Mislim da razvijaju neke alternativne nacine za brzo putovanje svemirom.. u svakom slucaju, moracemo, ako zelimo da razvijemo kolonije u budocnosti a samo tako cemo preziveti.
Mogao bi The stone da je iskoristi.
'When I was a boy'
When I was a boy
A god often rescued me
From the shouts and the rods of men
And I played among trees and flowers
Secure in their kindness
And the breezes of heaven
Were playing there too.
And as you delight
The hearts of plants
When they stretch towards you
With little strength
So you delighted the heart in me
Father Helios, and like Endymion
I was your favourite,
Moon. 0 all
You friendly
And faithful gods
I wish you could know
How my soul has loved you.
Even though when I called to you then
It was not yet with names, and you
Never named me as people do
As though they knew one another
I knew you better
Than I have ever known them.
I understood the stillness above the sky
But never the words of men.
Trees were my teachers
Melodious trees
And I learned to love
Among flowers.
I grew up in the arms of the gods.
Druidry is to become the first pagan practice to be given official recognition as a religion
The Charity Commission has accepted that druids' worship of natural spirits could be seen as religious activity.
The Druid Network's charitable status entitles it to tax breaks, but the organisation says it does not earn enough to benefit from this.
The commission says the network's work in promoting druidry as a religion is in the public interest.
The move comes thousands of years after the first druids worshipped in Britain.
Jedan Sokrat je morao biti ubiven..
Inace, dobro pisanje u vezi daemon-a, malo poznata cinjenica danas. Slazem se, ja bih voleo da razgovaram najvise sa Orfejem i Hesiodom, jer su, kazu, bili adepti u tajnama okultizma.