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Everything posted by Novaliis

  1. Citao sam negde o tome, zaboravih gde, i na kraju diskusije je receno da to nije on. Ali ko zna..
  2. Sad cu i ja da skinem album, preslusam jednom i verovatno nakon toga obrnem Belus ili stari Drudkh, cisto da sperem neprijatan ukus.
  3. Jel ima objasnjenja za naziv albuma i istoimenu pesme?
  4. On bas i nije imao neki osecaj za pravdu.
  5. Koliko znam, nema nista na srpskom, osim neke velike knjige sa dosta slika, mislim da se zove Mitologije Sveta, a to nije dovoljno za nekog ko zeli ozbiljnije da proucava nordijsku mitologiju. Ali ima knjiga na engleskom, ako to nije problem.. a i na netu ima informacija o svemu.
  6. U poslednje vreme zanimam se sve vise za raniju istoriju Skandinavije. Pre vikinsko doba, bronzano doba, pre rimsko i rimsko doba.. posebno jer se dosta malo zna o zivotu na tim prostorima u to vreme.
  7. Ima 10-15 tema jer postoji jedna jedina random prog rock diskusija na power & prog forumu u kojoj se govori o 100 bendova, novim albumima i sl. i zbog toga je sve zbrkano i haoticno. Ima ljudi koji su rekli da zbog toga ne postuju tamo, ali bi postovali kada bi postojao podforum. Tako da, kada bi se otvorio podforum, tada bi se otvarale mnoge druge teme. Pored toga, ima odredjen broj velikih bendova koji bi privukli vise ljudi, koji mozda i nisu striktno prog rock fanovi - Pink Floyd, Genesis, Porcupine Tree, Rush, Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Yes.. a svi oni pripadaju tamo. Mislim da bi takodje tamo pripadali psychodelic rock bendovi, taj zanr je usko povezan sa progom. Tako da, ja ne brinem o broju tema, dovoljno je bendova, sto starijih, sto novijih, dovoljno je razlicitih pokreta unutar zanra za dosta kvalitetnih diskusija na podforumu. A vremenom bi podforum dobijao na popularnosti, vise ljudi bi dolazilo i proverilo o cemu je rec i time bi prog rock postajao popularniji kod nas, a zaslusuje da bude. Prog rock je inace u velikoj ekspanziji, posebno od 2000. pa na ovamo, bas zbog bendova kao sto su Spock's Beard, Transatlantic, Marillion, Porcupine Tree.. Mislim, ja samo predlazem ono sto mi je palo na pamet. Za dobrobit foruma. Znam da je to dug i komplikovan proces i da ne zavisi toliko od vas moderatora. Prog rock je veliki i znacajan podzanr i ljudi koji posecuju ovaj podforum uglavnom su rokeri i hard rokeri, i ne slusaju prog uopste. Samo sam mislio da bi yum bio pregledniji tako.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9c8an2XZ3MU I uvek kada ga slusam na pamet mi padne komicar Bil Hiks. Nekako idu zajedno. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vX1CvW38cHA Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather
  9. Kultna slika.
  10. Novaliis


    Da li ti ljudi koji gledaju tamo znaju da je sve namesteno ili ne? Ja se stvarno pitam.. jer ako znaju onda ok, malo paljevine na glumu i akciju moze da se podnese, ali ako veruju da je sve stvarno i da se ovi likovi biju tako butalno medjusobno non stop, onda su nevidjeni retardi.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUaFD4JFU8c&feature=related 0:32 wtf
  12. Jedva cekam da cujem tu muziku sa klavir i orkestar od Rudesa. Jel se zna kada ce biti gotovo?
  13. Ovde mozemo diskutovati o raznim neobicnim pojavama sirom sveta, od kojih su neke manje a neke vise poznate i koje se granice sa znanjima danasnje nauke. Jeti, Bigfut, cudne i retke zivotinje, Kriptozologija, duhovi... Neki od ovih slucajeva su puka fantazija i ocigledne lazi, drugi su daleko ozbiljniji i traze objasnjenje zvanicne nauke. Evo krenucu sa pricom o Zani, tajenstvenom stvorenju, tkz. divljoj zeni. Dosta je tekstova na internetu o ovom dogadjaju koji se dogodio 1850. godine. She was given the name Zana by Russian researchers after she was captured naked and living in the wilderness by hunters in the Ochamchir region of Georgia in the year 1850. From all accounts, she was the closest thing to a live, captured version of a Bigfoot creature on record. Some thought she might have been a throwback to the Neanderthal. Zana was described as something between a human and an ape. She showed some degree of intelligence after some time in captivity, although she never developed the ability to speak or adopt social skills. Some said she was capable of doing hard labor such as grinding grain and farm work, but little more. Even though she lived at a time when cameras were around, we could find no surviving photographs of either Zana, or any of the four children she reportedly bore following her capture. The children were sired by various unidentified males, and were said to have been relatively normal humans even though they all possessed some of the physical characteristics of their mother. Her general description was that she was a large hairy humanoid with thick arms, legs and fingers, a “massive bosom” and large hips. Her skin was black or a dark gray in color, and the hair on her body was a reddish-black. She could splay the toes on her feet. Her face was broad, with high cheekbones, a flat broad nose with turned-out nostrils, a muzzle-like jaw, wide mouth and large teeth. She had a low forehead and her eyes were a reddish tinge. It was said that at the time of her capture, Zana was a wild creature. After being brought into captivity, she had to be kept caged for the first few years until her behavior became mellowed and she could be taught to perform domestic tasks and behave herself to some degree while in society. Among her biggest problems, however, was an unwillingness to wear clothing. Zana lived as a nude and hairy beast in the wild, and throughout her life in human society, they said she resisted having to be dressed. That Zana existed appears to be well established. She was not a native myth. Her two sons and two daughters, and their offspring, many of whom still live in Russia, attest to this. The problem for historians and anthropologists has been just what was she, and from where did she spring? That she could have human children after copulating with humans proved that she was not an animal. Some suggested that she may have been a genetic throwback to the Neanderthal, a humanoid that some believe cross bred with the homo sapiens, which was the reason they went extinct. Another theory was that Zana was a deformed baby who was left in the wilderness by her mother and somehow survived to be a feral creature at the time of her capture. Russian zoologist Alexander Mashkovtsev suggested that Zana was a relict hominoid called Abnauayu, a legendary “Wildman of the forest” said to live in certain areas of the Caucasus Mountains. These creatures have reportedly been observed, and even captured more than once. A Russian doctor, V. S. Karapetian, reportedly examined a Abnauayu in 1941 which was described as a hairy human like creature that was incapable of speech and harbored lice. Are they proof of the mythological “Bigfoot” monster? If Mashkovtsev is correct, Zana thus became the most known Abnauayu to have ever been captured and brought into human captivity. Detaljnije ovde: http://www.bigfootencounters.com/articles/zana.htm
  14. Pre par dana sam kupio Karen Armstrong - Buddha (2001) i Lobsang Rampa - Ti Zauvek. Zanimljive knjizice koje se procitaju za dan-dva. U prvoj je sazeto i lepo napisano o zivotu Sidarte Gautame a u drugoj se prica o magicnom svetu istoka, duhovnoj strukturi coveka i duhovnoj spoznaji.
  15. Evo jos nekih Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Leonidas I Egill Skallagrímsson Menes
  16. Novaliis


    Za nas retke koji nemamo fejsbuk, jel moze neki drugi link?
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eB_EKGAEqbI http://www.last.fm/music/allseits Sjajan drone dark ambient iz Nemacke. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEJXjxl-Yug Inade, preporucujem album Incarnation Of The Solar Architects http://www.last.fm/music/Inade
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wAp9b9UEsE Jedna od mojih omiljenih pesama..super izvedeno. Svidja mi se progres od mirnog pocetka ka eksplozivnom kraju, prelepo. Zapravo, sto vise slusam The Flower Kings sve vise mi se svidjaju. Hasse Fröberg ima super glas.
  19. Moralfags, evo vam ga na
  20. Ne znam zbog cega toliko omladine vidi ce gevaru kao nekog idola. Tip je bio obican smrdljivko i toliko toga je napumpano oko njega. http://listverse.com/2009/05/24/top-10-things-you-didnt-know-about-che-guevara/
  21. O da, film je pravi trip.. posebno kraj.
  22. Ekstra. Svidja mi se i cover..
  23. Nije sigurno.
  24. Nightbreed, interensatan film. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0100260/
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