolate complaining is heard What lurks beyond the next bend, beyond fen-firelight? Your fear is greater than to become predatory food When you trample the pathway in a mysterious labyrinth In coiling, struggling walk, an endless thrall-toil Through the kettlevalley's depth, up towards high peak At it's end the immense shadow gladdens human eye Tempts trollishly in the evening-tow, with castlelike silhouette With drawbridge over moat, the towers shines high As from a beacon, the strong lightplay have dressed the triumphal arch A --- kingdom, in the wide coats of the clouds Down below the midnight blaze's court is seen wandering Heavy steps up the ancient templestairs of the mountain When farmhand-sun goes high in the sky, they praise the night's recess Chorus: In the trollcastle The trollcastle, abode of the storywinds The trollcastle The trollcastle The shadows' runepoem from this cluster A bleak hymn of ore-tone voices from pagan vaults The horrible primeval trolls in northern idiom now sings For this ancient form's entities, the mountain itself quakes As prey in stonelaid realm, supiciously you are watched The reversed images in sight, even your words And never shall you be pardoned from the claws of the ancient castle Because you were treated to the magic forgetful potion at the troll-king's table Chorus: In the trollcastle The trollcastle, abode of the storywinds The trollcastle The trollcastle Seasons (Årstider) Summer: Now it flutes around the needle-works' bushy mane In lichen-accrued branches in pines and spruce Resin-streams dashes forth in barkfurrows bank And moss wreaths the root of the stem Autumn: The storm´s spiritvoices through the red leafhall Where dwarf-birches flames in the autumnal glow The combat-greedy deity brings the summer distress Fallen leaves dances in the wind Chorus: In delightful folk costume By time of four powers Where the slab lies runed Of poets, greatest is the north And it's never insulted A royal completion Winter: Frost has throned mountainworld and embedded the land in snow Crystallic ice-desert along it's bank The harsh winter cold stifles like a robber baron's hand The blood freezes, for it slays Spring: The cold loosens it's noose around lake and agriculture The bitter wolfweather is turned The rays of the sun has re-kindled the ground's lustre Around creeks the watersmoke hollers Chorus: In delightful folk costume By time of four powers Where the slab lies runed Of poets, greatest is the north And it's never insulted A royal completion
U iscekivanju novog albuma, evo linka gde se mogu skinuti rare instrumentals i neki live snimci. http://www.skald.se/trollskogen/downloads.html